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Weighbridge --load limit


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Hi Just got fully loaded for the Off tomorrow and quick visit to weighbridge returned a figure of 3440 kg (limit on driving licence is 3500, as is limit on chassis)


Last minute food shopping has added another 10kilo.


Problem, when weighed, other half was at home so wasnt included in weighbridge figure, so with her on board as well, that will put us just over the limit.


Anyone know the margin of error on weighbridge figures, or do I have to dump water to get back in tolerance. Cant agree between us as to what can be offloaded other than water,




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No tolerance is allowed.


Its better to travel with 25-50% water, although I tend to travel in France mostly with water tank full. But if we travel to a site in the UK we may travel with enough to flush the toilet a couple of times. (We only use Aires in France)


So for every Litre = to one Kilo you can soon loose weight. Some may say leave the Wife!!!!! But who's going to make the bed, map read Etc.



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Weighed my MH last week and was well within limits for me and OH. Off to France and will pick up son and grandson for a bit of holiday. Will off-load water as Den suggests which should compensate and bring me legal.


I am not sure where you are going but when I go out of Dover I keep to the left as I enter the terminal and follow the lorry lanes. This takes you on to a weighbridge and I collect a ticket giving my weight and its free.



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lennyhb - 2011-05-25 10:15 AM
Retread24800 - 2011-05-24 10:21 PM

Dont leave the SPA 50 (edit  SB 'SPF 50') behind, it was 28deg today and 30 tomorrow.


Didn't get one of those with my van only a C of C (lol)

The C of C was an Extra on mine E129. But the weather was included. B-) 

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I had never given it a thought that public weighbridges could(..or would be permitted),to be that far out!?


Although obviously,I take the point that they aren't really designed for loads of around 3.5 tonne but it does sort of make a mockery of folk trying to keep within their limits,by adjusting what they carry,by the odd 20-30kg? :-S


So,if you get pulled up and checked at the roadside,do you reckon WE would get the same 50kg tolerance?.... :-S


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That's what it says in the Trading Standards document let face it 50kg is not much if you are weighing a 40 Tonne artic which is what they are designed for. I know that there is no tolerance given if you are overweight but I wouldn't think they would do you if you were 45kg over knowing the tolerance on their equipment is 50kg, even worse on the port ones 2% of 3500kg is 70kg.
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