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wildcamping gower


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A report into Tackling Wildcamping /Caravaning /Tenting was released over the weekend in South Wales. Some of the best Known Gower Peninsular beauty spots are to be protected from such activities with a clampdown on any illegal Camping. Three Cliffs Horton and Port Eynon are the worst affected on the Gower. Landowners, Police and Gower rangers are to patrol The Gower Area and remove any persons or Vehicle’s that are camping or parked illegally. A spokesman stated that they have been forced into this action due to the irresponsible behaviour of the campers leaving behind toilet waste and litter. So if you want to stay on the Gower ,Be warned use a car park or Site. Or you could land up with a £60 fixed penalty. It appears the landowners and residents of the Gower have had enough but it as to say most of the illegal camping is by Tenters. Other local authorities are also looking at this Problem. The Brecon Beacons also as a similar problem. Councillors are of the opinion, we give people permission to open camp sites and because they state there is a call for them. Then we get these so called campers on a Freebie who abuse our country side and the costs of cleaning it up out ways the benefits and money generated locally. There is a general feeling that people who wild camp do not not contribute to the local economy they bring in all their needs with them. So once again a Minority kills it off.
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Guest Tracker

Just a dogone minute Henry!


There is nothing wrong with so called wild camping when carried out responsibly - the problem comes when it is done by idiots who know their rights but not their responsibilites.


The Gower is very close to Swansea and Llanelli bothof which large urban areas of not particulalry high income are known for the social irresponsibility of large proportions of their populations.


The damage is caused in the main by young ill equipped 'campers' who, simplistically, wait for warm weather then buy a cheap tent and a crate of beer and head for a weekend of booze and whatever other pleasure takes their fancy out on the Gower.


Maybe education is needed, although probably legislation will be used in the UK's typical sledgehammer approach - a bit like the car insurance changes - so that in order to get back at the minority of transgressers everyone else has to pay and suffer.


There is also a world of difference between an experienced motor caravanner parking up for a quiet night in open countryside and a group of youngsters with no kit having a rave.


Please Henry, do not lump responsible off site camping motor caravanners in with irresponsible campers just because it suits your pet anti freedom from sites cause.


As an aside it is well known that the dislike of anything uncontrolled or remotely looking like individualism or freedom is abhored by the looney left - and guess who are running the Welsh Assembly!


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I fully agree with Tracker.


Ignore that silly old twerp nicknamed Rupert. He will be in his element with this thread. It is the typical knee jerk reaction of the uninspired with the mentality of sheep. It is probably he who did the complaining in the first place under the pseudonym of "outraged of Bedgellert". *-)

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Guest Tracker

Please note that I tried hard to reply to Rupert's point without resorting to insults.


Personal attacks don't help and hiding behind a smiley just makes it worse in my view.


Sorry Jim but in my view we do need to rid this forum of unprovoked personal attacks.


And no - I don't consider myself to be a self appointed moderator - just a considerate, tolerant, responsible and moderate person unafraid to say it as he sees it.


For what it's worth - I don't see the Gower as suitable for off site camping as it is a very popular area and far too heavily used and populated for anyone off site to be unobtrusive and I would support the banning of all off site camping in the interets of the majority.


I would however allow suitably equiped motorcaravans to use the otherwise empty car parks overnight for a reasonable fee as long as they did not obstruct car use during the daytime.

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I have recently returned from a tour of Wales, and finished up in Port Eynon. I always use sites of one form or another, I stayed on the only site in Port Eynon and finished up paying £40 for 2 nights, and that in the off peak season.


The car park in the village charge £1.30 per hour and of course it was empty, there is no village shop to buy any provisions from, and I was very dissapointed in all from my stay there.


I truely beleave that much of the Gower and its inhabitants are trying to turn it into an exclusive area and keep out any visiters either by trumped up by laws or overpriced accommdation.


