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Help!/Smev Oven electrics


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I've always wanted to ask Clive an electrical question! Clive, you're on! Whilst handing over our van to its new owner last night we were acutely embarrassed at the oven electrics cutting out in front of us! It’s a Smev gas oven with grill, the electrical light, sparking ignition and rotisserie were working as we demonstrated, then just cut out. Gas function remains fine, thankfully, although auto-ignition wouldn’t work so a match was required. I said I’d make some enquiries as to what it might be, to give them a clue what to do about it. Might it be an internal fuse or a loose wire? What would one do about it? Any suggestions gratefully received. Many thanks, Ruth p.s. apologies for posting twice, forgot subject
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Hi Ruth, It could be a multitude of things, mostly low cost and high nuisance. As it affects all electrics on the oven its almost certainly a fuse or a bad connection. Unlikely to be a multiple component failure. Get the new owners to check the fusebox first - a look at the manual might help in identifying the correct fuse but check them all anyway. There may well be a connector for the oven thats corroded and a visual inspection should find this. Even a corroded fuse holder? A little sparky time tracing the broken connection may be required to find the problem. Hope the new owners were understanding! What did you replace the van with? Regards Clive P.S. I answered twice!
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Thankyou Clive, the suggestions will be helpful to them, and I will convey that to them. We now have no motorhome!! We have one coming in about 6 weeks, a Carthago Chic I47 on the new Iveco. Now we need the time off work for the european tour. Any ideas about how to fix that ??!
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Its amazing how little you actually need to enjoy yourself. Get them to make you redundant! Long term sick (of working) Nervous breakdown (Engine Management Unit short circuit) Harrasment, talk about taking them to court for a Million. (As practiced in the legal profession by some females) Whatever you do don't pass out at work as they will take your driving license away! But the work / Leisure balance is a critical one but for sure moves towards leisure quite quickly as the years pass along. It did for me and I threw in the full time towell at just over 60. Then went back 10 months later part time as a consultant. But Its totally different, I don,t have to do anything and hours to suit myself working on this computer from home. Take it easy , but take it. C.
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I HATE YOU CLIVE, I really do!!! Dangling the joys of being able to enjoy your motorhoming to the full NOW!!! I'm REALLY, REALLY JEALOUS!!!! On one hand I can't wait until I'm old enough to be able to kick work into touch but on the other hand I don't want to wish my life away!!!! I've just about got myself resigned to the fact that it will come in time and I've just got to be patient and then you go and say things like that. AAAARRGHHHHH!!!! Don't suppose you want to adopt me do you???
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Once more I agree with Clive (Clive, we must be careful - people will talk!). I retired at 52 (well, almost 53 then), and thank heavens I did. It's the old argument: I could have retired at 60 on a much bigger pension (because I would be older and also on a higher last 3 years' salary), but I would have had over 7 years less to enjoy it. Even tho' life expectancy is increasing fairly rapidly, as is the fitness of older people, enjoy yourself whilst you're as young as possible, I say. It's interesting the a year or so off every 10 years of work is becoming much more popular.
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