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Mel E

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I've been using the new Forum Address for a while but this evening it seems to have changed radically. What's worse is that I can still get the old version via a bookmark and many recent postings seem to have disappeared in the new version but are still accessible in the old. What is going on? Is this the promised change of supplier? If so, it's AWFUL. Can we PLEASE go back to simplicity? There are plenty of other motorhome forums with added complexity - can we PLEASE keep this one simple.
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I think I've just worked it out - the master page is sorted in order of most recent posting time which means topics pop up and down the list with mad abandon. I really do prefer the old system of topics being listed in order of the date of FIRST posting. What do you think?
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Mel, I totally agree with you. Had the same problems with the new(ish) login page. What we have here is a version of the all embracing oh so complicated Invision Power Board Forum with a "Warnerised" Skin. It has all the potential to drive us totally potty with emotions, personal mail, pictures, last visit goes to top of the list, umpteen sub sections. i.e. its just the same as most of the other Forums, MHF, MHT MC.co.uk etc. I was happy to accept the interrim solution but this is a step too far. Why copy the others? PLEASE GIVE US BACK OUR SIMPLE NO FRILLS FORUM
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I was always happy with the MMM forum, quite content in fact. I tried the MHF forum in the early days when it first started and its format drove me mad and eventually gave it up, then came back for a while because of a mate who lives on it. Only to leave it again because of charges to post. Then other forums spring up, lots of good ideas initially but unfortunately these others use the same basic forum software as MHF and are going the same way. Cliques and Moderators (little hitlers) abound and lots of behind the scenes PM going on which from time to time surface on the forum and one wonders "what was all that about". And all those adverts and business advertising. But we still had the sanctity of the MMM forum to go back to. Until now. MMM Mk 1 RIP
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As I see it the change is one of basic phylosophy. Original MMM forum was as a benefit to readers of the MMM magazine. This new site is a straight forward take over bid to promote the various aspects or Warners on the web and to muscle out the "other" forums which use a similar template. It was OK when we had both. Why cannot we still have both? This open forum for all and sundry and a subscribers (to MMM) simple one for us simpletons with subjects left in order of original posting. But at least - so far - no one has popped up and smacked our wrists for going "off topic". C.
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Just so this doesn't drop off the bottom of the page ... No, not really, I just wish there was a 'back to top' button at the bottom of each posting's list of replies so that I didn't have to keep scrolling back up - my right index finger is getting sore!
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Hi Mel B, Just place your mouse on the right hand side, there are two arrows, top bottom, click just below the top arrow and that will take you to the top of the page and save you scrolling. Or am I teaching my granny to suck eggs. Terry.
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Hey Googler Are we going to get a 'back to top' button then? I take the point that RVI46 made about clicking just below the scroll arrow but you do have to keep on clicking as the postings get longer and when you've got problems with your hands it does make it quite uncomfortable. Go on, make me happy as well as Clive!!! PPPLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I've even used some of your emoticons! (lol) :'( :-D :-S ;-)
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No Mel B You puy your pointer onto the little up/down arrow and press the button till you reach the point you want. Then remove your digit from the go button: & it stops moving. - probably past the point you wanted Life is difficult Why did Warners have to change things? Havent they heard the phrase "If it aint broke: Dont fix it" ?
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Guest gootler
The problem is, Yorkshire Tyke that the forums as they were were on they're last legs with the amount of postings we were getting and any increase would have killed them off which is why they were so slow. At least now they are quicker and are not about to blow up even if you don't like the odd qwerk. Sorry that we can't please everyone but we are listening and trying to make this as an enjoyable place to post as possible but please bare in mind that every change you request takes time and we may not be able to accomodate every request.
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If i understand your post correctly then you are using buttons at top and bottom of slider bar to go down posts. If you place cursor on slider bar and hold down left mouse button you can more slider up and down to excactly where you want to be. I like this new forum as i only buy MMM when there is an article of interest to me, if i wanted to go on forum for that month it took most of month to find password!
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Moving up and down - yes you can use the various methods but I have a problem which makes holding down the left mouse button difficult to do. A simple quick click 'back to top' button would really make moving around the forum a bit easier for me and others too. It's not difficult to do, I know 'cause I did it on my car club website, so I'll just be patient - hopefully it'll magically appear before my finger seizes up!
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Hving not looked at the site for a few days - soon to be a few weeks - I found it quite difficult to catch up with anything a couple of days old that had dropped down the pile. This is a quicker site and for that I am grateful but I do miss being able to catch up easily. Will miss quite a lot, I think, on our return.
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Do you know about putting your mouse pointer on the slider bar just above the bottom "down" arrow or below the top "up" arrow, and clicking?  This pulls the slider straight to the bottom, or the top, almost instantly.  Alternatively, if you position the mouse pointer elsewhere on the slider bar (but not on the slider) you can get to, say 2/3rds up or down the screen equally quickly.

This may help you navigate more easily and quickly.

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