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wildcamping gower


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1footinthegrave - 2011-06-01 8:51 PM


rupert123 - 2011-06-01 10:50 AM


1footinthegrave - 2011-05-31 10:25 PM


What a pointless futile exercise these forums are becoming. And do you think for a moment some petty pen pusher in the council will even give you or I the time of day. .Alos I really do begin to wonder if some of you ever go out in your vans, if you have one that is. Over the months I've seen the same contributors time and time again every time I get an opportunity to log on and check out UK news etc, it's nearly June and your still on here wasting energy giving opinions that no one wants to hear ( including mine here no doubt), go out and spread the milk of human kindness in the real world. I'm currently in Castillon-le Bataille in 28 degrees and have had beautiful non stop sunshine since we arrived in France on the 5th of May, come and try it, I'm convinced it's that crap UK weather that gets you all down. If I can convince just one of you to give up on your ramblings and get your A**** across the channel I think I will have given my share of human kindness. For those that say they prefer the UK I can only say you've either never been here, or have gone to the wrong place, it's a motor homers paradise compared to anywhere in the UK B-)


Gower in the drizzle, don't make me laugh..............................


Come of it. You seem to spend as much time as any on here recently, do you imagine others do not have the same internet access as you. I admit that due to circumstances at the moment my wife and I are at home but over the last five years we have averaged about six months a year away, not to bad I reckon. We travel in Europe and the UK and both are great. If your only reason for going away is the weather that is pretty sad. If these forums are such a useless exercise what on earth are you doing contributing?


Why am I responding once more to you, but I will on this occasion.


Because it gives me a laugh to see some contributors inane comments, but just occasionally there is some useful stuff if you can sort the junk out.

Not that it is really any of your business but we combine our M/home travel with occasional house sitting. We currently have a sit "job" near Castillon la bataille, Gironde, where the owner has broadband, hence my ability to read and post on here as well as a dongle.


Why would you think I'd be the least bothered that you think it pretty sad that we prefer the milder climate of southern France to that of Cymru, ( where we live actually ) or the UK generally ( barbecue summer anyone ) we are also aware through our daughter that since we left on the 5th of May the weather has been crap there. Why would you care or feel the need to comment on our desire not to be cold and watch the rain come down in "Gods own country" when we can be here. We have had so far 26 days of wall to wall sunshine, temps in the mid to high twenties, I make no apologies to say that it is infinitely better.


Perhaps it's escaped you but most folk head for the Sun on their holidays.


I once heard someone say "there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing" well I prefer my shorts. :-)


Well, you have not put me off 1foot, I am so keen to discover my own country that I am even prepared to travel around Wales. :D


That's the pity about waiting until you are retired before you travel, at that age your horizons are more limited. It is much better to do work that combines the two I found. Much better on the pocket too.


Never mind......isn't it time you got back to work? ;-)

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Why would you think I'd be the least bothered that you think it pretty sad that we prefer the milder climate of southern France to that of Cymru, ( where we live actually ) or the UK generally ( barbecue summer anyone ) we are also aware through our daughter that since we left on the 5th of May the weather has been crap there. Why would you care or feel the need to comment on our desire not to be cold and watch the rain come down in "Gods own country" when we can be here. We have had so far 26 days of wall to wall sunshine, temps in the mid to high twenties, I make no apologies to say that it is infinitely better.


Perhaps it's escaped you but most folk head for the Sun on their holidays.


I do not know were your daughter lives But Wales in General is going thro the dryest period on record since records began Yes we have had some rain,, Badly need to dampen down the ground as we have Had some of the worst Grass and forest fires seen for many years. The reservoirs are at thier lowest and water is being pumped from the Major rivers to keep them topped up The met office as also reported that temps have been higher year than Spain and the south of France.I see the French meto are forcasting Rain for my Journey down to the French/Spannish Border for the next week but wall to wall Sun and i am leaving it

