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Ever found anything unexpected in your van?

josie gibblebucket

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I always empty the van and give it a clean out when we return from a weekend away, so I was really annoyed when I searched high and low for a small bottle of hair serum (vital for the control of my wavy locks ;-) ) which I knew had to still be in the van somewhere, but seems to have vanished. I know I can buy another one, but its quite expensive and only comes in small amounts, imagine my surprise to find a bottle of metallic silver nail polish. I never use the stuff myself, nor does hubby as far as I'm aware :-S , so how can it have been there for 3 years - because thats how long we've had the van, and I am very thorough when I clean it out. After all its only a little 15 ft long pvc, how is it possible for things to disappear like this. *-)

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Guest Tracker

Back in the mid 80s when we used to go to the North of Scotland every year for our annual battle with the midgies, golf courses, fishing, rainfall and of course the midgies - did I mention the midgies - we used to stop off at Woolies in Helensborough to get our big bag of pick and mix - specially chosen by hand with care by each of us according to our favourites.


One particular year the bag disappeared the very next day and we couldn't find it so, thinking we had left it in the shop, in the end we gave up and bought some more in Fort William - and Inverness!


Imagine my surprise when, two years later, we were emptying the van to change vans the missing bag of sweeties turned up in the corner of a locker! How ever did we miss it for two years - after all an A/S Talisman is hardly the biggest van in the world? But we did.


It made me smile when years later I later discovered that my very enterprising young son and his mates had taken some of they sweeties back to two of our local Woolies complaining that they were stale - and got a load more in exchange! That's my boy!

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Well when we traded in our last van we bottomed it, as you would.


Next trip away in our new van and hanging out some towels results in, "where the heck is the clothes airer"?


Hmm, we hunted high and low, scratched collective heads and then realised it was still in the old van, wedged (rammed more like) in an obscure place perhaps even the new owners haven't discovered yet 8-)



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Guest pelmetman

Gold Watch 8-) ............


Quite a few years ago we were touring France when Sue lost her gold watch, we hunted high and low and assumend she had dropped it somewhere when we were out sightseeing as the clasp was a bit dodgy*-) .............................So thinking it would be an insurance claim we went to the local gendarme shop to report the loss which took hours *-)


Got back in the van with our paperwork from the frog plod, and there on the shelf was Sue's watch 8-) ................................and no we did not claim for a new watch :D

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I found one of those flexable pen type things (used by joiners/draughtsmen) sealed in along with the sealant used to put the front of the shelving on, bit of job to get it out as I could feel it but not see it! Wonder if the Swift workman is still looking for it? :D
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Guest Tracker
I looked in the cupboards and lockers of a new van from a major converter last year and was not surprised by the poor standard of build quality and finish that I found, however the impractical layout of the van and ill concieved design 'features' were a little unexpected!
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