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Naughty caravan Club?

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2011-05-11 4:05 PMAnother of Pelmetman's continual moans is the salaries of the directors. What are these salaries Pelmetman? I'm sure that we are all waiting with baited breath to learn what the chief executive actually earns and how that compares to equivalent posts in private sector companies whose main job is top create profits for the shareholders. So come on then, back up your claims with facts.

I have no problem with anyone who doesn't like sites, or CC sites, good luck to them. What I do not like is unverified and uninformed accusations of huge unjustified salaries and CC executives not caring a jot for the members. Their very survival depends entirely on them satisfying the members. In less than a year of reading the handbook and the magazines, I seem to have learned more about how the CC runs, its ethos and its structure, than some people have after twenty years of membership!

So the directors are doing me a favour by hiking the pitch price by more than 10% (?) ...............What other reason is there to increase costs by so much except to increase turnover..........which in big business director speak equals increased remuneration ;-) .............The club could still expand without such rampant profitering ;-)....................As for the sites being full, thats mainly due to the clubs ridiculous booking policy :D
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pelmetman - 2011-05-11 4:18 PM
francisgraham - 2011-05-11 4:05 PMAnother of Pelmetman's continual moans is the salaries of the directors. What are these salaries Pelmetman? I'm sure that we are all waiting with baited breath to learn what the chief executive actually earns and how that compares to equivalent posts in private sector companies whose main job is top create profits for the shareholders. So come on then, back up your claims with facts.

I have no problem with anyone who doesn't like sites, or CC sites, good luck to them. What I do not like is unverified and uninformed accusations of huge unjustified salaries and CC executives not caring a jot for the members. Their very survival depends entirely on them satisfying the members. In less than a year of reading the handbook and the magazines, I seem to have learned more about how the CC runs, its ethos and its structure, than some people have after twenty years of membership!

So the directors are doing me a favour by hiking the pitch price by more than 10% (?) ...............What other reason is there to increase costs by so much except to increase turnover..........which in big business director speak equals increased remuneration ;-) .............The club could still expand without such rampant profitering ;-)....................As for the sites being full, thats mainly due to the clubs ridiculous booking policy :D

Once again you show your ignorance of the real world of commerce. You say that this site is at Chatsworth. It's fairly obvious that the land on which it sits is leased and with all such property there will be regular rent reviews. This is what happens in the property world!

How do you know what outside influences have forced the CC to raise the price of this particular site more than inflation, because my researches tell me that this level of increase has not been applied everywhere?

But of course God forbid that you should stop to think that it's anything other than these horrible directors that you have a fixation about, screwing the members so they can boost their salaries. Salaries which by the way, are determined by the club's remuneration committee, made up again of volunteer caravanners and motorhomers.

I see that you have neatly dodged the question of these salaries. When are we to learn from you what they are and how they compare with other industries? Or is it as I suspect, that you have absolutely no idea and all your rants about overpaid directors are simply that, uninformed rants?

Finally, I am assured that the fact that many sites are full, is a simple as that, because they are full. The number of no shows and last minute cancellations is a fraction of the genuine bookings, but that of course won't fit in with your rather lurid conspiracy theories.

Come on then, tell us what these overpaid directors earn!

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2011-05-11 4:49 PM

Come on then, tell us what these overpaid directors earn!


I've no idea :D ..............Have you (?) .............


But off to France next month so the CC will have to do without my contributions for a while...................how will they ever manage (lol)

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pelmetman - 2011-05-11 5:00 PM
francisgraham - 2011-05-11 4:49 PMCome on then, tell us what these overpaid directors earn!
I've no idea :D ..............Have you (?) .............But off to France next month so the CC will have to do without my contributions for a while...................how will they ever manage (lol)

So there we have it! Your constant whining about overpaid CC directors are, as I thought, uninformed rants. Why am I not surprised! It's taken a long time to get you to admit it but it was worth it in the end! 