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I really do not understand what the issue is with a couple of you guys. I LIVE in Wales, I have lived there for very many years, you don't need to tell me about the weather, yes we've just gone through one of the coldest, but driest winters, but so what, generally it still rains a lot, or is overcast much of the time. We are not a million miles away from the source of much of the west midlands water supply, why is it there, because of the high rainfall. All I said originally was given a choice of the Gower or the south of France, I'd choose France, is that really a hanging offence. (!)
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Not bothered about the weather, we go to France because we like the country, the lifestyle, the people and the attitude to motorhomes; simple as that. (Although to be honest the weather in France is almost always better than here in West Yorkshie). Why are we not in France now? Well eldest daughter has just presented us with another gorgeous grand daughter, so cleraly had to stay home for that. And that is the reason we stay, in the U.K., family and friends, rather than base ourselves in France. But we will be back in France in 3 weeks time, this time heading east around Metz, and could not care less what the weather will be like!
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747 - 2011-05-30 8:49 PM


The way I look at it, if we did not wildcamp, who would pick up all the rubbish in scenic areas?



On your way to the Gower could you 'wild camp' along the B4239 between Newport and Cardiff. The fly-tippers have left the verges in a right old state. :D

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antony1969 - 2011-06-02 9:08 PM


Robnjean , you havent been to Huddersfield have ya , never rains and sunny 364 days of the year . Has its own micro climate and I think thats the reason we have a lot of darker skinned folk here


"On a farm in 'Uddersfield

There was a cow that wouldn't yield

The reason why it wouldn't yield.............


It didn't like its 'Uddersfield!!

:D :D :D


Sorry .....couldn't resist :D :D


Jeremy the L'AimeDuck

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Guest JudgeMental

I have just walked in the door after a lovely week away in Brecon and the Gower perninsular...Nice to see the same old protagonists are at it again. We stayed on sites every night and always found something available, no site cost much more then approx £20 with the best for facilities being a CC site on way home (lovely hot and powerful showers).


We saw no evidence of wildcamping or rubbish anywhere, so can only assume those practising this form of camping where thin on the ground or very discreate...... But to be honest the meanness and tightfisted nature of some on here is simply astonishing.

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oldlowie - 2011-06-03 10:13 AM


747 - 2011-05-30 8:49 PM


The way I look at it, if we did not wildcamp, who would pick up all the rubbish in scenic areas?



On your way to the Gower could you 'wild camp' along the B4239 between Newport and Cardiff. The fly-tippers have left the verges in a right old state. :D


No problem mate, just let me know how many black bags I need. :D


Local Councils have been slated on this thread but they are NOT all alike.


One of them has been interactive with a few wildcampers in Northumberland. A Council official gave his contact details and the wildcampers gave him information (reg numbers etc.) with the result that wildcampers are welcome to this lovely spot and fly tipping has virtually disappeared.


Who said that common sense can not prevail.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 12:41 PM


I have just walked in the door after a lovely week away in Brecon and the Gower perninsular...Nice to see the same old protagonists are at it again. We stayed on sites every night and always found something available, no site cost much more then approx £20 with the best for facilities being a CC site on way home (lovely hot and powerful showers).


We saw no evidence of wildcamping or rubbish anywhere, so can only assume those practising this form of camping where thin on the ground or very discreate...... But to be honest the meanness and tightfisted nature of some on here is simply astonishing.


You simply don't get it do you. For the final time ( at least from me ) it is NOT about money, some of us simply DON'T want to stay on sites all the time, and we have hot showers in our vans, and everything else thanks.

As far as possible in this crowded world, the clue to what we like is in the word "wild". I and many others don't want to spend yet more time around people than is absolutely necessary, is that really so difficult to understand.

Folk don't make assumptions about your choices, the reasonable thing for you to do surely is not to make assumptions about their choices either.


But to be honest the meanness of mind and ill mannered nature of some on here is simply astonishing. :-|

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JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 12:41 PM


I have just walked in the door after a lovely week away in Brecon and the Gower perninsular...Nice to see the same old protagonists are at it again. We stayed on sites every night and always found something available, no site cost much more then approx £20 with the best for facilities being a CC site on way home (lovely hot and powerful showers).


