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Leisure Battery replacement

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Typical isn't it, Bank Holiday weekend and the leisure battery decided to give up the ghost last night. I was cursing, as the van insurance runs out today, and it has to be taxed the day after tomorrow. More expense is all we need. I shouldn't have grumbled, when we came to remove said battery, we were shocked to see that it was only 55Ah! I'm sure the handbook said it should be 85Ah but anyway, given that we have never changed it in the 3 yrs we've had the van, and its never let us down until now, I have to say that I think it has coped admirably with its workload given its lack of power, so do not begrudge spending money on a new one after all. Just can' t believe it did so well for so long! *-)
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Wouldn't it be funny if it turned out not to be the battery after all - just a dirty contact or fuse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy Bank Holiday!

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Life gets you like that. I just had the insurance inspector in and my 8 tonne lift has a worn main drive nut so highly reccomended to replace it....................................£150 for one nut and probably three hours to replace it 8-) . OK its not a bog standard nut but £150? Anyway it has to be replaced just like your battery so we can only put it down to overall running costs, you for your motorhome and me for my workshop. :D



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