I hope that you are happier on French sites than you are here and that you have a nice holiday but I must admit that I'm now feeling a bit sorry for France! (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
francisgraham - 2011-05-11 5:06pm


I must admit that I'm now feeling a bit sorry for France! 



Will you miss me ? :D ..........................Dont worry I'll have my laptop with me (lol)

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A real mixed bunch of views as one would expect.....


for us, yes we use CC sites, and yes, they are ever increasing in cost, but generally still well below commercial sites in costs, and well above them in facilities......but we try to avoid them in anything other than low/mid season. In fact, we avoid the Uk completely in high season, and take off for France, where not only are the fees still generally lower with good facilities offered, but you don't book in advance, and frequently only pay when you leave.....

.......of course if you want to go to the french seaside in July/August then thats a different matter, but for us, we would no more want to do that than go to the UK seasides in that period!...Ok,we're lucky we are flexible, and can well avoid peak travel anyway.

.....oh,and very often French sites reduce their prices about 3rd week of August, and often offer discounts (out of high season) for stays of 7 days or more..

......last year,in late August/Setember, we had one site where it was 10% discount for 7 days, 20% for 14, and 30% for 21 of more....Ok that excluded a fairly high cost for electrics, but still it only cost us an average of about €14 pn...and of course you can use aires if you so choose, which will probably costs no more than €8-10 pn max.


However, back to the old maxim, 'horses for courses', and the fact there's no right answer,indeed everyone is right in their own way..they just have differing views, and there's nothing wrong with that in my view!

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747 - 2011-05-11 8:00 AM


I am 100% in agreement with Jeremy and I have recently let my membership lapse.


I find it embarassing to be in proximity to others who keep themselves to themselves and blank their neighbours. There are still a few of the old school caravanners who are sociable but do not get me started on Motorhomers, or this post will turn into a rant.


I suppose it is the way of the modern world and given a choice, I prefer not to associate with people who have the cash to afford the lifestyle but not the essence of it.


If others like the direction in which the CC is going, then good luck to them.




Im on a lovely CL: right now, £6 a night and Im just about to open the bar. so if either of you two in the other two vans in the field are reading this bring a bottle! (lol)


Last night we were on a lovely CL with hookup for just £7.50. There was only us there. I have often been on CL's where there was only us on them yet the CC site down the road at 4 times the price was full to burtsting.


Perhaps they are not that popular and couldnt handle a price rise. Or perhaps they just end up empty when Im on them.


Right. Cocktail time!




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I have been reading this thread with interest, and the way in which it has 'developed'. :-S


Francissgraham: For my part, I must admit I am somewhat disappointed by the way in which you appear to belittle and, to some extent, 'bully' others who are posting on here just because they don't agree with your view. It is one thing to disagree, but to say others are moaning, silly etc and the way some of your replies are worded, adds nothing to your posts other than to show your disdain of others - which I sincerely hope you do not mean to do. :-|


You have only been a member of the Caravan Club for a year if I understand your postings rightly, but lots of forumites are, or have been, members for a long time and have seen many changes with the CC, some of which you will not be aware of, or the extent to which they have caused issues and problems, as well as some things which have been for the better too.


I welcome anyone onto the forum and therefore send my welcome wishes to you! My advice, take it or leave it, would be that you please take the time to get to know people on here a bit ... before insulting them! :-D

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pelmetman - 2011-05-11 3:17 PM


Fair comment :D ...........but my point was that the CC club is not cheap, and provides overpriced campsites to its members *-) ...................


Forgot to add...........Last year stayed at Chatsworth for 3 nights..........£51..........This year same month.........................£60.75 8-)


An increase of more than 10% in one year *-) ...................Do people still think the club directors has its members interests at heart *-)


Yes, there was an increase this year, but to be fair this follows two years of static prices, and a small part of this increase is due to the higher VAT rate.