We saw no evidence of wildcamping or rubbish anywhere, so can only assume those practising this form of camping where thin on the ground or very discreate...... But to be honest the meanness and tightfisted nature of some on here is simply astonishing.


Good to hear Eddie, hope new van ran well being new X250 sure it did. Agree with all you say but try not to discourage the 'free campers' to much just direct them to any area that has some rubbish and they will pick it all up. We are stuck at home at the moment but weather is great and just back from day at small place call Borth y Gest, just up the road from us. With this weather as good as anywhere in Europe.

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1footinthegrave - 2011-06-03 2:56 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 12:41 PM


I have just walked in the door after a lovely week away in Brecon and the Gower perninsular...Nice to see the same old protagonists are at it again. We stayed on sites every night and always found something available, no site cost much more then approx £20 with the best for facilities being a CC site on way home (lovely hot and powerful showers).


We saw no evidence of wildcamping or rubbish anywhere, so can only assume those practising this form of camping where thin on the ground or very discreate...... But to be honest the meanness and tightfisted nature of some on here is simply astonishing.


You simply don't get it do you. For the final time ( at least from me ) it is NOT about money, some of us simply DON'T want to stay on sites all the time, and we have hot showers in our vans, and everything else thanks.

As far as possible in this crowded world, the clue to what we like is in the word "wild". I and many others don't want to spend yet more time around people than is absolutely necessary, is that really so difficult to understand.

Folk don't make assumptions about your choices, the reasonable thing for you to do surely is not to make assumptions about their choices either.


But to be honest the meanness of mind and ill mannered nature of some on here is simply astonishing. :-|


Good afternoon 1foot,


Please rearrange the following to find a well known phrase or saying:


Horse, flogging, dead, a.


If successful, you will win our Star Prize. The chance never to meet anyone you nominate.



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747 - 2011-06-03 4:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-03 2:56 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 12:41 PM


I have just walked in the door after a lovely week away in Brecon and the Gower perninsular...Nice to see the same old protagonists are at it again. We stayed on sites every night and always found something available, no site cost much more then approx £20 with the best for facilities being a CC site on way home (lovely hot and powerful showers).


We saw no evidence of wildcamping or rubbish anywhere, so can only assume those practising this form of camping where thin on the ground or very discreate...... But to be honest the meanness and tightfisted nature of some on here is simply astonishing.


You simply don't get it do you. For the final time ( at least from me ) it is NOT about money, some of us simply DON'T want to stay on sites all the time, and we have hot showers in our vans, and everything else thanks.

As far as possible in this crowded world, the clue to what we like is in the word "wild". I and many others don't want to spend yet more time around people than is absolutely necessary, is that really so difficult to understand.

Folk don't make assumptions about your choices, the reasonable thing for you to do surely is not to make assumptions about their choices either.


But to be honest the meanness of mind and ill mannered nature of some on here is simply astonishing. :-|


Good afternoon 1foot,


Please rearrange the following to find a well known phrase or saying:


Horse, flogging, dead, a.


If successful, you will win our Star Prize. The chance never to meet anyone you nominate.




Me thinks this is a waste of time. The views on here particularly the anti wild camping brigade just seem blinkered to me. There are a lot of snide remarks and I suspect undertones of jealousy. I bet most of the anti brigade would secretly love to park their vans on their own on a perfect mountain top or lake side spot and feel safe to do so but they have been exposed to far too much of the nanny state Britain ethos to dare do it. Their response is to try and ridicule those that do.


I can see why many like campsites. They like the organisation, the false sense of security, the facilities, entertainment etc etc etc. I see why some might like that. Why can’t you see what the wild campers like? And why despite many many threads do you still think its all about saving money? Several including me have tried to explain but it just isn’t going in is it?


Dead Flogging Horse A




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Guest JudgeMental

we dont have Aires over here so other the CLs or sites I see no alternative to staying on sites.....That is the way England is. Not to say if we did find a nice spot in a lovely location where camping for a night would not affect or inconvenience anyone.....But what is the chances of that on our overcrowded Isle.


