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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2011-06-05 6:37 PM


12 minutes ago actually, is that really ages ago. :-S


your missing the point (again) I scan through stuff and if its nasty and personal I switch off and stop reading it.....Simples.


We can all stop this if you want because I agree it is out of hand.


I started contributing after returning Friday after a lovely week in this area...Great I thought! But nothing I have read has said what a great non commercialised part of the country this is with stunning views, particularly one so near a large city like Swansea...


I also said if there was no evidence of inconsiderate camping that we saw. I then had the temerity to say sorry, but I dont trust wild campers to act appropriately at all times, it is just to dificult....I simply dont believe it when they say differently, that is my opinion? shared by many and the evidence is there for all to see. You only have to pull into any lay by in the UK and open a window on a warm day and the stench of piss is overwhelming..So once again who can these filthy people be I wonder.....not only motorhomers obviously..You only need a tiny minority to act disgracefully for everyone to be tarnished with the same brush....



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Donna I would love to accept your invitation but I've forgotten what I'm supposed to do, having read this drivel which seems to have nothing to do with the origianl post. I thought this was left in the playground 55 years ago is it going to be handbags at 15paces, or is it gutless wonders using a media that does not alow face to face confrontation. Bring back Gypsy Tom at least he could laugh at himself. John *-)
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JudgeMental - 2011-06-05 7:17 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-05 6:37 PM


12 minutes ago actually, is that really ages ago. :-S


your missing the point (again) I scan through stuff and if its nasty and personal I switch off and stop reading it.....Simples.


We can all stop this if you want because I agree it is out of hand.


I started contributing after returning Friday after a lovely week in this area...Great I thought! But nothing I have read has said what a great non commercialised part of the country this is with stunning views, particularly one so near a large city like Swansea...


I also said if there was no evidence of inconsiderate camping that we saw. I then had the temerity to say sorry, but I dont trust wild campers to act appropriately at all times, it is just to dificult....I simply dont believe it when they say differently, that is my opinion? shared by many and the evidence is there for all to see. You only have to pull into any lay by in the UK and open a window on a warm day and the stench of piss is overwhelming..So once again who can these filthy people be I wonder.....not only motorhomers obviously..You only need a tiny minority to act disgracefully for everyone to be tarnished with the same brush....



OK before the battle begins yet again, all I can contribute to Judgey last is our experiences in Australia late last year. It was generally agreed that most proper MH owners acted in a responsible manner, however the problems came from the so called “Wicked Camper” hires. They had no toilets as they were recall Toyota Hi Aces so there was only one place to put the crap, this included the human type and consumable rubbish.


In closing this small band of inconsiderate Motor Homers, will continue to dump, be it wild camping or in a layby.


We can do without them..


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Guest JudgeMental
teflon2 - 2011-06-05 7:26 PM


Donna I would love to accept your invitation but I've forgotten what I'm supposed to do, having read this drivel which seems to have nothing to do with the origianl post. I thought this was left in the playground 55 years ago is it going to be handbags at 15paces, or is it gutless wonders using a media that does not alow face to face confrontation. Bring back Gypsy Tom at least he could laugh at himself. John *-)


Gypsy Tom is still around.... He PM's me occasionally, particularly when I dig someone out that he shares a distaste for, he likes to congratulate me...... :D


He must be having a good old chuckle at this one...Bless him!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
pelmetman - 2011-06-06 8:50 AM


What happen'd to Gypsy Tom?................... :D


He ran off with the dolly bird with the nice boobs in "JudgeMentals" picture, no doubt he is having a "good chuckle" at that as well. (lol)

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JudgeMental - 2011-06-05 7:17 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-05 6:37 PM


12 minutes ago actually, is that really ages ago. :-S


I also said if there was no evidence of inconsiderate camping that we saw. I then had the temerity to say sorry, but I dont trust wild campers to act appropriately at all times, it is just to dificult....I simply dont believe it when they say differently, that is my opinion? shared by many and the evidence is there for all to see. You only have to pull into any lay by in the UK and open a window on a warm day and the stench of piss is overwhelming..So once again who can these filthy people be I wonder.....not only motorhomers obviously..You only need a tiny minority to act disgracefully for everyone to be tarnished with the same brush....





What an interesting thread this has been. At times amusing, bemusing and plain old ridiculous.


