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Not strictly Motorhome Matters but the post will get the best viewing here.


Anyone else had problems with hyperlinks when posting I never used to have any problems but recently I can never get them to work.

Does not matter if I use Dreamweaver or any other html editor when I cut and past to the post they disappear, if I past them into any other program they work fine.

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neilmac - 2011-06-15 9:04 AM


If you put your link inside brackets followed by your text before the closing url as per:


(url=http://motorhomingwithneilmac.blogspot.com/)Motorhoming with NEILMAC(/url)


Just make sure you replace the ( ) type brackets with [ ] ones when you do it and it will become -


Motorhoming with NEILMAC


Thank's Neil, yes it does work with html code .


Lenny's Website


I used to do it the lazy way create the link in an editor then copy and past it, always used to work OK but for the last few months it hasn't even before they changed the forum.


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