Just the sheer tedium of having to find water and get rid of waste safely is enough for me to pay up.


I do not trust wild campers I'm afraid to act without criticism, I simply dont believe that at times they dump indiscriminatingly...filthy urchins....... And can you imagine meeting up with some of the grungy nomads that inhabit this site...The blood runs cold at the thought!:D

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Guest JudgeMental
Vanner1 - 2011-05-30 8:32 PM


A tracker you do shoot from the hip you certainly open your mouth before your brain is engaged. YOU do not attack others, hang on are you the Tracker that as ruffled a lot of feathers on this forum. Was not that an attack on the god people of Swansea and Llanelli? Pembrokeshire as we like to call it little England must have been waving the Flags the Day you left And then a Jibe at Ham that he would be relieved to know you have no intention or plans to be going back to Pembs . I doubt that he is worried about it or the people of Pembs .You do seem to have an attitude problem I thought Ham was doing a favour warning us wild campers that there could be a Problem down there. Your Avatar is that a worm you’re holding





You Sir are a superb judge if character!



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Guest 1footinthegrave

Why the F*** try to bother to explain to some of these guys who seem to think these forums are nothing but their exclusive club, and to verbally beat up anyone who's view does not coincide with theirs.


The bloke from Beddgelert who simply cannot wait to tell us he's had one days sunshine in the past 31 days, the other bloke always sparring for an argument even a week away in the Gower does nothing to sweeten his demeanour, it would be a bloody miracle for any of them to just tone it down. The "friendly" forums as these are supposed to be are nothing of the sort, unless that is, your bosom mates with Eddie, Rupert, etc.


I suppose we should not rise to the bait, as that would probably annoy them even more. But it also goes to illustrate why I for one avoid most of the human race like the bubonic plague.


And this "new" bloke vanner1, but he is fully conversant with one members postings to pass judgement on him on his first post, so he either has read specifically all of his posts, unlikely, or has just re-registered to have a dig, pathetic.

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Guest JudgeMental
Your rudeness does you no credit.....So pray tell, how do you get rid of your waste from both tanks please? and do you have a SOG fitted to your toilet? As I am making a wild guess that you are all to mean to buy one otf those as well. Or do you pooh in a bush I wonder........... I will keep it pleasant when the likes of some on here stop ruining camping opportunities and getting local communities backs up... And yes this is the friendly forum for those who camp considerately :-D
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To be fair a lot of our wilding is done in the north or in Scotland. There never seems to be a shortage of places to get water or to empty the loo. I see nothing wrong with emptying a loo in a public toilet when its quiet and out of the way and you dont leave a mess.


I dont know about your van but mine can go without a fill up or empty for say 4 nights. Even if I didnt know where to empty or fill up I could always go to a campsite and either ask or book into a CL for a night.


Also lots of the places we tend to go for short trips in the UK we get to know where the best spots are and where to safely fill up and empty.


I know we are going around in circles but knowing the code of practice thats constantly discussed on the wildcamping site I know pretty much for certain nobody on there would empty their loo in a hedge.


The only times I have seen a mess caused by wild campers is around here where I live before and after the Appleby horse fair. Most of these are in caravans.

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1 foot in the Grave . I have been a follower of this forum for at least 5 years. Yes I have just registered. But I will not be hooked like a fish. like some contributers appear to be . And by the way I do Wild camp but only where it is legally allowed. This Gower problem was also reported in the Western Mail this week along with the actions the authorities will be taking. I see also Loch Lomond is to be come off limits……
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It may surprise you to know Mr judgeMENTAL that over 80% of my nights this year have been on sites and yes I handed money over. These were C&CC (the Friendly Club, surprised you are not a member) THS sites. I left the CC as I did not want to be part of the same organisation as yourself. Too embarassing. :$


The standard instructions on CC and CCC THS sites for waste water is :chuck it in the hedge'. They do have fresh water points and CDP's.


