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Budget & Road Tax

Guest Mel B

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Guest Mel B
Just heard a bit on the budget, apparently road tax is going to go up for some vehicles to a whopping £210 for so-called 'gaz guzzling" vehicles. I think it only applies to NEW vehicles but as yet I can't find any more info, if anyone else has the full info can they please post it for all to see. I don't know if motorhomes will be classes as 'gaz guzzlers' but I fear the worst! :-( :'(
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Hi Mel We bought a 3500kg MH with a 2.8 ltr engine to give us the power to get up hills withot loosing speed and slowing down others Looks like we are going to have to pay for the priveledge However over the past 5 years we have done more miles driving on the right than on the left We will have to increase the ratio Right drive/left drive
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Yorkshire Tyke, if I read your bit correctly it implies that you think that by going abroad you won't be stung with the new road tax, it won't make a difference as you still have to have current English road take even abroad as a vehicle has to be legal in the country in which it is registered and having current road tax is a legal requirement. If I've misunderstood what you meant please let me know. Brian, sorry, we've managed to find out a bit more today. It appears that the new road tax rate is applicable to all vehicles, new and old. If your vehicle registration doc DOES NOT have the vehicle's CO2 emission rate info on it then you will pay the unspecified 'general' rate which at present is £175 for the year £95 for 6 months. However, if your reg doc DOES have the vehicle's CO2 emission rate on then you will have to pay for the category that it falls into which will probably be higher. Our reg doc doesn't have the emissions data on it so we'll only pay the £175 but if they had it would've been either £195 or even £210. The moral of this is that if you have a registration doc without the emission data on it DO NOT LOSE IT as if you do have to get a replacment the chances are that it will then have the emission data on and you will find you are then paying a higher rate for your road tax. This is what my husband was told by a very nice tax official who also informed him that the Government is keeping extremely quiet about this little nugget of information ... I wonder why ....
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Well, The DVLA web site is contradicting. If you look at the tables for gas guzzlers (like my 3 litre Landcruiser) it comes up with £215. But if you follow the links to find the emissions it comes up with £170.00. The RV at 3500tonne pre 2001 is shown as less! So, I wouldn,t be taking it as red quite yet!
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That's why my husband rang them up instead, it took some getting through to a 'real' person but when he did she said it was extremely confusing ... well I'll be darned, government websites, confusing, never!!!! Going up!!!
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Hi, I'm not sure exactly what the rate will be for my 4000kg Private HGV as at the moment it is only £165 (£5 less) than the normal PLG at (£170) I also felt it was a bit underhand for Gordon ? to talk about the £210 thus making it look like everything was staying the same when really the basic PLG as i understand is going to £190 anyway ? so most of us will pay an extra £20 I proberbly have got it completely wrong ??
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Well, folks, I've just chacked the DVLA website again.  It states that the rate of VED post 23 March 2006, applicable to Private Light Goods Vehicles registered after 1 March 2001, is £170 annual or £95 for 6 months.

So, if your confused informant at the DVLA says otherwise, I'd direct him/her to their own website for a bit of quiet reading.  I suspect the confusion was more on the part of your informants than the website.  They seem to have been thinking of the headline new rates for cars and not to have got themselves fully up to speed on the other rates.  So far as I can see, VED rates for motorhomes regsitered as above remain unchanged. 

The website is perfectly clear, but if still uncertain try e-mailing them.  They'll be a bit more careful what they put in writing!

