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Norway July 2012 advice sought.

Happy Helmut

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Hi all. We have decided to take Helmut to Norway for a month next year. We love europe but have been restricted to two weeks up to now. So, rather than go to Austrailia we fancy the tunnel and turn left and head for Norway. Any suggestions on the route and crossings and where to stay and places we must see. Happy to link up by emial for detailed exchange. Kind regards.
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Can't help you from persoal experiemce but there is a very informative motorhome blog being written at the moment by a couple who are travellig there.


If you Google 'Europe By Camper' you're sure to find it.


Hope ths helps.

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Guest JudgeMental
try the site "search" function, lots of info on here...we have been up there 3 times, twice via Harwich - esberg once harwich - hook of Holland, Lots of driving anyway, distances vast, but even longer via Calais....
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Guest Tracker

We went all the way to the Nordkapp in 2008, crossing via Calais.

Just as well that I like driving and you will need to for this trip because we covered some 7500 miles in 6 weeks!

The bridges from Denmark to Sweden are spectacular and speed up the journey, although you can still get various ferries if you prefer.

It took us a three day blast, driving about 9 hours a day and only minimal sight seeing, to get to Oslo and from there we went on up to Bergen which is where the scenery gets stunning.

We missed the Southern half of Norway last time but we intend following the entire coast - within practicalities - next time right back up to the top of Europe again.

We came back down through Finland and Baltic coast Sweden and again the local people are so friendly and helpful and most speak better English than a lot of English people!

Lots of ferries once in Norway and if your van is over 6 mtrs long they can be quite pricey.

We loved every minute of the scenery, the people, the vastness and the freedom.

Less enthusiastic about the cost of diesel and you need to be careful what you buy at times as prices can be pretty outrageous even by UK and French standards!

Nevertheless we plan to go again but may take the Esbjerg ferry and cut out a few miles although it does add to the cost - personal choice?

The Norway Tourism dept have lots of free maps and info of the suggested places to visit and those you choose will depend on your own personal tastes.

You don't need to use sites unless you prefer to and we only had one site night and that was only so that I could wash my favourite shirts!

We found some fantastic overnight locations - on top of mountains, by various rivers and fjords or coast and in some towns wher there are designated motrohome parking areas - often free overnight.

Vicarious Books do a guide to Aires in Scandinavia and we will use that next time. I have not seen it yet but their books are generally very good.

Water and loo emptying could be a challenge but many sites will allow you to empty and refill for a modest charge and we always managed to find taps and disposal points. Marinas are a good source!

If you want to do the whole trip justice I reckon that six weeks is about right - although I know one couple that rattled round in two weeks - rather them than me! (That was Rapido Lass for those who remember her from her time on this forum!)

Fill up with diesel on entering Finland and again just before leaving Finland!


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Guest pelmetman

It's certainly got some spetacular scenery B-) ...................and the prices in the late 70's was just as spetacular £5 for fish and chips in Oslo 8-) 8-)


Unfortunatly I was spoilt by visiting the fjords when serving on HMS Cutlass, so seeing the place by camper can't match zooming about on a FTB B-)

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  • 9 months later...



We have just turned back from Norway to Denmark. The intention was to head as far North as possible but the snow put paid to that.


As for the route....


Harwich to Esbjerg on the ferry, drive to Hirshals then get the ferry to either Stav, Larvik, Bergen. That will save you a whole heap of miles on the van, be cheaper and (I think) is more enjoyable.


I you intend to just go for the North quickest then use the E6 through Lillehamer but it is seriously boring. Much nicer, if you have the time, are the coast roads, the scenery is so much better. Obviously the ferry charges come in to play then but i think if you are going to do it then why not do it properly, I wish i had and gone in July.


It is an ace country though, shame us Brits dont seem to be that intersted in seeing it.


If you would like a copy of our exact route, with ferry costs, i can email it to you direct.




Darren and Angharad.

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Happy Helmut - 2011-06-11 3:48 PMHi all. We have decided to take Helmut to Norway for a month next year. We love europe but have been restricted to two weeks up to now. So, rather than go to Austrailia we fancy the tunnel and turn left and head for Norway. Any suggestions on the route and crossings and where to stay and places we must see. Happy to link up by emial for detailed exchange. Kind regards.

Much depends on your interests and your preference for sites or otherwise. 'Everyman rights' apply to camping off site and it there are some truly spectacular spots to be found. Natural history and landscapes are our primary interest and most of Norway provides in abundance. If that is your bag, it's hard to be disappointed.
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....crossing via the Tunnel, you are going to use up over a week simply getting there and back, so something under 3 weeks in Norway itself.


I would initially head for Hirtshals in the North of Denmark and take one of the (not over-expensive) ferries into Southern Norway from there. You could use the bridges via Denmark/Sweden, but on a combined cost/mileage/time basis I think the above ferries will be better.


Good roads all the way Calais to Hirtshals (give or take a few Autobahn hold-ups) and with very determined driving you could do it in two days (800 miles), BUT, I would recommend a stopover for a day around the halfway mark or less, especially if it isn't a very early start from Calais. We really liked Munster - with a good campsite and accompanying Stellplatz conveneint for public transport.


I'd then overnight somewhere close to the ferry, and catch an early boat across.


With less than three weeks you should largely (IMO) confine yourself to targetting the country between Bergen and Ålesund, as there is plenty of scenery to keep you happy here (and it will take a little time anyway to get there from the South Coast).


Bergen itself is worth visiting (we went in by train from a campsite well outside), and I would wholly recommend Flåm (campsite in village) (although much more developed than when I first went, when it was inaccessible by road - a trip through the worlds longest road tunnel, and the "Norway in a nutshell" tour is worthwhile), Geiranger - stay on the fjiord side and watch the liners, a trip over the Trollstigen road (if it's open) and Ålesund (campsite on road into town, with bus service) itself is intriguing.


In between these, if the weather is good you will find plenty of scenery to fill the rest of your time. To see something different of spectacular Norway, you would then need to go much further North, beyond the Arctic Circle and up towards the Lofoten islands, and it is a long and slow (though ultimately rewarding) journey - too much, IMO, for your three weeks or less. If you enjoy your first visit, save it for later.


The major thing to remember is that the domestic ferries are relatively cheap IF YOU ARE 6m OR LESS, beyond that they become somewhat more expensive. It might have an effect on your route planning.


You can dowload a camping guide from here:




...and in addition, most (all?) the Ferry timetables and fares, (to assist your route planning) can be accessed via links from the Visitnorway site at




(an example of an "end-document" retrieved by the above is):



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