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wildcamping gower


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Guest JudgeMental
747 - 2011-06-03 7:51 PM


And I have a SOG judge (no chemicals at all).


Arent I just the epitome of an Eco Warrior. :D


Good boy...... And sorry but no your not :D


I wonder how you lot would manage if you lived in Germany (not well I suspect) you cant even wash your car at home as soapy water down the drain is against the law....

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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2011-06-03 7:50 PM


To Judgemental


Perhaps the next time you see a bunch of travellers / gypsies / tinkers, ask them the same question, I'd love to be there when you did.

I guess you can't help it, but even when you preface your comments " don't want to get aggressive" that's exactly how you come across. I'll try your way, please don't treat this as aggressive, but can't you read. I've just answered the question in the post above. 8-)


Well Billy no name, what can I say, you are getting proper desperate and daft now aren't you.....wishing violence upon me? you cant help yourself can you....

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JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 7:56 PM


747 - 2011-06-03 7:51 PM


And I have a SOG judge (no chemicals at all).


Arent I just the epitome of an Eco Warrior. :D


Good boy...... And sorry but no your not :D


I wonder how you lot would manage if you lived in Germany (not well I suspect) you cant even wash your car at home as soapy water down the drain is against the law....


You call us a grubby, grungy bunch and then have the gall to accuse us of washing our vans. 8-)


You need to keep up with developments old boy. Water is no longer necessary for cleaning vans.


Do a Google. No that is not an aggressive pseudonym. 8-)

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2011-06-03 8:00 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-03 7:50 PM


To Judgemental


Perhaps the next time you see a bunch of travellers / gypsies / tinkers, ask them the same question, I'd love to be there when you did.

I guess you can't help it, but even when you preface your comments " don't want to get aggressive" that's exactly how you come across. I'll try your way, please don't treat this as aggressive, but can't you read. I've just answered the question in the post above. 8-)


Well Billy no name, what can I say, you are getting proper desperate and daft now aren't you.....wishing violence upon me? you cant help yourself can you....


Why would you think they would get violent, a bit of a stereotype and not at all PC to come out with that. I was merely trying to make the point there is a lot of "s*** in this world and for all your supposed green credentials you like me, and everyone else contribute to it in one way or another. I personally do not do any of the things you allude to as far as irresponsible disposal is concerned, and it is grossly unfair to accuse or infer others do either on these forums. I think that's enough hot air from me for one night.


The name is Eric by the way, but is that likely to have any effect on the comments you post, like in a reasonable manner :-|

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Blimey Barry, from the posts on here to free camp you need to dislike people, carry a large supply of bins liners around to collect rubbish, be a mixture of Braveheart and Crocodile Dundee and have the worlds biggest toilet cassette. I suppose when you are all parked up in your laybys, maybe a mountain layby, you make sure no-one is within ten miles, and bed down once you have pointed your wheels for a quick getaway, set all your perimetor alarms, made sure the cs gas/baseball bat is handy, etc, etc. Sorry not for me am not that brave and I like people, well most of them, and only carry small bin bags.


We may disagree but you at least remain civil and answer questions, unlike 747 and one foot in his wotsit, what is his name? They must be the most abusive people around while accuseing others, this is why I have given up on them.

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rupert123 - 2011-06-03 8:52 PM


Blimey Barry, from the posts on here to free camp you need to dislike people, carry a large supply of bins liners around to collect rubbish, be a mixture of Braveheart and Crocodile Dundee and have the worlds biggest toilet cassette. I suppose when you are all parked up in your laybys, maybe a mountain layby, you make sure no-one is within ten miles, and bed down once you have pointed your wheels for a quick getaway, set all your perimetor alarms, made sure the cs gas/baseball bat is handy, etc, etc. Sorry not for me am not that brave and I like people, well most of them, and only carry small bin bags.


We may disagree but you at least remain civil and answer questions, unlike 747 and one foot in his wotsit, what is his name? They must be the most abusive people around while accuseing others, this is why I have given up on them.


Now you have made me feel awful Rupert. I did not realise that you were such a sensitive soul.


Have you seen anyone about your condition?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
747 - 2011-06-03 8:57 PM


rupert123 - 2011-06-03 8:52 PM


Blimey Barry, from the posts on here to free camp you need to dislike people, carry a large supply of bins liners around to collect rubbish, be a mixture of Braveheart and Crocodile Dundee and have the worlds biggest toilet cassette. I suppose when you are all parked up in your laybys, maybe a mountain layby, you make sure no-one is within ten miles, and bed down once you have pointed your wheels for a quick getaway, set all your perimetor alarms, made sure the cs gas/baseball bat is handy, etc, etc. Sorry not for me am not that brave and I like people, well most of them, and only carry small bin bags.


We may disagree but you at least remain civil and answer questions, unlike 747 and one foot in his wotsit, what is his name? They must be the most abusive people around while accuseing others, this is why I have given up on them.


