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Motorhoming with a dog


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Anybody out there that has taken a Greyhound on an overnight trip?


Seems that it might be a bridge too far but I am in that situation.Lovely dog - lovely van but don't think the two are compatible!


Any UK campsite owner with a rabbit/squirrel free corral or is it kennels from now on.




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Guest pelmetman

We have been on several campsites with fenced in dog runs.


Min Y Don in North Wales, Morton on the Marsh and Cirencester spring to mind :D

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Our great greyhound " Bond " died last year . He came away with us wherever we went except for Woolacombe . We have Autotrail Miami and we managed no problem , when we were in the front he was in bedroom and vice versa . I'll have ya greyhound while ya go off , they are wonderful , loving dogs and I'd sell my soul to have him come away with us again . Ya'll manage no probs
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One greyhound??.....you have got it easy mate.


We have 4 Whippets that go everywhere with us (plus 2 Pugs). :D


The least said about Rabbits the better. *-)


We tend to wildcamp, usually in coastal areas and occasionally do Temporary Holiday Sites with the C & CC. Greyhounds are like Whippets, quiet and very well behaved (unless they see Rabbits).


I am sure you will have no problems, go for it.

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So far as I'm aware it's impossible to have a dog and a motorhome and not to put the two together. Dogs absolutely love the motorhoming life, it's absolutely the best thing, and to deprive them of that is just not on!


Seriously, you'll have a ball. All of you.

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Our recently acquired 'hound' loves the motorhome life and also loves rabbits!


He's of Spanish origin so quite likely was trained to catch them. He's only caught one while I've been walking him by a little village in Spain. The locals were most impressed by his skill - I think they had the weekend paella in mind! *-)

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Mel B - 2011-05-11 8:19 PM

Neil - how is your hansome little fella getting on? Any more piccies???? :-D


Hi Mel, thanks for asking....


He's absolutely wonderful, a real treasure!


I won't bore everyone with loads of snaps but here's a couple to show how content he is -



Very good off the lead :-)



Loves a swim to cool down



Actually looking at a rabbit in the distance *-)


He's all jabbed up and chipped now and we find it hard to remember life before him :-D


Just about to take him with us to Northern Spain for 6 weeks, he has really taken to motorhoming!

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I was looking at the Chausson Flash 04 with it's large garage - and wondering if anyone had converted similar into a dog kennel?

Do you think it would be possible to have a window & vent installed in the door?

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Guest pelmetman

Eh?................has something happened to this thread 8-) ......................I seem to recall some other posts 8-) ....................................................................Must be me ;-)


PS..It's great to see your pooch has found a nice home Neil B-)

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Tangara - 2011-05-18 7:20 PM


I was looking at the Chausson Flash 04 with it's large garage - and wondering if anyone had converted similar into a dog kennel?


Do you think it would be possible to have a window & vent installed in the door?


I don't see why not, you have 2 doors to choose from and I'm sure either would be suitable. Would you use the garage just for 'on site', eg if you went out for a couple or hours, or for travelling too? Whilst I think on site it would be okay, I'd be wary of travelling with a dog in there as you won't be able to easily check on it if needs be as there isn't a door into the interior of the motorhome and no place to fit one.

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2011-05-18 7:39 PM


Tangara - 2011-05-18 7:20 PM


I was looking at the Chausson Flash 04 with it's large garage - and wondering if anyone had converted similar into a dog kennel?


Do you think it would be possible to have a window & vent installed in the door?


I don't see why not, you have 2 doors to choose from and I'm sure either would be suitable. Would you use the garage just for 'on site', eg if you went out for a couple or hours, or for travelling too? Whilst I think on site it would be okay, I'd be wary of travelling with a dog in there as you won't be able to easily check on it if needs be as there isn't a door into the interior of the motorhome and no place to fit one.


Have you not noticed this thread seems to of been sanitised Mel (?)

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2011-05-18 8:16 PM


... can't say I have, I don't remember any more postings after the pictures of that gorgeous chappie!


Must be me then 8-) ...........................dementia is obviously on the cards 8-)

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Used to have a Saluki (No your thinking of SUZUKI which is a totally different thing :D ) which was basically a hairy greyhound. Only problem was that I had to walk him on a lead as he was so freindly he would wander off and say hello to everyone, non-dog owners and non-dog lovers included *-) and if he wasn't on a lead and saw a rabbit, pheasant etc then he could be gone for days !!!!!! Alas he went to the Kennel in the sky nearly 18 months ago but when he was alive he really enjoyed coming away with us in the van. When I used to be at home cleaning the van he would cry, thinking that I was going to go away without him, I used to have to let him come in the van whilst I cleaned it, he would just lay on his bed and fall asleep until I had finished.


As you will come to find there are those that dislike dogs, and as many that dislike children and lots of other things as well. As with all things, be a considerate dog owner, do not let it wander around a site off the lead, clean up after it. Could say the same thing about some Children ;-)

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Mel B - 2011-05-18 7:39 PM

Tangara - 2011-05-18 7:20 PM

I was looking at the Chausson Flash 04 with it's large garage - and wondering if anyone had converted similar into a dog kennel?

Do you think it would be possible to have a window & vent installed in the door?


