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Am I an old grump or is this "enhanced" forum just a bit too clever? I was happy with the old simple forum. This one has personal message capability, email advice if someone comments etc which the majority of comments to my previous post on this subject said people did not want as it causes cliques and undercurrents. Only time will tell but I am already missing the simplicity of the old MMM forum.
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Clive No, you're not an old grump, I'm sure I'm not as old as you and I really appreciate the simple things in life!!! I can't get used to the latest reply bringing that posting to the top of the list ... it makes trying to find the ones you're interested in even more difficult to find, at least before I knew roughly where in the list they were, now I haven't got a clue!!!
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Mel and Clive, I agree with you, keep it simple. I have tried several times to get logged on, eventualy it accepted my user name. As I think you have said in the past Clive (if it aint broke dont fix it). Theres too many gimmmicks for my liking. Like all these Emocticons gleaned from Incredimail next to the reply panel. Clive whats your opinion of Refillable gas tanks? are they worth spending the hard earned dosh on? David
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Hi David, On your last question the answer for me was a definate YES. Although the cost of filling is less than half that of bottled gas this was not the main reason I fitted a bulk tank. For me the reasons were 1) Genuine accurate gas tank level gauge in the cab. 2) I carry enough gas to last us several months in the summer. 3) If I do need to fill it I can anywhere without worrying about the bottle fittings as I carry suitable adaptors to suit European gas filling stations. 4) I have a spare locker and more room under the seats. Now lets hope that some "Moderator" is not appointed who will slap our wrists for talking on a subject that is "Off topic". This drives me potty as its normal in conversation! Clive http//www.motts.dsl.pipex.com
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You are all a lot of old fogies lol. Just think that without change we would still be on our hands and knees deep in the primordal swamp. On a more serious note I do mourn the passing of the old simpler MMM Forum. Hopefully this one will continue in the same vein and provide a useful centre for asking answering akward questions from motorhomers of all ages and not descend into the cliques and undercurrents previously referred to. Docted
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Docted I like the swamp, it's nice and simple, the lizards are singing the Budweiser song, the frogs are croaking and Yoda is still teaching young Skywalker to be a Jedi Knight. Oh, and I really love the slime, it reminds me of the green tomato ketchup I used to be able to get! Ribbit
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I must say this site - which I am trying very hard to get my head round - looks just like the two sites I gave up on. The postings seemed to 'get lost' and I hadn't a clue what I'd read and what was new. I dread to think how I'm going to catch up when we come back from our short (3 weeks) break at Easter and 7 weeks in the summer. With the old listing you could scroll back to where you had left off. And I thought it was just t'uther half that was the grumpy one.
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This is not about the above subject - sorry- I am new to this site and I want to post a question and this is the only way I think I can do it? I would like to know how I can find out about places that sell motorcaravans in Spain - particularly the south of Spain? No idea if this will find it´s way to anyone or back to me, but any help would be greatly appreciated even if it´s to tell me that I am barking up the wrong tree. Muchas gracias
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Try using the "new post" button at the top left of the noticeboard, just above the listing of all the posts.

Give it a brief heading/title to make clear what it is about, check the box to receive e-mail notifications, cross your fingers and sit back and wait.

Having said that, why buy in Spain?  Unless you are full time resident/domiciled, that is, when you may not be able to avoid the additional tax payable on motorhomes.

Do an author search under Mel E, or Derek Uzzell, and you'll find out a lot about buying overseas (among many other things as well, so be patient).

However, I do suggest you start a new string, as your question is likely to just get lost on this one.


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