We're staying at Wincanton Racecourse CC site this weekend - £11.40 a night for a couple. We'll go up the end of the enclosure with a bunch of mates (some with caravans 8-) ), so we won't bother with leccy and that will be £9.40 :->


Bargain! :D :D :D

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oldlowie - 2011-05-11 8:25 PM

We're staying at Wincanton Racecourse CC site this weekend - £11.40 a night for a couple. We'll go up the end of the enclosure with a bunch of mates (some with caravans 8-) ), so we won't bother with leccy and that will be £9.40 :-> Bargain! :D :D :D


Does this mean that the CC will now let you camp without charging you for EHU whether you want it or not - or is it just that this site has some pitches without EHU?

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This site has EHU to most pitches (those closest to the grandstand), but there is a large field with none. When you book you get the option of a 'standard pitch' or an 'economy pitch'.


I know Trewethett Farm CC near Tintagel has the same arrangement, but I'm not sure how many more CC sites have this arrangement. Handy for keeping the costs down a bit... :-S

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The CC run the sites just to cover the costs.

According to last year's balance sheet they made a loss over the year.

Perhaps the charges need to go up a bit more to cover that loss.


The grip that I have is the reserve that the CC hold,as I remember it is something in the order of £70/80 milion

The men in grey suits seem to enjoy looking at the bank books with that money sitting in them.

They need to get some more sites, then perhaps we can book a weekend or two.



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HWO - 2011-05-12 10:51 AM


The CC run the sites just to cover the costs.

According to last year's balance sheet they made a loss over the year.

Perhaps the charges need to go up a bit more to cover that loss.


The grip that I have is the reserve that the CC hold,as I remember it is something in the order of £70/80 milion

The men in grey suits seem to enjoy looking at the bank books with that money sitting in them.

They need to get some more sites, then perhaps we can book a weekend or two.




Maybe they should have been running the country for the last 13 years!



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Guest pelmetman
HWO - 2011-05-12 10:51 AM


The CC run the sites just to cover the costs.

According to last year's balance sheet they made a loss over the year.

Perhaps the charges need to go up a bit more to cover that loss.


The grip that I have is the reserve that the CC hold,as I remember it is something in the order of £70/80 milion

The men in grey suits seem to enjoy looking at the bank books with that money sitting in them.

They need to get some more sites, then perhaps we can book a weekend or two.




Perhaps the sites part of the CC is run near or at a loss to reduce the tax liability ;-)

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I was a member of the CC for 5 years as a caravanner. I have been a member for 16 years as a motorhomer. I rarely use independent sites, and only occasionally use CLs. I find the small CC sites with no toilet block suit me best. Some offer no electric hook up.


I have only had one problem with the CC and that was sorted out very easily. I have never had a problem with a warden. I have had problems on two independent sites, non serious but sufficient to ensure I do not use those two sites again.


Perhaps I am blessed with a CC angel looking after me.


I believe the CC has an obligation to ensure the owners understand the financial cost of investing in, developing and maintaining a site. If the CLs do not make a profit, then they will cease to exist. I doubt the CC told a site owner what fee to charge. I suspect they pointed out the realities of business that he needs to charge a fee that provides a return on his investment.


Whenever I want an explanation of the CC, I write or email and always get a response explaining its position on the issue. I cannot see any benefit in members criticising the Club in public - although I respect the right for them to do so - when they can ask the Club direct. As for non-members and ex-members criticising the Club, Yawn!

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One way the club spends our money can be seen on the link below, I don't disagree with the aims but someone is employed to generate this type of document and presumably has to keep up-to-date with what is happening and probably attend meetings in Brussels or elsewhere. Is this what the club is about and if to why is item one of the attached only aimed at caravans and not the loading and stability of motorhomes as well.


Anyway fellow members see where our money goes;




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My experience of the CC is very similar to Brocks, we have been members for 35 years. In that time we have only encountered one poor warden and I would not condemn all of them because of her problem as the many others have been very good and friendly, I believe usually you reap what you sow, I have seen members abuse a warden and admired their diplomacy.


