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loose kitchen tap in a bessacar


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Has any one had a problem with the kitchen tap in a bessacar . My problem is the tap is floating about and is only being held in place by the pipes supplying the water. Can anybody tell me how I can get to the nut that I presume holds it steady many thanks
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There should be a nut, as you say. Assuming it has unscrewed itself, which seems likely, it will be trapped somewhere on the pipes feeding the tap. You will need to get into the area beneath the sink to see what has happened from below. To do this, you will have to remove any drawers under the sink, and may have to remove any cupboard doors to prevent straining the hinges if access is tight (probable! :-)).


If access from below is really difficult it may (only may! :-)) be easier to release the sink fixings - usually screw toggles around the edge of the sink - and then lift the sink into a vertical position. You may need to wangle (technical term!) a bit of slack on the pipes by gently pulling on them where they emerge into the space under the sink. This assumes flexible pipes, if the plumbing is rigid it will be necessary to disconnect the pipes at the tap: there may be some kind of locking wedge in the base of the tap, below the sink, that will release the pipes. Make sure to isolate the pump, and open the tap, first, to allow any water under pressure to run off.


Some of the above is definitely a one person (tight!) job, some will require two pairs of hands. Hope this helps.

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To do the same job on my Hymer I had to remove the sink, I don't know what silicone sealant they used but boy, was it tough. I had to carefully cut all round with a sharp craft knife before it came out.


Then it was a simple job to tighten the nut, it was impossible from below.


Good Luck!



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pamal - 2011-06-01 5:46 PM


Has any one had a problem with the kitchen tap in a bessacar . My problem is the tap is floating about and is only being held in place by the pipes supplying the water. Can anybody tell me how I can get to the nut that I presume holds it steady many thanks


Motorhome kitchen design and kitchen fittings can differ radically from model to model and change significantly from year to year. You've stated in an earlier posting (January 2010) that your motorhome is a 2006 with 2.8litre motor, but I don't think you've ever said which Bessacarr model it is.


Knowing the exact Bessacarr model you've got may not help in this instance as, if it's not visibly obvious how to tighten up the tap, then (as has already been suggested) it's likely you'll need to do some dismantling to access whatever mechanism holds the tap firm. However, if another forum member happens to have a similar vehicle, they may be able to offer 'hands-on' advice.

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I had the same problem in our 1998 E695 and although both our son-in-law and I tried to mend it we gave up in the end and took it to the local dealer. Job done while I waited with a bill of about £15. It's been solid as a rock ever since.


I guess the trick is find the errant nut and then being able to tighten it properly.

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Hi there, we had a Autotrail 696g with a loose tap on the kitchen sink, the only way i could access it was to remove the top fridge vent, i fond the way blocked by a plywood draught excluder which i had to remove a section with pliers, then i found i couldnt get a spanner to turn the nut, so i had to saw a spanner in half, then i had to get the wifey to hold the tap in the correct position while i tightened the nut. A real pig of a job which would have been easier to take the fridge out ,but i didnt fancy that.
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Dear Brian thanks for the advice regarding the loose kitchen tap. I did try to remove the drawers below the sink but they would not withdraw completely also the cupboard with sliding trays would not come out. So is

there any way these can be removed so as to gain access

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