It is no coincidence that a lot of wildcampers have independant views on camping. Quite a few run (or ran) their own business. The main protagonists come from a different background. Your main admirer Rupert was in the British car business (a real success story there) and I see you as either an Accountant or Civil Servant. Either way, a free spirit would be a definite handicap.


We do not run abroad because we are not suited at the British Law on camping, we get off our backsides and try to change it. There is nothing I like better than to prick pomposity and injustice. If we ever get any changes made then I am sure that you will take full advantage of them.


As for the comments on it being impossible to wildcamp in the UK, all I can say is yes it is impossible, nobody should waste their time attempting it.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 5:29 PM


Your rudeness does you no credit.....So pray tell, how do you get rid of your waste from both tanks please? and do you have a SOG fitted to your toilet? As I am making a wild guess that you are all to mean to buy one otf those as well. Or do you pooh in a bush I wonder........... I will keep it pleasant when the likes of some on here stop ruining camping opportunities and getting local communities backs up... And yes this is the friendly forum for those who camp considerately :-D


You may see if you go back two pages I said that "wild camping" as a general rule in the UK is a dead duck, but we do it on occasion if no suitable stopping place is available, like returning from Dover back to West Wales in the middle of the night. Or on the sea front at Dover on route to France. And on some occasions in Scotland. And you know as well as anyone else most vans can easily accommodate three days of waste on-board until a suitable place is reached, in my case usually home, an Aire, or a CCC club motorhome stop off point. :-S

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Guest JudgeMental

It has as gone very very quiet...I will try once again, without getting personal and aggressive? How do you "wildcampers" (what a romantic notion!) dispose of your waste, I am honestly and hopelessly intriqued....Or do you decant said waste into containers and travel around with gallons of pee and pooh for days on end? The mind boggles! lol


And I know that some do this because they have admitted it on these pages...(old threads)


So how many of you use bio chemicals (to expensive ?) and how do you get rid of 100 litres or more of grey waste I wonder...down a storm drain I bet? Then for this whole sorry saga to be repeated the day after :D


So all the freedom seeking "wildcampers" on here are obviously above reproach.... But those causing mayhem and upset all over the place, from Spain to Scotland who can they be I wonder.... *-)


I have said this before, I dont converse with people who withold their names in real life and I am certainly not going to start on here where I like to think I am among like minded friendly people

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JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 7:35 PM


It has as gone very very quiet...I will try once again, without getting personal and aggressive? How do you "wildcampers" (what a romantic notion!) dispose of your waste, I am honestly and hopelessly intriqued....Or do you decant said waste into containers and travel around with gallons of pee and pooh for days on end? The mind boggles! lol


And I know that some do this because they have admitted it on these pages...(old threads)


So how many of you use bio chemicals (to expensive ?) and how do you get rid of 100 litres or more of grey waste I wonder...down a storm drain I bet? Then for this whole sorry saga to be repeated the day after :D


So all the freedom seeking "wildcampers" on here are obviously above reproach.... But those causing mayhem and upset all over the place, from Spain to Scotland who can they be I wonder.... *-)


I have said this before, I dont converse with people who withold their names in real life and I am certainly not going to start on here where I like to think I am among like minded friendly people


I think perhaps there is something wrong with the forum, are my posts not being displayed or am I just too insignificant for anyone to bother reading them? As I said earlier poo down the loo and probably into the same sewage system your campsite uses. I use the stuff without formaldahide or nothing at all.


Grey water? pull over on a grass verge and dump it when its quiet. The only reason for doing it when its quiet is peoples perceptions. ITs only washing up water, shower water etc. Good for the grass. CL owners ask you to dump it on their grass and certainly not in the Elsan!



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Guest 1footinthegrave

To Judgemental


Perhaps the next time you see a bunch of travellers / gypsies / tinkers, ask them the same question, I'd love to be there when you did.

I guess you can't help it, but even when you preface your comments " don't want to get aggressive" that's exactly how you come across. I'll try your way, please don't treat this as aggressive, but can't you read. I've just answered the question in the post above. 8-)

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