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Sorry Brian, you need to go back and check the details yourself as you've got it a bit wrong I think. ("www.dvla.gov.uk" for those of you who haven't had a shuftie yet!) There is NOT a classification for PLGV "Private Light Goods Vehicles ... reg after 1st March 2001" on their website, but there IS the LGV "Light Goods Vehicles ... reg after 1st March 2001". I think you are mixing the two classifications up. If you check your vehicle reg document you will see it is clearly classed as a Private/Light Goods Vehicle (PLGV). The LGV section is for commercial company vehicles NOT privately owned motorhome/camper conversions which come under PLGV. The important bit you need to know to work out how much you pay is what exactly is on your vehicle reg document and this is when the fun really starts. If your van is registered AFTER 1st March 2001 AND it has the CO2 emissions clearly printed on the vehicle reg document, you need to look under the part entitled "Private Vehicles ... reg on or after 1st March 2001" (2nd line down on website). This then gives you the bands for your vehicle based on the CO2 emissions, so I suspect that most motorhomes will fall into Band F and pay £195/£107.25 respectively. If, however, like us, our vehicle (PLGV) was registered AFTER March 2001 but DOES NOT have the CO2 emissions on the vehicle reg document, the only way to find out the exact cost is to ring the DVLA and ask. This is what my husband did and was left in no doubt as to where our van fell and what the cost would be. It doesn't fall into any of the classifications given on the website. He also doubled checked this by ringing the 'over the phone' tax renewal line, which is an electronic service, on 0870 850 4444. It asks you for your registration number, name etc and then tells you exactly what you should pay, it gave him the same answer as the human!!! If anyone else has a different take on all of this please post it, I'm sure we could all do with some more confusion! We're going to the Post Office tomorrow to get our road tax for April onwards (we SORNed it for Feb/March) so I'll let you all know the outcome tomorrow evening!!! Bye-bye .. wish me luck!
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Update as promised. We went to the Post Office this morning and yes, our road tax will definitely be £175.00 (see previous reply for why). (Sorry, Brian but I did warn you!) The only problem is they wouldn't let us have it!!!! Why? Because we SORNed our van we can only get the road tax a maximum of 2 working days before it becomes current, ie we want it from 1 April so we can only get in on 30 or 31 March ... blooming daft, especially since we were trying to get it sorted before we get completion of our new bungalow on 31 March so we'll be up to our eye-balls in it! Forward planning ... don't think the DVLA have heard of it!
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Don't apoligise Mel!  I think if you look back, I was saying it would be £170.  If all it's actually gone up is £5 then I'm mightily relieved.

Did you know you can (theoretically at least) renew your VED online at the DVLA website?  However, it is a bit restricted at present. 

I wanted to re-tax ours so that it would run on from the existing tax (that was to expire end of April), when we'll be in Italy.  All it would give me was tax from 1 April, not 1 May.  So, I emailed them as to why it was so restricted when the expiry date of the existing disc was clearly visible on screen. 

Roundabout reply (these agencies ain't what the proper Civil Service used to be!) said it was still a new system, was being trialled, but further facilities would be added as the bugs are ironed out. 

The other issue, that wasn't mentioned, of course, is how many jobs will go when we can all do our licensing on line.  I suspect that will be the main factor governing the rate of introduction of new features.  However, it was a little look into the future. 

However, with the DVLA database now containing details of valid VED disc, MOT cerificate, and current insurance, it's all a bit creepy.  Add all those character recognition cameras on motorway overbridges, and the soon to be expanded city centre charging areas and you'll be getting your collar felt as soon as you turn left at the end of the road!

As they say: you can run, but you can' hide!  Big Bro will get you in the end.  Perhaps Orwell wasn't so far wrong, after all!

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Hi Brian As far as I'm aware you can only renew your tax up to 1 month in advance so that'll be why you can't renew for 1 May, only 1 April. However, if you really need to do it now, you can SORN your van before the end of March (you need a Vehicle Tax Refund form), you can then re-tax it from 1 April without a problem, so long as you do it on 30 or 31 March at the earliest. The only difficulty you might have is to make sure that the DVLA have received your form and SORNed it before you apply to tax it again as time is very short! You can do your tax on line but due to us SORNing our vehicle this isn't an option open to us either as we still fall foul of the 2 working days prior to 1 April rule. It's been one of those days today, we tried to open an ISA and transfer our existing one across, but no one was availble to sort it out at the Halifax, another building society wasn't accepting transfers, and in another the girl didn't have a clue what to do!!! I've never had so much trouble trying to give people money!!! No, before you ask, you ain't having the money Clive!!! In the end I found one on-line, with a better rate, and have done it that way ... I wish I'd not gone out this morning!!!
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Sorry about your day, Mel.

In the end, I fixed the tax another way.  I bought a new tax disc at the Post Office on 15 March, to run for 12 months from 1 April.

That created and overlap of one month with the existing disc. 

However, you can get a full refund for on an existing tax disc by surrendering it, in full month increments, provided DVLA get the disc before the first of the month for which you are claiming the refund.

So, I sent the existing disc to DVLA on 16 March, and the refund will be posted back in a few weeks.  No real hassle for me, simple form and a stamp.  But what a knotted and costly way to go about ensuring vehicles are kept legally taxed!

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Late I know, but I've only just got the reply!  I e-mailed DVLA asking about the PLG classification, and whether it had been abolished.

The reply was that our van, first registered April 2005, (with emissions stated on the reg. doc. but not taken into account in the VED rates), remains classified PLG and, as Mel discovered, the rate of VED is £175 for 12 months for this year (up from £170 last year, so increased at about the official rate of inflation). 

An increase, therefore, but still better than £210, innit?

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