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New pay points on French Aires


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Hi Guys, has anybody had any experience of the New Card Payment system at some French Aires.

I'll tell you mine, we recently returned from a visit to Spain & France, on the way down we stopped at the aire at Leucate Plage and they have installed a card payment system, the sign attached to the m/c stated that as from the 16/3/2011 it would be operational & they would be charging 7.2 Euro s / 24 hr. period.

On returning from Spain we again stopped at the the same aire and the system was operational. To use the system you have to put in a credit/debit card & follow the instructions, after you put in your 4 digit pin you are asked to wait & the m/c prints out a 6 digit pin number on a paper ticket & the barrier opens, to get out again you have to enter the 6 digit pin and the barrier opens. Unfortunately in my case it appeared the m/c had run out of paper so did not print out a pin but it took my 7.2 euros from my card, and fortunately it did not open the barrier so I was saved the embarrassment of being stuck on the wrong side.

Has anybody else had any experience of this system.


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Two weeks ago I tried to use the new barrier at Le-portel , but it would not accept any of my cards which were VISA after many attempts with different cards a kind French motorhomer used his card for me and I then gave him the 3 euro's.
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Guest JudgeMental
kelly58 - 2011-04-22 9:57 AM


Two weeks ago I tried to use the new barrier at Le-portel , but it would not accept any of my cards which were VISA after many attempts with different cards a kind French motorhomer used his card for me and I then gave him the 3 euro's.


Ah Ha! a dastardly plan to exclude the Brits! :D

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The problem with the one at Leucate is that if you get into the aire without an exit pin number you have to 2 phone numbers to use, one from 8.00 pm until 8.00 am or a different number from 8.00am until 8.00 pm and there is no guarantee that there will be anybody there to answer it.


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It is a fact that any slot in France that accepts a card (or money) should be treated with caution.


I have been caught out several times, Aires and on one occasion, a payage automatic cash machine. It happily took my 20 Euro note but didn't give any change. A phone call was made and the nice lady told me a man would come in about 1 hour, which we all know means 3 hours! That was and expensive journey.


I watched a Frenchman force the barrier up when the card slot refused to work, he must have forced the out one up to get out as well!


Even 24 hour fuel stations don't always work, my bank tells me that we have "full comapability" with the French system, so maybe the French get the same problems as well?



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Never had a problem with card in France over the last two years, did have a German supermarket refuse it though. If you get stuck behind an auto barrier just wait for someone else to exit and follow them closely as possible, barrier will not come down.
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Hate this move to cards, always terrified the machine won't give it back, or debits the wrong amount .All of this move to automation stresses me out. One heart stopping moment was leaving a barrier type aire where a thumping great steel post retracted into the ground that you had to drive over I can't imagine what the result of a system failure would be, needless to say I try to avoid "technology" as far as possible. >:-( >:-(
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Guest 1footinthegrave

A rather really stupid pointless comment that adds nothing to the thread. I can tell you I have stayed at a good many "premium" sites, both here and abroad that did not hold a candle to some of the aires we have stayed at, some of the Aires provide peace and tranquility for a very reasonable price, or even free on occasions that some sites could never hope to match, unless that is, your bag is barking dogs, or screaming kids and loud adults on some occasions, even on some CCC, and CC sites that we now rarely go to now where once we did, ditto in Europe. Yes some aires are crap, just as some sites are.


Lets not turn this into an Aire versus site debate it's been done to death many times over. :-S

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1footinthegrave - 2011-04-24 9:41 PM


A rather really stupid pointless comment that adds nothing to the thread. I can tell you I have stayed at a good many "premium" sites, both here and abroad that did not hold a candle to some of the aires we have stayed at, some of the Aires provide peace and tranquility for a very reasonable price, or even free on occasions that some sites could never hope to match, unless that is, your bag is barking dogs, or screaming kids and loud adults on some occasions, even on some CCC, and CC sites that we now rarely go to now where once we did, ditto in Europe. Yes some aires are crap, just as some sites are.


Lets not turn this into an Aire versus site debate it's been done to death many times over. :-S


Oh dear, sense of humour failure big time.


Oh and by the way, who made you the Moderator? Stupid and pointless? It's a Forum if you haven't noticed and views, opinions etc etc are part and parcel of it.


I wasn't turning the thread into anything other than inserting what I thought was a light hearted comment - hence the smileys.


Goodness me, lighten up, you'll live longer.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Dreadful ,sounds like a light hearted kind of word to use as a bit of fun. Us "folks" as you call us users of "dreadful night halts" can be just a s discerning in our choice of stops. As for living longer, at 84 I'm doing OK thanks. :->
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If I am going to have to pay, 6. 8 10 euros or whatever per night, plus the fixed UK bank, per-transaction charge, plus exchange costs, plus bourne costs,plus have the odd rip-off machine taking my dosh and giving 'nowt, I can think of municipal sites which are better value for money. I like aires a lot but if they no longer make economic sense, I'll be going to campsites more often and cooking at the van instead of taking a table at the local restaurant and I expect I'll be shopping at the hypermarche en-route instead of contentedly but dutifully, spreading my cash around the village, butcher, baker and grocer.....


Bob :-(

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Used loads of Aires and met lots of lovely people, more sociable than anti social sites.....just my opinion from experience, by the way how much do these sites want ,home and abroad you can get B & B for that.

Just make sure you have another card, and phone numbers to cancel in case of a snatch....but as someone else said just follow close to the van in front, saw it done at Mimizan Plage ! B-)



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Not had any trouble with our Nationwide cards at supermarket fuel stations but on a recent winter trip (xmas and New Year) we tried every card that we had in the new machine at Le Treport with no joy. A group of Campingcarists who were staying on the aire tried their cards in turn, even cards that had worked previously, still no joy. One of the m phoned the number on the machine and somebody did come out but refused to help in any form. In desperation they called over a friend and asked to try his card, which did work. I do hope they have this problem fixed as it can't be good for Campingcarists or the council.
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Guest JudgeMental

spent last Wednesday night on Brugge aire..in the morning after we both had our showers there seemed to be a bit of a discussion going on outside our van. I opened the blind to see about 8-10 people huddled in front of our van discussing something. I went out to see what the fuss was, and their was a trail of water from under our van running along the gully...I tried to explain the van was NEW picked up the day before and that I did not receive a handover as dealer so busy. No one understood a blooming word I said...one of the chaps went around with me and we found the valve and turned it off.


My wife suggested that I said "nouvelle" to the assembled throng (before they lynched me) This had immediate effect as a Agh.......emulated from the gathering, but still much tutting, intake of breath and slow shaking of heads went on........... Honestly you would think I was a war criminal *-)

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Guest JudgeMental
spospe - 2011-04-27 5:41 PM




Is the Aire still expensive? Last time we were there it cost €22-50 per night (including electric) but with an extra charge for dumping.


same price and unlikely to get cheaper :-D toilet dump 50 cents But for dumping waste tank and for fresh water just drive around to coach park and do it there before exiting (no cost)


I think it worth the price we had a lovely walk around the town and drinks and a meal, meet some nice people over dinner as well.

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