I don't see why not, you have 2 doors to choose from and I'm sure either would be suitable. Would you use the garage just for 'on site', eg if you went out for a couple or hours, or for travelling too? Whilst I think on site it would be okay, I'd be wary of travelling with a dog in there as you won't be able to easily check on it if needs be as there isn't a door into the interior of the motorhome and no place to fit one.


Well, obviously a lot depends on the opinion of the "yet to be rescued" hound.

My last dog loved his crate and didn't care where it was.

I fully understand the checking on issue but surely one is more likely to be aware of a problem for an animal safely crated in an onboard garage than if they are being 'towed' in a kennel trailer ?


In any case - my question is more about sleeping arrangements.

I've never been keen on sharing my bedroom with any of my pets.

I'm just thinking that in the garage would be effectively separate 'bedrooms'.


Can I ask Mel, how are you finding the space in your Flash 04? Is there enough floorspace for your two dogs AND the human occupants?



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mikemoss - 2011-05-11 11:06 AM


So far as I'm aware it's impossible to have a dog and a motorhome and not to put the two together. Dogs absolutely love the motorhoming life, it's absolutely the best thing, and to deprive them of that is just not on!


Seriously, you'll have a ball. All of you.



We got a little rescue dog in November, a Patterdale cross, who is settling in well with us. So far she has only experienced 4 weekends away in the van, and although she behaved very well, she always seems to be very relieved to get back home. I think its because she knows what to expect at home, she has a routine, whereas when we're away everythings done differently. Do hope she will adapt as time goes on, because we like to use the van a lot in the summer.

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Tangara - 2011-05-20 12:17 PM


...... I fully understand the checking on issue but surely one is more likely to be aware of a problem for an animal safely crated in an onboard garage than if they are being 'towed' in a kennel trailer ?


In any case - my question is more about sleeping arrangements.

I've never been keen on sharing my bedroom with any of my pets.

I'm just thinking that in the garage would be effectively separate 'bedrooms'.


Can I ask Mel, how are you finding the space in your Flash 04? Is there enough floorspace for your two dogs AND the human occupants?



I certainly would never transport a dog in a trailer, no way, but I would never transport one of my dogs in a 'garage' either, I like my little horrors with me so I can see them and ensure they are okay.


Our dogs are fine in our Flash 04 - Lily has a nice soft bed under the table which she uses a lot, it doesn't cause a problem when we sit down to eat as we just plonk our feet on it. Romy likes to sprawl out on the drivers seat - even for a big dog she can easily get comforable. They know not to get in the way whilst in the van and Romy often sits on the dinette seat looking out of the window and Lily goes in her bed. On an evening, if were playing cards or something after tea, we'll often put the dogs up on the bed and they have a nice snooze for an hour or so, but there's plenty of room on the floor etc if they don't want to go up there. We'll often watch programme we've recorded on to a DVD whilst slobbing around on the bed with the dogs. I note that you don't like sharing your bedroom with your pets, but as the bed in the Flash is raised up, you'll find that most dogs won't get up there anyway ... except Romy who I think is on springs! :D


As you're looking to get a rescue dog, you may find that it won't like being in a garage as it may remind it of the kennels - Romy was a rescue dog having spent over a year in kennels and even the sight of a dog cage sends her running! At home we have to have the bedroom door open so that she can 'hear' us otherwise she frets terribly. :-|

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Guest pelmetman
Tangara - 2011-05-21 7:10 PM


I'm firm but fair... :->


I said that with our first dog *-) .....I had resisted having a dog for years as I used the excuse someone should be at home all the time :D ..........eventually Sue decided I was earning enough for her to retire *-)


So I said ok............ but I dont want a big black slobbery dog!...........................what happened we got a big black slobbery dog!!!!.........Byron B-) .............He was a rescue and I have to admit he changed my view on dogs even though he was Sue's dog,........... funny how they let you know...........When we lost him we were numb, and for some strange reason decided to decorate 8-) ...........Grey is not a good colour to paint the kitchen :D , a few weeks later we got someone in to redecorate *-)


Having said we would wait a few months before we decided what to do, the house was so empty and CLEAN, that we decided to look for another :-D ......................Hence we found Troy another rescue :D ...............................Who as usual today embarressed me in public by doing a dump out side the food wagon, and because he eats so much grass meant I had to finish his business by pulling it out with a poo bag *-)


Do you still want a dog :D (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Well, we didn't have a greyhound, but Thor the WonderPoodle traveled in our RV across Canada, the USA & Mexico ...and three times he flew across the pond with us to savour the smell of old stones & the flavour of fois gras and carbonnade flammande.


Unfortunately we lost him this past February after 15 1/2 glorious years (R.I.P. Thorsy).





We would often be asked if traveling with a dog didn't diminish our trips - on the contrary, it afforded many opportunities to interact with local inhabitants on a non -touristy basis: maybe we missed a few museums, but we had an incredibly enriching experience of the "smaller moments".


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JennyC - 2011-05-22 10:02 AM


Sorry, he's a lovely looking dog but am falling abouth laughing, 'Thor' sounds like he should be dark coloued and ever so slightly brutish looking, but he seems more suited to 'Fluff' or 'Curly' ! LOL


No offense taken,Jenny - we deliberately chose a non-Poodle name & refused to do the walking-topiary poodle cut on him as well. Glad you see the humour in the choice of name- it was intended. B-)

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