According to the Judge it is NOT ONLY motorhomers who pee in laybys but nevertheless he has described them in general as 'filthy people'. With well over 2 million vehicles on the road and a tiny minority of them being equipped with on board facilities, he nonetheless reckons that they pull in to a layby in broad daylight and get out to pee 8-) (!) If he means they dump their cassette in a layby then the stench would be something a bit stronger than pee.

He elicited the information that he was self employed. The only profession he could surely follow is that of a CLOWN. :'(


My thanks to ham for starting the thread, not only for the useful information but for the fact that the true selfish, spiteful and mean spirited attitude of some members has been aired in public. I will say no more on this subject as I am tired of having to put up with certain people.

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Guy, guy, guys, Judgey gave a humbling apology yesterday for his previous posts. (lol)


He might be a lot of things to a lot of people but he was man enough to see the error of his way and apologise.


Surely we should welcome him back from the forum wilderness with open arms.

I’m sure like others, should he pursue the profession of that of a CLOWN we will fully support him.


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Guest JudgeMental
747 - 2011-06-06 1:16 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-06-05 7:17 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-05 6:37 PM


12 minutes ago actually, is that really ages ago. :-S


I also said if there was no evidence of inconsiderate camping that we saw. I then had the temerity to say sorry, but I dont trust wild campers to act appropriately at all times, it is just to dificult....I simply dont believe it when they say differently, that is my opinion? shared by many and the evidence is there for all to see. You only have to pull into any lay by in the UK and open a window on a warm day and the stench of piss is overwhelming..So once again who can these filthy people be I wonder.....not only motorhomers obviously..You only need a tiny minority to act disgracefully for everyone to be tarnished with the same brush....





What an interesting thread this has been. At times amusing, bemusing and plain old ridiculous.


According to the Judge it is NOT ONLY motorhomers who pee in laybys but nevertheless he has described them in general as 'filthy people'. With well over 2 million vehicles on the road and a tiny minority of them being equipped with on board facilities, he nonetheless reckons that they pull in to a layby in broad daylight and get out to pee 8-) (!) If he means they dump their cassette in a layby then the stench would be something a bit stronger than pee.

He elicited the information that he was self employed. The only profession he could surely follow is that of a CLOWN. :'(


My thanks to ham for starting the thread, not only for the useful information but for the fact that the true selfish, spiteful and mean spirited attitude of some members has been aired in public. I will say no more on this subject as I am tired of having to put up with certain people.


You have a convenient grasp of the English language and cannot fathom the differnce between humour and serious comment, Furtermore you keep on compounding your stupidity with conjecture and wishful thinking........anything to score a point in your petty existance....Your have a big brave mouth, are obviously a bigot and a moron (see, I can be rude as well!)... Get a name, Get a life and some manners and man up........ Or get out of here and let the rest of us continue debate in a civilised manner.....

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If your concerned about wild campers peeing in hedges or laybys dont go to France then where this kind of activity has become a national pastime! You might think youve found a lovely pitch on your French campsite as you sprawl out on the grass in the sunshine but I would put a rug down if I were you! :-D


If anyone can be bothered to read it, here is a funny story extracted from my blog http://www.hankthetank.co.uk about a fishing club I used to be a member of when I was young in the 80's. There were ten of us, nine Englishmen and one Frenchman who would piss anywhere. We all packed into a 1967 Commer Caravanette and went off to Ireland most years where we would also rent a motor cruiser.


The Irish welcomed us with open arms where ever we turfed up (despite Jerome’s habit of going to the loo where ever he felt like it) and the hostelries around the Shannon and Lough Derg did very well from our visits. I remember on one occasion at the bottom end of Lough Derg at a place called Killaloe we were at a river side pub for lunch time refreshments when Jamie started debating if it would be possible to hit a golf ball from outside the pub, across the Shannon and into the neighbouring village of Balina on the other side of the river.


Over several pints of the dark stuff this was debated by us and the locals and some hours later a driver and ball was provided and the whole town assembled on the river bank to watch this Englishman take aim at Balina on the other side of the Shannon. Money changed hands and our English golfing pride was in the balance. I don’t think the good people of Balina were warned but no matter, Jamie, five Guinness’s down managed a slice which somehow bounced its way three times out of the water but didn’t even make the half way point to the other side which must have been a good three hundred yard drive! (see pic). Jerome our French member still managed to celebrate by taking a piss in front of both towns off the bridge adjoining them. I love the French.