One thing is for certain, it will be a long time before I return there again, and its status as an AONB is

played out as there are far more nicer places to stay in Pembrokshire. :'(

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Same thing is happening on Loch Lomond. Its kids in throw away £9.99 tents.


Most wild campers in motorhomes actually contribute to the local economy, clear up their own and often other peoples mess and certainly wouldnt empty a Thetford in a hedge.


It is a typical Knee jerk reaction. Oh well, another place to not worry about visiting. Its little wonder I go off to Europe all the time and spend my money there.

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Tracker you state” The Gower is very close to Swansea and Llanelli both of which large urban areas of not particularly high income are known for the social irresponsibility of large proportions of their populations” are you imply that these citizens are all responsible for the problems on the Gower?. If so you need to take off your fog clouded Glasses. The last group of campers came from London according to the Local Police who moved them off. Also 3 M/H( 1 with a Northampton Address, 2 nd with a London address 3rd from Gloucester) have been issued formal warnings and if they are caught again their vehicle will be impounded. Just to attack the People of Swansea and Llanelli shows your are not Up to speed with the facts , Yes there are some locals but from evidence and vehicle registrations collected many are from across the Border in England, Tracker most of the Raves on the Gower have been on Swansea common not in and around the Gower villages. There is a growing Problem in Wales with wild, Only last week there was a Problem at City Hall car park in Cardiff Bay were some one had dumped their Toilet on the Grass over the weekend. Last weekend I was in Weymouth and illegal parking was a subject brought up at a meeting, it turned out they are concerned about Motorhomes parking in residential streets when they have a car park that they can use, but no it was sleeping overnight. I am not against wild camping but it is becoming an ever growing Problem especially with the large number of Motor homes on the road. Only last Year The local Authority at Porthcawl band overnight stays and long term parking for motorhomes on its Promenade after so many complaints . I do use Aires and the like when in France and have been Badgering many of the councils in Wales to adopt the Idea of Aires, but when you get wild camping and the problems that they are causing it will never Happen. I do wild camp on occasions but will not attack or try to put someone down because they do not believe or support my ideas or principles. My post was to warn Motor homers to be aware that there was a clamp down and hopefully save them the problem of a fine and being moved on at a late hour…
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Guest pelmetman
If spend a week wild camping and get a £60 fine 8-) ...................sounds cheaper than campsites :D
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pelmetman - 2011-05-30 6:04 PM


If spend a week wild camping and get a £60 fine 8-) ...................sounds cheaper than campsites :D


Yes but I wouldnt want to go somewhere where they are daft enough to just impose blanket ban. There are plenty of other places where we can go.

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Tracker - 2011-05-30 4:10 PM


Just a dogone minute Henry!


There is nothing wrong with so called wild camping when carried out responsibly - the problem comes when it is done by idiots who know their rights but not their responsibilites.


The Gower is very close to Swansea and Llanelli bothof which large urban areas of not particulalry high income are known for the social irresponsibility of large proportions of their populations.


The damage is caused in the main by young ill equipped 'campers' who, simplistically, wait for warm weather then buy a cheap tent and a crate of beer and head for a weekend of booze and whatever other pleasure takes their fancy out on the Gower.


Maybe education is needed, although probably legislation will be used in the UK's typical sledgehammer approach - a bit like the car insurance changes - so that in order to get back at the minority of transgressers everyone else has to pay and suffer.


There is also a world of difference between an experienced motor caravanner parking up for a quiet night in open countryside and a group of youngsters with no kit having a rave.


Please Henry, do not lump responsible off site camping motor caravanners in with irresponsible campers just because it suits your pet anti freedom from sites cause.


As an aside it is well known that the dislike of anything uncontrolled or remotely looking like individualism or freedom is abhored by the looney left - and guess who are running the Welsh Assembly!




Totally Agree

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Guest Tracker

No fog on my specs Phillip!


We lived and worked in Pembs for too many years not to have heard about the antics and attitudes of some of the inhabitants of South and West Wales!


