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omni slideout step again


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I have checked all the other omni step questions and have a rough idea but a little more explaining needed. The problem is the step will come out and go back with some forcefull help but this is getting harder and harder so today I stripped the step down give it a good clean covered it in wd40 and put it back together. well it has made no diffrence at all it wiil come out an inch at a time and the same retracting unless you are pushing it so I take it that it is an electrical fault something to do with the power and i am stuck after that anybody explain a bit more


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Another possibility is a faulty gearbox, shame you did not try running while you had the step apart,to test.

It sounds like a fault I had, it turned out to be a broken tooth, I think it was only one.

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The battery is in good condition so I will strip it down again when it gets dry and have another good look at it and check the teeth. The way it seems to be working would say that it is lack of power but we will have to see

many thaks


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We had a problem three years ago.  He said it wasa problem underneath, cleaned it up etc.  No joy.  I was sure it was the switch, so he took it off, found that was the problem, I think he bought the electrical bits to cure it from Maplins (we have one near).  Hope this helps



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  • 4 weeks later...

Still no joy I have stripped the step all the way down there is power to the motor but it only moves a fraction so I reckon it must be jammed somewhere in here. The trouble is I am haveing trouble getting to this part as you cannot get to the screws as they are under the motor so if anybody has stripped down futher I would appreciate some help


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