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Puzzled - help needed


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Don’t know where best to post this query…. but it is a 'hint' or a 'tip' I need...


Trying to read the latest posts in a thread, I find I cannot download them. The thread has now reached page 5 and the last contribution which I am able to access was posted on April 30th. The ‘front page’ of the thread shows that there have been more posts since.


What am I not doing correctly? Or is there a limit to the number of pages in a thread? Or are new members permitted to access only a limited number of posts until becoming more “established”?


[i have sent an email to the Admin but have had no reply as yet.]


Enlightenment would be welcome, please. And if I do not respond for a day or two [or more] it will be because we will be on the move again… not ignoring you. So, ‘thank you’ in anticipation.














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Ever since the forum website was 'improved' recently all sorts of odd and unpredictable things seem to be happening but they usually either resolve themselves or, possibly the oik behind the scenes responsible for cocking it up uncocks it!
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...I found this used to happen before all the site changes, and it still does afterwards.


I assume you are seeing a recent post flagged on the front page, but the last post actually shown on the thread is somewhat earlier.


I find that changing the "view" on the thread from "flat" to "threaded" will usually reveal the otherwise invisible post(s). :-S

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If you choose the threaded option to view the thread in question, you'll see the thread's logical 'record structure'. This structure reflects into the nested viewing format option and the result won't be in the strict date order you normally get when 'flat' is chosen.


I suspect that JamesFrance's original photo upload may have offended the forum's software somehow, but who knows?

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And in the "Your Views" section - All Forums page currently (20:14 6/5/11)) shows last thread as "Watering the Van", but clicking onto the "Your Views" page, it doesn't show.


But the thread can be viewed by going to the "All Forums" then clicking on the thread directly on the right (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)

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flicka - 2011-05-06 8:15 PM


And in the "Your Views" section - All Forums page currently (20:14 6/5/11)) shows last thread as "Watering the Van", but clicking onto the "Your Views" page, it doesn't show.


But the thread can be viewed by going to the "All Forums" then clicking on the thread directly on the right (?) (?) (?) (?) (?)


If you look down the Motorhomes/Your Views section, towards the bottom of the page you'll see that three threads "Your next main touring holiday", "Watering your Van" and "NEC October Show" are buried between the 11/2008 ("Buying a new motorhome") and 10/2008 ("Pets and your motorhome") threads and conflict with the expected descending monthly order.


It's a glitch and may be tricky to resolve. Can't say it concerns me a) because I never normally look at the Your Views section and b) as the O&ALive forums are free I don't much care if the software occasionally gets its knickers in a minor twist.







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Thanks Derek,

But looking at the problems above & on other threads, it would appear Warners did not get a website "Fit for Purpose" from their recent IT "specialists/consultants" update.


Pleased it is not me paying the consultants bill, but I'd be very concerned if I had signed the contract.

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Back on-line now. I was able to read your replies on Kindle, but I just cannot get the hang of replying on that 'thing'...


But, whatever, the combined wisdom of Forum members seems to have solved the problem, and I have been able to access the posts I wanted to read.


Thanks one and all.


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