Perhaps if the local authorities were less biased against motor caravans and were to turn their attention instead to encouraging responsible vanners to stay by making use of empty night time car parks or providing legal overnight locations on some of the many many 'brown field' locations that abound in Wales the local business people would start to benefit from us instead of being shunned by us.


France and Germany in particular but also Scandinavia make it work for them and we are always happy to support local traders in the towns and villages we stay at - but if we ever do feel unwelcome we just say - well sod you too - and we go elsewhere to spend our meagre pensions!


The Gower is no big deal - attractive enough sure - but when compared to Pembs and other parts of the Welsh coast it is just average, if expensive, and you will no doubt be relieved to know that we have no plans to be going there again!


I don't believe that I have attacked anyone or put anyone down - apart from those who deserve to be put down?

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I think it is high time that everyone gave up on the idea of "wild camping" in the UK, even if some enlightened councils were to install a bourne, how long does anyone realistically think it would last.


I have to say as a resident of Cymru at least Powys council at present do allow 1 night in 7 on many of their car parks, but for how long, and where can you obtain 100 lites of fresh water, and dump your waste, answer nowhere. Gwynedd on the other hand, positively discourage not only motorhomes, but tourism in general, try parking on Barmouth sea front and see how long you last there, or take a trip to Anglesea and see how many height barriers you can get under.


Now the Welsh assembly have more powers it will get worse, recently signs were erected on our local beach prohibiting climbing or fishing off the rocks, that is an example of the mind set of our local Mafia ( sorry council ). The same thing will happen in Scotland now the SNP are in charge, I believe there is a blanket ban already in some parts on "wild camping". Frankly as far as I'm concerned if someone said the only place I could use my van was the UK, it would be on Ebay the day after. Vive la France, where I am, currently in the Dordogne, posting this courtesy of Orange France. ;-)

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A tracker you do shoot from the hip you certainly open your mouth before your brain is engaged. YOU do not attack others, hang on are you the Tracker that as ruffled a lot of feathers on this forum. Was not that an attack on the god people of Swansea and Llanelli? Pembrokeshire as we like to call it little England must have been waving the Flags the Day you left And then a Jibe at Ham that he would be relieved to know you have no intention or plans to be going back to Pembs . I doubt that he is worried about it or the people of Pembs .You do seem to have an attitude problem I thought Ham was doing a favour warning us wild campers that there could be a Problem down there. Your Avatar is that a worm you’re holding
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Further to my post above, surely the point is, as far as I'm aware it is illegal to "wild camp"at least in the sense of parking up in your van and sleeping in the UK in any event, so anyone who does should be aware they are likely to be committing some breach of a national or local bye-law Wherever you go, unless permission has been expressly given. Another reason to avoid the UK like the plague if your a motor homer.
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There is no need to turn this into a slagging match Please. Tracker can say what he likes or have what ever opinions he wants it does not worry me I just could not Care . Life is to short to fight over minor things there are enough problems in this life to argue with someone i have never or will ever meet. I keep all my arguments around committee tables and fight for overs beliefs I have to agree wildcamping could be a thing of the past in the not to distant future ... One main problem we have in South Wales are the travellers who turn up turn the car park or what ever bit of land they are on into a tip and you and i have to pay to clear it up, The last one we had cost my council 56k to clear up so the hieght barriers are going up. Last week whilst in Devon the newspapers reported a group of travellers had invaded Prince Charles land and he was having problems removing them. France Aires may not be free for much longer as i see each time i go out Barriers and pay machines being install the local mayors are waking up and realise there is money to be had :-D :-D B-)
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Hi Vanner1 and welcome to the forum. You will find a number of vociferous anti-wildcamping members on here, so be prepared. They believe that the Caravan Club is the only organisation worth worshipping and will brook no criticism of it.


The way I look at it, if we did not wildcamp, who would pick up all the rubbish in scenic areas?


Councils need to be educated and eventually they will learn about motorhomes and their owners. That is more than can be said about some OAL members.


