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new traffic laws in france


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The answer is here:


Les sanctions pour conduite d’un véhicule avec un appareil à écran en fonctionnement dans

le champ de vision du conducteur (autres qu’aide à la conduite et à la navigation type GPS)

seront aggravées : retrait de trois points et amende de 1 500 euros (l’amende forfaitaire pour

ce type d’infraction est aujourd’hui de 135 euros d’amende et le retrait de deux points). Les

contrevenants s’exposeront aussi à la saisie de l’appareil à écran.


extracted from the French govenments document see http://www.gouvernement.fr/sites/default/files/communiques/05.11_CP-Comite_interministeriel_de_la_securite_routiere_CISR.pdf



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I think it depends on what you are trying to do, are you trying to slow traffic down and avoid accidents, or raise more income. Personally I think the more signs there are that make you more conscious of your speed, the better. That is what I think speed camera / radar signs,and speed indicators do.That may not raise any income, but it makes roads safer.

Brian B.

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Hi All

We spent most of April in France this year (around the Dordogne) and, to us, it was very noticable the increase in police activity stopping motorists for speeding - they seemed to be everywhere. I think it has been the French government's policy to clamp down on speeding over the last 4-5 years but it was very noticeable this year. Fortunately, we are now retired :-D so we're not speeding anywhere, just meandering along.


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Is any forum member aware whether in-vehicle GPS-based equipment that provides locations/warnings of fixed/mobile 'speed traps' will still be legal in France, please?


In-vehicle equipment that actively senses the presence of anti-speeding radars has been seriously illegal in France for years, but equipment that provides warnings of, say, fixed speed-cameras using POI-type information has not.


I also vaguely recall something about a real-time system where French drivers could 'report' the GPS-locations of mobile police speed-traps, continuously updating a database that was immediately accessible by other drivers using that system.

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-05-12 8:55 AM


Is any forum member aware whether in-vehicle GPS-based equipment that provides locations/warnings of fixed/mobile 'speed traps' will still be legal in France, please?



A translation of part of the document (part 4 in particular the third part of the Decision of the IRB) as shown in the link from Don Madge (and pointed to by Ian81), suggests that GPS devices are still ok to be used so presumably the same functions are ok as there appears to be no other reference to them ie


4- Renforcer la vigilance au volant et combattre tous les facteurs qui réduisent l’attention portée à la conduite

Conduire est un acte important, qui nécessite que le conducteur y consacre toute son attention. Or, les sources de distraction (téléphone, textos, Internet mobile et autres écrans pendant la conduite...) se multiplient, tout comme les comportements à risque de conducteurs sous-estimant les risques liés à la fatigue et à la somnolence. L’abaissement de l’attention portée à la conduite, quelle qu’en soit la cause est à l’origine de nombreux drames de la route.


Décisions du CISR :


Téléphoner en conduisant, le téléphone tenu en main, sera sanctionné plus sévèrement, avec une contravention de la 4ème classe (au lieu de la 2ème classe) donnant lieu à un retrait de trois points du permis de conduire (au lieu d’un retrait de deux points).


En partenariat avec les professionnels de téléphonie mobile, des solutions techniques seront développées pour permettre de limiter les conversations téléphoniques au volant.


Les sanctions pour conduite d’un véhicule avec un appareil à écran en fonctionnement dans le champ de vision du conducteur (autres qu’aide à la conduite et à la navigation type GPS) seront aggravées : retrait de trois points et amende de 1 500 euros (l’amende forfaitaire pour ce type d’infraction est aujourd’hui de 135 euros d’amende et le retrait de deux points). Les contrevenants s’exposeront aussi à la saisie de l’appareil à écran.


La circulation sur bande d’arrêt d’urgence et sur voie neutralisée, pourtant interdite, est à l’origine de trop nombreux drames, dont sont victimes tant les usagers de l‘autoroute que les professionnels intervenant sur ce réseau : le non-respect de ces règles sera plus sévèrement sanctionné (135 euros d’amende, retrait de trois points).


Les bandes de rives sonores, destinées à éviter un endormissement du conducteur, seront généralisées sur l’ensemble des autoroutes au rythme des travaux routiers.


Translates as


4 - Increase vigilance and combat driving all factors that reduce the focus on driving

Driving is an important act, which requires the driver to devote his full attention. However, distractions (phone, text messaging, mobile Internet and other screens while driving ...) are increasing, as are the risk behaviors of drivers underestimate the risks associated with fatigue and sleepiness. The lowering of attention to driving, whatever the cause is the cause of many tragedies of the road.


Decisions of the IRB:


Phone while driving, hand-held phone, will be punished more severely, with a contravention of the 4th class (instead of the 2nd class) giving rise to a withdrawal of three points in the driver's license (instead of withdrawing two points).


In partnership with the mobile professional, technical solutions will be developed to help limit phone conversations while driving.


The penalties for driving with a screen device in operation in the field of vision (other than aid to the conduct and navigation GPS type) will be compounded: the withdrawal of three points and fined 1,500 euros (fixed fine for this offense is now 135-euro fine and the withdrawal of two points). Violators could face also with the seizure of the screen device.


The traffic lane and emergency lane offset, though prohibited, is causing too many tragedies suffered by so many users of the highway that professionals involved in this network: non-compliance these rules will be punished more severely (135 euro fine, withdrawal of three points).


The bands sound banks, to prevent the driver falling asleep, be generalized on all the highways at a rate of roadworks.



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