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Too old for insurance? Japanese vehicle.?


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80 is the cut off age where companies will not take on new customers, had this problem with my mum some years ago once you reach 80 you have to stay with the company you are insured with. Very few if any companies will take on new business with an 80 year old.
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His 1st port of call has to be his present car insurers. If they will not cover then ask if they have a tie in with any company who covers campers. Also he needs to remember he knows more about the vehicle than the person he is talking to unless they are a Motorhome specialist insurer like safeguard. Many as soon as they hear Motorhome or Camper van will just say no, but being a smallish camper may well be able to cover.

2nd ports of call needs to be to trail around contacting all the specialist insures like safeguard, shield, caravan clubs, Adrian Flux etc. Stick to his guns and be insistant and if they say no , ask them exactly why they will not cover and if they waffle, ask for the supervisor. It is going to be hard work getting cover!


Edit - p.s. Above is not my words, but my wife's, who is an Insurance broker.

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Further to above, if he does not already have a car which is covered and so this is his only vehicle then he probably up the creek without a padde. If he has a policy covering a private car at present then make sure he tells any broker he contacts.
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My 84 year old father still drives around in a VW Autosleeper, its his only vehicle, so insurance must be available for the over 80's. I'm fairly sure that he even changed insurance companies a year or so back, to get a more competitive price. He said Saga were very expensive though. When I get a chance, I'll ask him who he went with.
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josie gibblebucket - 2011-06-09 11:19 AM


My 84 year old father still drives around in a VW Autosleeper, its his only vehicle, so insurance must be available for the over 80's. I'm fairly sure that he even changed insurance companies a year or so back, to get a more competitive price. He said Saga were very expensive though. When I get a chance, I'll ask him who he went with.



If I reach your fathers age I only hope I still have the abilities to do what he is still doing and in a motormome also. I fear that the rumblings and rumours going around about licenses being taken off people when they reach a certain age will come at some stage, I hope it's after I'm long gone.

At 84 it shows that life hasn't hit the buffers yet. Good on him :-D



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I believe the Age Discrimination legislation does not cover financial matters ..... yet. When my wife turned 65 and 6 months, our bank wrote to say that their Off-set mortgage scheme did not go past 65, and how did she intend to pay off the balance? After a short chat, they agreed that it could run for another 5 years ...... which meant payments of less than we had been paying anyway.


Actually, we have more in savings that we owe on the mortgage. Due to the nature of Off-set mortgages, we pay zero interest (probably ought to be 5 or 6%), and due to the state of world finances, the bank would pay interest on our savings of close to 0%. We prefer to remain with the status quo, so we can yank a chunk of money out of savings without asking permission, if we really need to.


Interestingly, the bank wrote to us telling that as our Off-set savings exceeded the Off-set mortgage, it would be sensible to move the surplus to somewhere giving a better rate.


Annoyingly, we can't have an Off-set mortgage, due to our age, which means, for instance, we can't borrow money to buy houses for our children with them paying us rent to cover the monthly repayments. Nor can we buy a motor-gin-palace (SKI), despite being able to show that we can afford the repayments.



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