Now you have made me feel awful Rupert. I did not realise that you were such a sensitive soul.


Have you seen anyone about your condition?


I wont sleep tonight either, love, Eric :-S

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Alright! Honesty time. Its clear your all enjoying this abuse at each other. I have to say Im actually finding it funny now. Its just going to run and run. The only sad thing is we are not all sat round the bar or our vans drinking beer to excess, then it might get intertesting. Although I suspect everyone will be bessy mates by the end of the night.


I maybe naive but I dont have any security on my van. I fell asleep once drunk in France wild camping with the keys in the scooter and the van door wide open. Despite what you might beleive the world isnt full of axe murderers who love to kill wild campers. What makes you think your safe on a campsite anyway. If I was an axe murderer who wanted to kill motorhomers I would join the CC and go on one of their club sites where there are loads! (lol)


Ive never slept in a layby by the way, just select superb wild spots.

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The interlinking word that causes antagonism amongst normal friendly people is the word 'WILD'. In itself its harmless but attached to a sentence its an extremely aggressive word.


‘Wild Camping’ should be referred to as 'casual camping' its a much softer approach and achieves the same result. The word Wild produces in the mind a fighting attacking and offensive attitude, (just refer to some of the recent comments).


Each of us who’s personal aim is to wild camp do so because our boyhood dreams of the wild west and living free sounded so wonderful. Unfortunately living of a free nature in the wild is almost impossible, it is also glamorised on the TV as being something that we should look up to as an enhancing and magical way of life. Wrong its an attitude of mind, nothing more.


So to all those who make a choice and go camping off limits, enjoy it, its fun but for sure in real life its pretty damned unreal. And don’t forget to leave it tidy when you leave.




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What a load of twaddle has been written,

In the past 7 months we have been lucky enough to have travelled Australia East Coat, New Zealand North Island, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and France in Motorhomes mainly Wild Camping, casual camping, free camping call it what you like. But I can assure you, that you will experience some truly amazing sights.


Most of all as already mentioned ”don’t forget to leave it tidy when you leave” Leave it as you found it, just take the memories with you.

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postnote - 2011-06-04 12:30 PM


What a load of twaddle has been written,

In the past 7 months we have been lucky enough to have travelled Australia East Coat, New Zealand North Island, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and France in Motorhomes mainly Wild Camping, casual camping, free camping call it what you like. But I can assure you, that you will experience some truly amazing sights.


Most of all as already mentioned ”don’t forget to leave it tidy when you leave” Leave it as you found it, just take the memories with you.


Good effort but like me your a new user. Only you and I can see our posts. They are clearly invisible to the Stalwarts.


Sounds like you have been to some great places and a couple not many would get to in a motorhome. I see the wildcamping website is down today. I think its been sabotaged by this lot! :-D

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Can someone please explain to me why it matters so much who does what with a motorhome? If people prefer sites, why does that need comment from those who prefer aires or wilding: if people prefer aires, why does that require comment from those who prefer sites or wilding: and if people prefer wilding, why does that require comment from those who prefer sites or aires?


It is clear some of the comments were deliberately provoked by use of derogatory terms like freeloaders, or cheapskates, or by the implication that certain types of stopovers are only for wimps, while the truly brave do otherwise. It is also clear that much sophistry is used in support of personal preferences; exaggerating both the benefits, and the disadvantages, of the various types of stopover, but clearly (generally) without adequately wide experience upon which to base those judgements.


Are we really so insecure in what we do as individuals, that we must justify our choices to others who do otherwise? Do we all secretly envy others their choices, but feel we've joined a different club, so can't admit to that envy?


Why on earth can't we just accept that we all do things differently, because that is just what we prefer doing? After all, we don't all look alike because we buy motorhomes, and we don't all buy the same, or even the same kind of, motorhome, do we?


Returning to the OP, while I sympathise with the protests of the responsible wilders that they never cause the problems cited, it is quite clear others do. Surely it must be seen that the problem lies in numbers, in that the more a place attracts visitors, the more it will attract undesirable visitors, and the more, and more undesirable, the visitors the greater the nuisance likely to be caused. Surely it must also be clear that where nuisance is caused (and surely one must accept that what one person counts as nuisance is a nuisance to them, whether others share their view or not) there will be calls for the nuisance to be eliminated. One way or another, this process lies at the root of all our laws, be it taxation, speed limits, racial abuse or whatever. Those who don't like it just need to find somewhere very remote to live. For the rest of us, I think the answer is get used to it, it's called life.


Those who court wild, remote places, and find themselves inadvertently parked in a tourist trap like the Gower, should perhaps brush up on their navigation skills, or else learn to accept that the wildness and remoteness of the place is hugely eroded for others by a bleeding great white box stuck right in the middle of it! The same is true across Europe: it is not just the Welsh, or the British, who love their wild places and prefer, and prefer others, to visit for a few hours, to park discretely, and then leave, rather than setting up home there for days on end.