Jeromes Bridge



Can we all be friends now?


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Hmmmmmm. Dirty wee-wee tricks?


Quite a few years back a friend, who is Welsh, played rugby for a team called London Polish. Good start, eh? :-) He helped them organise a rugby tour in Wales, for which they hired a coach. Tour over, they were celebrating their victories and defeats in the traditional way, with the aid of copious tins of beer, along the M4, heading for London.


They stopped the coach at each service station for necessary relief, and consequent re-provisioning.


Because of the accumulating delays, the coach driver lost his sense of humour, and refused to stop any more.


With sufficient cover from the rear view mirror, someone discovered it was possible to ease up the access trap in the coach floor above the transaxle. Problem solved, relief gained, drinking continued.


Then - someone spotted that the following cars were all using their windscreen wipers! :-D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2011-06-06 6:13 PM


747 - 2011-06-06 1:16 PM


JudgeMental - 2011-06-05 7:17 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-05 6:37 PM


12 minutes ago actually, is that really ages ago. :-S


I also said if there was no evidence of inconsiderate camping that we saw. I then had the temerity to say sorry, but I dont trust wild campers to act appropriately at all times, it is just to dificult....I simply dont believe it when they say differently, that is my opinion? shared by many and the evidence is there for all to see. You only have to pull into any lay by in the UK and open a window on a warm day and the stench of piss is overwhelming..So once again who can these filthy people be I wonder.....not only motorhomers obviously..You only need a tiny minority to act disgracefully for everyone to be tarnished with the same brush....





What an interesting thread this has been. At times amusing, bemusing and plain old ridiculous.


According to the Judge it is NOT ONLY motorhomers who pee in laybys but nevertheless he has described them in general as 'filthy people'. With well over 2 million vehicles on the road and a tiny minority of them being equipped with on board facilities, he nonetheless reckons that they pull in to a layby in broad daylight and get out to pee 8-) (!) If he means they dump their cassette in a layby then the stench would be something a bit stronger than pee.

He elicited the information that he was self employed. The only profession he could surely follow is that of a CLOWN. :'(


My thanks to ham for starting the thread, not only for the useful information but for the fact that the true selfish, spiteful and mean spirited attitude of some members has been aired in public. I will say no more on this subject as I am tired of having to put up with certain people.


You have a convenient grasp of the English language and cannot fathom the differnce between humour and serious comment, Furtermore you keep on compounding your stupidity with conjecture and wishful thinking........anything to score a point in your petty existance....Your have a big brave mouth, are obviously a bigot and a moron (see, I can be rude as well!)... Get a name, Get a life and some manners and man up........ Or get out of here and let the rest of us continue debate in a civilised manner.....


You are really must be the most inward looking and anal retentive person in the known universe, you say "see I can be rude as well " Jesus man, rudeness with you goes to a far higher level, it must run through you like a stick of rock, but you simply cannot see it, it cascades from you like a never ending torrent.

How dare you come on here dictating your terms as to who posts on here, IT'S NOT A PRIVATE CLUB FOR YOU. You should give us all a break and get out into your new van more, Beachy head has lovely views at any time of year, just check your handbrake,( or maybe not LOL)

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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2011-06-06 7:07 PM

You are really must be the most inward looking and anal retentive person in the known universe, you say "see I can be rude as well " Jesus man, rudeness with you goes to a far higher level, it must run through you like a stick of rock, but you simply cannot see it, it cascades from you like a never ending torrent.

How dare you come on here dictating your terms as to who posts on here, IT'S NOT A PRIVATE CLUB FOR YOU. You should give us all a break and get out into your new van more, Beachy head has lovely views at any time of year, just check your handbrake,( or maybe not LOL)


The odd thing is I have said not one word to 747 before this. Based on him not liking my views or opinions and taking said opinion as a personal attack (how moronic...sound familiar?) He then thinks he can get away with attacking me on a personal level...Probably inspired by your hypotricical brand of venom, thinking that as you getaway with being openly rude and offensive to everyone he can start doing likewise....deluded or what


All that will happen is this thread will get pulled and quite rightly so because it is a discrace....as are you, you pathetic old goat. I have been a member on here for many a year and have seen the like of you and your half wit mates come and go....Usually to stupid to wake up and smell the coffee, you talk yourselves into a corner, and get barred lol

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Guest peter
postnote - 2011-06-05 2:56 PM




JudgeMental - 2011-06-05 1:13 PM


Yet again you prove what an imbecile you truly are.....I have never seen anyone draw such contempt as you from so many members in such a short time!lol You must be either very thick skinned or a complete moron .....I suspect with some authority on the subject that you are rather pathetically the latter......



