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The Great escape

Mike B.

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Just got back from the 'Great Escape'

What a shambles!

Parking up on Friday was a joke in the 'Members' section-girl said previous marshall had got it all wrong and she was righting it-finished up with 6/8 vans all squashed in together and guess what-only about 10 more vans arrived after us, consequently half a field left empty and us getting out of our van into couples next door almost!

Couldn't see a thing on Friday night for all the umbrellas-ok the weather can't be helped but spoilt the night.

Saturday and Bernie Clifton was a joke as was the 'Proms Concert' couldn't even hear him singing what words he knew of Land of Hope and Glory at the finale and half the tunes listed were never played! Consequently the atmosphere at the show was like a wake!

All the traders seemed united in moaning about the cost of the stands and the lack of business and looking thoroughly P****d off and to cap it all large amounts of dog poo not cleared up by visiting dog owners.

A thoroughly brilliant weekend...........................Not!

Must remember this for next year!


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Hi Mike,

completely agree, we escaped this afternoon, been there since thursday !!

parking was a shambles on ccc pitches, fight nearly broke out.

few stalls to look around.

the worst show we and bil have been to, will never go to a midsummer one again

now doubtfull about another warners show.



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Guest peter

I couldn't dissagree more with the above comments. We thought it was a great weekend of entertainment, despite the weather being a bit wet. The Robbie Williams tribute band was really good as was the music on Saturday night. I suppose just because Mike B left it too late to get a seat near the front that everybody else should be expected to put down their umbrellas and get soaked, I think not. I wonder if he had one himself, and just to be considerate to those behind, he didn't use it, I also think not.

As for the parking, surely that was up to the marshalls of the particular club they camped with to sort out and is not a reflection on warners.

So, all in all, a great weekend amongst the Burstner owner club, who, thankfully are not as misserable as the previous posters on this thread.

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I agree with Peter.

We arrived Friday lunch time, Loads of room on the MMM site, infact we had a ring side pitch for the concerts. Hence we gave the Friday night concert a miss due to the weather.So we missed the 'Soggy' Williams concert

But we braved the Saturday night concert ,but the weather did put a damper on the whole weekend.

But we still enjoyed it. :-D

Sitting here Monday morning Bright sunshine & no wind Typical *-)

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I agree with Peter.

We arrived Friday lunch time, Loads of room on the MMM site, infact we had a ring side pitch for the concerts. Hence we gave the Friday night concert a miss due to the weather.So we missed the 'Soggy' Williams concert

But we braved the Saturday night concert ,but the weather did put a damper on the whole weekend.

But we still enjoyed it. :-D

Sitting here Monday morning Bright sunshine & no wind Typical *-)

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I agree with Peter.

We arrived Friday lunch time, Loads of room on the MMM site, infact we had a ring side pitch for the concerts. Hence we gave the Friday night concert a miss due to the weather.So we missed the 'Soggy' Williams concert

But we braved the Saturday night concert ,but the weather did put a damper on the whole weekend.

But we still enjoyed it. :-D

Sitting here Monday morning Bright sunshine & no wind Typical *-)

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I agree with Peter.

We arrived Friday lunch time, Loads of room on the MMM site, infact we had a ring side pitch for the concerts. Hence we gave the Friday night concert a miss due to the weather.So we missed the 'Soggy' Williams concert

But we braved the Saturday night concert ,but the weather did put a damper on the whole weekend.

But we still enjoyed it. :-D

Sitting here Monday morning Bright sunshine & no wind Typical *-)


Sorry this has come up 4 times, must have pressed a black key!

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i wouldn`t regard myself as a miserable person nor the people we attended the show with,

i expect value for my hard earned and don`t just accept c**p as the norm.I don`t think the many who left early sat ( esp the ones we spoke to ) felt they got value for money.

We have found the last few warners shows we have attended to be quite poor compared to previous ones & imho warners are overall responsible for thier shows including the marshalling of vehicles which was a shambles.



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Well speaking as a trader I can only say that this weekend was mixed. There were plenty of people about but not many were spending on anything significant. I thought the venue was excellent but the poor mobile phone coverage was a significant problem for many traders with mobile card terminals.


We didn't bother with the main entertainment but we did enjoy saturdays performance from sitting outside our vans and last nights singers (twoofthe firefighters)were very entertaining.


If you think it was expensive, try paying for a trade stand and not even covering your costs!



No I'm not whingeing, it is what it is asfar as we're concerned but moaning like the OP has does irritate a bit.



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I think I'm entitled to moan-I paid my money and wasn't satisfied.

However, before you start condemning me, check my original post-I did say nothing could be done about the weather and I did say there was loads of room on the MMM Members section-what I was objecting to was being crammed in because the marshall wanted to 'rectify' a previous marshall's mistakes.

Perhaps everything was wonderful on the Burstner owners club section, it certainly wasn't in the 'Members section'

Perhaps I should get out more, perhaps I should buy a Burstner and stop being 'miserable' or perhaps I should should just vote with my feet.

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Mike B. - 2011-06-20 9:21 PM


I think I'm entitled to moan-I paid my money and wasn't satisfied.

However, before you start condemning me, check my original post-I did say nothing could be done about the weather and I did say there was loads of room on the MMM Members section-what I was objecting to was being crammed in because the marshall wanted to 'rectify' a previous marshall's mistakes.

Perhaps everything was wonderful on the Burstner owners club section, it certainly wasn't in the 'Members section'

Perhaps I should get out more, perhaps I should buy a Burstner and stop being 'miserable' or perhaps I should should just vote with my feet.


You could always do what I do and don't go to shows. They are usually a pile of junk with all the usual culprits there. Yes vote with your feet and there will be one more of us, one less of them.


But before you do that get hold of someone at Warners and really bend their ears. Tell them what you think, if folks don't complain they think you're all happy with the crap they serve up.

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