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Hydra trail easylifter


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I have been thinking... about the Easylifter Hydratrail, the one with the wheels on, for the carriage of scooters on the rear of a motorhome, where tow ball weight maybe a problem.

Is it classed as a trailer and thus speed limits are restricted in some countries abroad. Therefore in Switzerland for example, would one have to pay an extra vignette for it's use?

Alternatively, is it classed as part of the vehicle in the case of a standard rack. :-D

Thank you

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I had heard......can't remember where........that it is NOT classed as a trailer, because it doesn't articulate, as it has two fixings to the rear of the vehicle. Thus it's an extension of the vehicle: a sort of vehicle rack with suspension; rather than a trailer.


I have to say that it looks a fantastic idea for anyone who wants to carry a scooter, a 125cc jobbie, or even a fairly large motorbike, and has "weight issues" with regard to their rear axle.

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I bought an "easylifter" last December, (scooter rack on the van created an "overweight" problem on the rear axle). The easylifter also enabled me to get a better scooter (heavier) Piaggio X8 400cc 210kg but the main reason was getting legal weight wise.

Travelled to Spain for a winter sun trip 2,800mls total left in January returned mid April, booked the Van on the ferry as one piece the length including the easylifter - no problems at the port. Wouldn't like to argue the point with foreign police regarding whether or not it was a trailer but with the price of fuel I stick to trailer speed limits anyway, makes a big difference over nearly 3000mls.

Eggy (lol)

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We have looked at this several times as wish to have a bigger scooter, 250cc, our current 125cc puts us on the rear axle limit. The one thing putting me off is that the thing adds 1.2 mtr to the rear of the van and as it is fixed will, in effect, add 1.2mtr to an already fairly large overhang making the 'swing' behind the rear wheels a bit of a worry, especially in towns or tight turns. From our enquirys though it would seem if you simply add it to the length of van for ferries no problem. Also as it is fixed does it break the law with regard to the swing behind the rear axle, a bit of a grey area but as no one has been able to give me an answer something I would not personally worry about.
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We too wish to carry a scooter and like the option of this system.

There is another manufacturer apart from Easylifter and that is Ezetow.

I called him today and whilst he has been quite ill, he is in the process of producing something in the next 2 months to attend some shows.

He raised the issue of the overhang at the rear. He stated that the regulations to that which is fixed. These items are not fixed as they can be removed by securing bolts and it relates to the percentage of the wheelbase. It would be interesting if others on this forum have more understanding of this. Somewhere in the discussion he mentioned a figure of 65% dependent on this, but I cannot really remember.

I agree that the overhang could be a problem, but whilst a side loading trailer would solve this, reversing may have consequences depending on your viewpoint. :-D 8-)

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I've researched both the ezetow and easylifter and found the ezetow to be a better bet if the video on their website is anything to go by.


The problem with both is when reversing down a steep drive (which I have) when it seems to me the wheels may lift from the ground meaning that the whole weight will be supported by the towbar. Loading on a slope also seems to be a problem.

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