I have only ever had cause for complaint once and that was due to the clubs attitude to electric hook ups where to get round the law that stopped them from overcharging they added it into the pitch charge so still overcharging, in that case I believe it was naughty and I considered leaving the club then.


We also tend to use only CL's, though we do use sites occasionally, as I do believe that the cost of sites has become too high disproportionately compared to when we first were members. Now this may be due to the 'modern' trend of camper demanding more facilities etc. but that for us is not what it is about so rather than whinge about it we use those sites that suit us more.


The CL's we use are normally around £3.00 to £5.00 per night, and before anyone says that is not economical for the owner, most of the ones we use are just a sideline to a farm say where they set aside one field which may even have grazing sheep so is just extra income albeit small over and above what they would normally get for that field not the type of 'mini site' that seems to be a current trend.


The problem for us will arise if the CC, or any other source, coerce CL owners to raise their charges to a rate that makes them poor value for us as then there will be no point in using them either so that would be the time when we would consider leaving the club and solely touring in mainland Europe. It also confirms my suspicion of 'Rip off Britain' in that if the origional quote is correct the price increase being discussed here is because that is what they can get not what it is worth as with most things you can name in Britain e.g. House prices, motorhome prices particularly PVC's



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We enjoy the caravan club sites, I think they are ahead of their times sometimes.Things move on.Once upon a time for instance, in hotels most of us didn't expect private facilities, we do now even in BBs.A lot of private sites had dirty toilet blocks and poor facilities, the CC have raised the bar.Many Dutch and Germans join our clubs if they want to tour Britain.AND they do their excellent continental sites guide, best in the business IMHO and they will print Aires if anyone sends them in.
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Poppy - 2011-05-16 7:32 AM


We enjoy the caravan club sites, I think they are ahead of their times sometimes.Things move on.Once upon a time for instance, in hotels most of us didn't expect private facilities, we do now even in BBs.A lot of private sites had dirty toilet blocks and poor facilities, the CC have raised the bar.Many Dutch and Germans join our clubs if they want to tour Britain.AND they do their excellent continental sites guide, best in the business IMHO and they will print Aires if anyone sends them in.


I thought the CC advised members not to use Aires. I met a nervous couple in France on the Aire at Dinan. It was there first time on an Aire and they were worried as they had consulted the CC for advice before they went. According to them they were told not to use Aires as they were dangerous and under no circumstances were they to even think about wild camping in France as they would almost certainly be killed! (lol)


Well that isnt exactly how they put it but more or less.


Long live the CL network though I say. Been on them for the last two weeks, just wish the flipping weather would improve.

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Well I do think that people get confused between aires de service and aire de repos BUT I have just seen in the continental campsite book an aire at Koln.It doesn't say its an aire but that is what it is and it looks just right for us.
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Barryd999 - 2011-05-16 9:07 AM


Poppy - 2011-05-16 7:32 AM


We enjoy the caravan club sites, I think they are ahead of their times sometimes.Things move on.Once upon a time for instance, in hotels most of us didn't expect private facilities, we do now even in BBs.A lot of private sites had dirty toilet blocks and poor facilities, the CC have raised the bar.Many Dutch and Germans join our clubs if they want to tour Britain.AND they do their excellent continental sites guide, best in the business IMHO and they will print Aires if anyone sends them in.


I thought the CC advised members not to use Aires. I met a nervous couple in France on the Aire at Dinan. It was there first time on an Aire and they were worried as they had consulted the CC for advice before they went. According to them they were told not to use Aires as they were dangerous and under no circumstances were they to even think about wild camping in France as they would almost certainly be killed! (lol)


Well that isnt exactly how they put it but more or less.


Long live the CL network though I say. Been on them for the last two weeks, just wish the flipping weather would improve.



As Poppy says, the 'aires' that the clubs advise against are the aires on motorways, especially those that are simply rest areas with no restaurants, filling stations etc.


The aires in towns and villages are specifically designed for overnighting in motorhomes and in some cases have the same security as small sites.






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