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Black sooty exhaust deposits.


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Our motorhome is parked in the drive with the exhaust pipe about a foot away from a cream concrete plant trough with the result that starting engine sprays it with dirty exhaust deposits. Any suggestions as to the best way of removing this unsightly mess.
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Unfortunately you cannot stop it by using additives. It is caused by comdensation in teh exhaust from conbustion when cold and teh water droplest blow out carringing soot from the exhaust. Additives will just reduce the amount produced. but not elliminate the build up of soot in the exhaust.


My suggestion to clean is to mix up some clothes washing powder and use to scrub clean. I have found better than fairy liquid for removing oily sooty deposits.

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Biological washing powder mixed to a paste to make it stick, leave overnight and scrub off.


Failing that speak to a garage and find what they use to keep floor clean.


If smudge remains repaint ( Ex recycling centre for small quantities)


To avoid repeat, place easily cleaned board in target area.

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There is a chemical called TFR (traffic film remover) that all professional valeters use, it must be watered down due to it being quite aggressive stuff. It's also good at getting the soot off the skirts on the side of the van if like mine the exhaust deposits it there as you drive along, plus the dead flies on the over cab and black streaks down the sides.

The downside it will probably kill all your plants in the planter!!!!

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Don't use TFR on your motorhome unless you know what your doing with it. TFR comes in many different guises some brands are really strong others not so. Get it wrong and you could find yourself with no or very faded graphics on your motorhome. Always consult your supplier about strengths / dilutions and use with caution.
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Totally agree fjmike, must always be used with caution and diluted as per instructions and sprayed on a wet surface. I'm not actually sure if it available to the general public anyway!


Good stuff though!





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