Adults who bully are unimaginative, uncaring, aggressive, emotionally immature, inadequate (especially in social skills) and irresponsible.



Plus, they are usually endowed with an incredibly small penis.
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donna miller - 2011-06-06 9:22 PM


Please mods, don't pull this thread yet, I've paid a whole months rental on the big sofa.


Flipping heck Donna you could hold a summit meeting on that. Perhaps thats what we need to do. We could all meet on your sofa and sort this out. Can you provide beer and Nuts?

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Guest 1footinthegrave

To Judgemental


There you go again with the abuse, but.....................................................................................


I think I've finally got it. Just looking at your picture gives a clue, three scantily dressed young ladies, one in particular not in the best of tastes for a public forum, and presumably with you, in your dreams mate. No doubt you've never had a decent lady in your life, hence all the out pouring of bile. Your thousands of posts with a view on just about any topic or thread on here. ( do a search everyone and see ) You have kept up this tirade of abuse, just as you do with others I've noticed, rather than just take a second out to think maybe I've got this wrong, oh but your never wrong are you. If the mods were to look in depth at some of your offensive outpourings there is only one who should get banned, and that is of course you.

For the sake of these forums I will once again offer to not respond, on condition that you moderate your language both to me, and others on these forums let me pose the question, is that a deal ?

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Barryd999 - 2011-06-06 10:03 PM




Flipping heck Donna you could hold a summit meeting on that. Perhaps thats what we need to do. We could all meet on your sofa and sort this out. Can you provide beer and Nuts?



Being a lady, I can only provide the beer. :D :D :D




p.s. has anyone noticed how crap these emoticons have gone 8-)

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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2011-06-06 10:11 PM


To Judgemental


There you go again with the abuse, but.....................................................................................


I think I've finally got it. Just looking at your picture gives a clue, three scantily dressed young ladies, one in particular not in the best of tastes for a public forum,


For the sake of these forums I will once again offer to not respond, on condition that you moderate your language both to me, and others on these forums let me pose the question, is that a deal ?





You keep on repeatedly commenting on my avatar..you are obsessed! lol


If you knew ANYTHING about the Judge you would realise it is a continuation of a set of comical pictures full of fictional innuendo. That you dont "get it" and have some weird sexual hangup is of no surprise....your disgusting lol


Like I told your fellow moronic mate, dont ever dream of trying to tell me what to do. You simply have not a clue! The only good thing with these recent threads is that they have exposed, you, 747 and postnote for what you truly are...Horrible people, out off time and out of place....



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Eddie (Judgemental)


Can't help smiling at all the comments you invite. It obviously arouses an interest.


It puzzles me why some people get so steamed up over another’s words. A well known TV Chef curses all the time, yet he’s still employed and no doubt has a large culinary following.


So what’s in a word, not a lot, just a selection of letters arranged in a patter? If you don’t like what is said then look the other way. Free speech is a wonderful attribute. (Except when in the Motorhome)


Just looked up your recent buy, LWB vehicles do give a better ride. For us two old souls with creaking joints it would be too uncomfortable me thinks,. there is I notice the availability to have your own space, reclining on the bed to read whilst the other has use of the table. Ideal for a one person traveller perhaps







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Guest 1footinthegrave
JudgeMental - 2011-06-06 11:27 PM


1footinthegrave - 2011-06-06 10:11 PM


To Judgemental


There you go again with the abuse, but.....................................................................................


For the sake of these forums I will once again offer to not respond, on condition that you moderate your language both to me, and others on these forums let me pose the question, is that a deal ?


Like I told your fellow moronic mate, dont ever dream of trying to tell me what to do. You simply have not a clue! The only good thing with these recent threads is that they have exposed, you, 747 and postnote for what you truly are...Horrible people, out off time and out of place....



I'll take that as a no then,


The need to abuse and belittle people is obviously essential to your very existence,these forums give you the opportunity to indulge your passion and spout your never ending bile,and opinionated garbage for everyone's consumption, take that away and you would have nothing to live for, sad really.


By the way I have lots of "mates" none of whom could even get close to being such a moron as you ( lol )

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