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Guest JudgeMental
We had a lovely week there last week and both where totally surprised how undeveloped and natural an area it is.....Our welsh friends live about 3 miles from 3 cliffs and walk there from the end of their garden. Mind you I am glad we now have the panel van as some roads are a bit narrow. Some of the views are simply stunning......
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Guest pelmetman
art338 - 2011-06-03 10:32 PM


The interlinking word that causes antagonism amongst normal friendly people is the word 'WILD'. In itself its harmless but attached to a sentence its an extremely aggressive word.


‘Wild Camping’ should be referred to as 'casual camping' its a much softer approach and achieves the same result. The word Wild produces in the mind a fighting attacking and offensive attitude, (just refer to some of the recent comments).


I reckon "Risque Camping" sounds better :D ................Its got a nice double entendre ring to it ;-)

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It's amusing what this thread has turned into.


Lord Snooty and his pals versus The bash St. Kids. *-)


There have been a lot of views to this thread but there are more views on the thread named 'Judgemental' even though it has less posts. (?)


Is that his Fan Club do you think?


Or possibly members looking to see if he gets his comeuppance (again). :D

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Barryd999 - 2011-06-04 3:54 PM


Yeah, stop being so rational and sensible. This was a perfectly good schoolyard scrap and everyone was enjoying it until you came along and put everyone right. :-D


Anyway they started it!

Sorry Barry, your right I suppose, I thought Brian was in need of some moral support. But what the heck, let’s do battle, no one likes a whimp. I suppose the chocolate drops and the vicars of Dibly will come to the rescue. hahaha :-D

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747 - 2011-06-04 7:01 PM


It's amusing what this thread has turned into.


Lord Snooty and his pals versus The bash St. Kids. *-)



I like being part of the Bash Street Kids. Cool. B-)


Whoa!!!! Just been upgraded to Visitor from New User, Bring it on! Your days are numbered Lord Snooty!

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antony1969 - 2011-06-02 9:08 PM


Robnjean , you havent been to Huddersfield have ya , never rains and sunny 364 days of the year . Has its own micro climate and I think thats the reason we have a lot of darker skinned folk here


Sorry late replying to this must have missed it. We certainly have been to Huddersfield, infact we live there! Slight error in number we think, should read 3/4 days sun a year! You are right however about the fact that the town does have a mix of people with different coloured skins; it is this ethnic/multicultural mix that makes the place worth living in, certainly not the weather.


Regarding all the other stuff on here re wild camping/site camping/aires camping then could we suggest that rather than trading insults a more productive approach might be to share good wild camping places or good sites for us all to use as appropriate. (for aires see our aires update thread on hints and tips section).

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Robnjean , there is nothing and I mean nothing that makes Huddersfield worth living in . It is like many other northern industrial towns where you have different racial groups living totally seperate lives to each other and very rarely mixing . Deighton and Sheepridge been West Indian areas . Paddock , Lockwood , Birkby and Fartown Pakistani areas with most other areas predominantly white . Wheres the multicultural harmony in a place like that
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Guest 1footinthegrave
I don't think it is any surprise that people from different ethnic, or strongly religious backgrounds tend to stick together and for the most part don't integrate. You can see this in every major city in all of the world. Go down to some of the Spanish costas and you'll find all the Brit ex pats tend to be in one place. I think its just human nature that people feel comfortable amongst what they consider their own kind, and the old adage " birds of a feather stick together" comes to mind. Mind you quite what that has to do with wild camping on the Gower I'm not sure. 8-)
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747 - 2011-06-03 6:30 PM




It is no coincidence that a lot of wildcampers have independant views on camping. Quite a few run (or ran) their own business. The main protagonists come from a different background. Your main admirer Rupert was in the British car business (a real success story there) and I see you as either an Accountant or Civil Servant. Either way, a free spirit would be a definite handicap.



Just spotted this gem from 747. As usual he assumes a lot because he has some problem with reading posts properly. I have worked for myself all my working life except for my five years engineering apprenticship and then two years working afloat on BP tankers. I guess that defines me, by your criteria, as a free spirit then but in no way handicaps me disliking free campers and all the problems they cause others.

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Guest JudgeMental
rupert123 - 2011-06-05 11:27 AM


747 - 2011-06-03 6:30 PM




It is no coincidence that a lot of wildcampers have independant views on camping. Quite a few run (or ran) their own business. The main protagonists come from a different background. Your main admirer Rupert was in the British car business (a real success story there) and I see you as either an Accountant or Civil Servant. Either way, a free spirit would be a definite handicap.



Just spotted this gem from 747. As usual he assumes a lot because he has some problem with reading posts properly. I have worked for myself all my working life except for my five years engineering apprenticship and then two years working afloat on BP tankers. I guess that defines me, by your criteria, as a free spirit then but in no way handicaps me disliking free campers and all the problems they cause others.





And I also have been self employed for the majority of my working life...Some are just not a very good judge of character let alone anything else lol...Pathetic or what! :D

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