Tracker, somebody put up a photo of a wind damaged m/home recently and all Lord Thornber could do was make a joke about him saving on site fees. He and Rupert have a dig at every possible opportunity. I do occasionally use sites (usually THS) and I live in fear of getting stuck next to some humourless person like them. If they changed the record, I would not make any disparaging remarks to them. 8o|


You will soon spot the ones I mean. They are often bombastic and arrogant when posting replies but are all sweetness and light when asking a question to a problem.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
"Councils need to be educated", some chance. Like national government they do not understand they serve the people, rather the opposite way round, but I do genuinely admire optimism. :-)
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747 - 2011-05-30 4:57 PM


I fully agree with Tracker.


Ignore that silly old twerp nicknamed Rupert. He will be in his element with this thread. It is the typical knee jerk reaction of the uninspired with the mentality of sheep. It is probably he who did the complaining in the first place under the pseudonym of "outraged of Bedgellert". *-)


Jim you do not know me or have any idea about me so unless you have something sensible to say suggest you say nothing. I am against 'wild camping' with good reason, I have no problem with staying on aires/stellplatz etc. This is just another point against it, if you have any good points about it then please say because simply being abusive is a sure sign of someone without any argument. Why do you think all the height barriers go up in the first place. You really are are rather unpleasant person and suggest you take yourself off somewhere else. If you disagree then just say why and perhaps others will then listen. As for calling it 'wild camping' you obviously have no idea what wild camping is. I used to wild camp when climbing in the Alps, Dolomites etc. It was done in a small tent miles from anywhere before or after a climb. Perhaps you should re-name it 'camping for free loaders'.

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Tracker - 2011-05-30 4:10 PM


Just a dogone minute Henry!


There is nothing wrong with so called wild camping when carried out responsibly - the problem comes when it is done by idiots who know their rights but not their responsibilites.


The Gower is very close to Swansea and Llanelli bothof which large urban areas of not particulalry high income are known for the social irresponsibility of large proportions of their populations.


The damage is caused in the main by young ill equipped 'campers' who, simplistically, wait for warm weather then buy a cheap tent and a crate of beer and head for a weekend of booze and whatever other pleasure takes their fancy out on the Gower.


Maybe education is needed, although probably legislation will be used in the UK's typical sledgehammer approach - a bit like the car insurance changes - so that in order to get back at the minority of transgressers everyone else has to pay and suffer.


There is also a world of difference between an experienced motor caravanner parking up for a quiet night in open countryside and a group of youngsters with no kit having a rave.


Please Henry, do not lump responsible off site camping motor caravanners in with irresponsible campers just because it suits your pet anti freedom from sites cause.


As an aside it is well known that the dislike of anything uncontrolled or remotely looking like individualism or freedom is abhored by the looney left - and guess who are running the Welsh Assembly!


Unfortunatly Rich everyone does get lumped together and what happens, up go the height barriers and the carpark notices which effects us all whether we do it or not. It is not just in the UK this is happening and it will get worse. I do not like aires much but have no problem with them, why would I, or any place it is legal to stay.

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rupert123 - 2011-05-30 11:14 PM


747 - 2011-05-30 4:57 PM


I fully agree with Tracker.


Ignore that silly old twerp nicknamed Rupert. He will be in his element with this thread. It is the typical knee jerk reaction of the uninspired with the mentality of sheep. It is probably he who did the complaining in the first place under the pseudonym of "outraged of Bedgellert". *-)


Jim you do not know me or have any idea about me so unless you have something sensible to say suggest you say nothing. I am against 'wild camping' with good reason, I have no problem with staying on aires/stellplatz etc. This is just another point against it, if you have any good points about it then please say because simply being abusive is a sure sign of someone without any argument. Why do you think all the height barriers go up in the first place. You really are are rather unpleasant person and suggest you take yourself off somewhere else. If you disagree then just say why and perhaps others will then listen. As for calling it 'wild camping' you obviously have no idea what wild camping is. I used to wild camp when climbing in the Alps, Dolomites etc. It was done in a small tent miles from anywhere before or after a climb. Perhaps you should re-name it 'camping for free loaders'.


