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I have both on my Laptop. With Nav4 you can adjust the driving speeds on the different types of road to get a better approximation to what you achieve in a motorhome. I believe that this may not be possible with the latest versions of Autoroute (mine is about 45 years' old). Nav4 is much more comprehensive in coverage (almost too comprehensive), but either are fine for advance planning. Both have a number of problems for use as GPS-fed navigation systems. On the other hand many purpose built systems such as TomTom do not allow driving speed adjustments, so often produce less acceptable routes.
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I have autoroute 2006 with voice direction. For the cost (about £45) it is excellant value. You have U.K. and most of Europe mapdata. I already had a gps module for my laptop so that saved buying one. I don't see the need for a separate satnav in my case as I'm always accompanied by my wife/navigator. The advantage of Autoroute: See the complete route across several countries. Import all the POIs from TomTom etc for aires, supermarkets, petrol stations, speed cameras etc. All can be seen on the same map. Full U.K. postcodes. Have used German postcodes successfully. Adjustable speed of vehicle. Using road preferences you can avoid too roads easily. Routes can be download to smart mobile phones or pda. Disadvantages: Voice directions are pretty quiet and the voice (female) argues with my wife! Mapdata is not updatable until the new 2007 program is released. Mapdata is about 9/12 months old. Run out of steam now. I also use routing from www.mappy.com - brilliant! Vaughan
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Hullo, Vaughan, many thanks for your comments. We are worried about the arguing voice - we have two navigators already giving the driver conflicting advice. We are three women - imagine what that is like. Don't drive behind us! Empress
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