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I've always wanted to ask Clive an electrical question! Clive, you're on! Whilst handing over our van to its new owner last night we were acutely embarrassed at the oven electrics cutting out in front of us! It’s a Smev gas oven with grill, the electrical light, sparking ignition and rotisserie were working as we demonstrated, then just cut out. Gas function remains fine, thankfully, although auto-ignition wouldn’t work so a match was required. I said I’d make some enquiries as to what it might be, to give them a clue what to do about it. Might it be an internal fuse or a loose wire? What would one do about it? Any suggestions gratefully received. Many thanks, Ruth
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Hi Ruth, It could be a multitude of things, mostly low cost and high nuisance. As it affects all electrics on the oven its almost certainly a fuse or a bad connection. Unlikely to be a multiple component failure. Get the new owners to check the fusebox first - a look at the manual might help in identifying the correct fuse but check them all anyway. There may well be a connector for the oven thats corroded and a visual inspection should find this. Even a corroded fuse holder? A little sparky time tracing the broken connection may be required to find the problem. Hope the new owners were understanding! What did you replace the van with? Regards Clive
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