I am getting annoyed with you Rupert because we have had this conversation before but you have too much tunnel vision to amend your view in the slightest. I mentioned sheep because you are like the other sheep who believes every wildcamper dumps his rubbish willy nilly. Height barriers should be of concern to me and not you as they do not affect someone who uses sites full time. As for Aires and Stellplatz, I feel no need to be packed together on tarmac with umpteen other vans. I prefer the solitary wide open spaces.


Yes, the last time you mentioned your wildcamping in the Dolomites etc. Fascinating but not relevant. You know nothing of me either. I have been in much more dangerous places than the Dolomites, on more than one Continent and without the comforts of a motorhome.


I have wasted enough breath on you, suffice to say, why do'nt you find pastures anew. There are one or two members who would be happy with that. I believe that you have upset more people than I have.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I come from a similar perspective, but I have simply given up on the UK, and be honest guys, wild camping in the UK with for the most part no way of disposing of all your relevant waste is a non starter other that for maybe the odd night when you can take it home. Although I'm with you in spirit as I hate regular sites in the UK. However we do use sites as well as aires in France out of season where you can very often find a municipal or private site and be only one of a handful staying there. That is never the case in the UK and I don't wish to stay somewhere with the potential to have to be with another 100 or so "campers" they offer me NOTHING that I want, and CLs in most instances are unsuitable,on the rare occasion I do have to use them I have yet to find one with a drive over grey water dump point for example, or even a suitably placed fresh water tap. As an aire user out of season, and being very very selective is as close to "wild" camping as I find you can get in this modern world.


It is NOT for me at least "free loading" as one of the above puts it, avoiding " regular" sites is simply the only way for me in an attempt to avoid the rest of the human race, some of whom bring with them their yapping dogs, screaming kids, too loud TVs, most of which I have to endure all around me when at home. And God forbid I should ever get cornered ( with all due respect and I'm sure some would feel the same about me ) with some of you guys as my pitch neighbour !





:-S :-S

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There really should be a grand national type race for you lot.

Your horses are so high, you could just step over the fences without any effort.


These various councils are implementing blanket bans because of the mindless minority who have spoiled it for the otherwise sensible and considerate majority, there is also the undisputable fact that more and more "travellers" are using motorhomes in the UK, and this has been a major influence in some of these decisions.

All this whingeing and argueing over the rights, wrongs and otherwise of "wild" (excuse me while I decide whether staying in a fully equipped travelling vehicle can reasonably be described as wild) camping, is futile and a waste of what little time most of you have left on the planet.


Many of you are happy to call for a blanket ban on children or dogs ( again, belonging to a few irresponsible parents or owners) on the sites you frequent, or happy to lend your voice to the banning of travellers who park where they want, but when you yourself are affected by blanket bans, you are up in arms. In other words, you want the bans and height barriers to apply to "pikey" vans, but not yours.

If the by- laws of these various councils ban or prevent overnight parking on land owned by the council, then you can't park there, end of, you do not inherit special privelege when youpurchase a motorhome.


Remember all those immigrants who have set up home here and ignore our laws, those foreign visitors who get away with everything, you moan like hell about them, but when it comes to setting up camp overnight on a car park where parking is disallowed, you think it's ok to do it yourself,




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Hi, Wild camping /Aires type of stop overs, just not the Gower. WE ALL need to contact our local and district councils and pester them into turning over their normally empty at night car par parks to MH's.


There MUST be some legal bod out there looking at this who could draw up some sort of letter (much better than I could) that we could all copy and send to our local councillors suggesting that MH's could use the empty spaces and at the same time earn some very esy cash!


It could also be mentioned that Ilfracombe in North Devon will be providing an aires in their town this season.


Paul and Ann

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