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Motorhome insurance


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The final straw!


Arrived in post this morning - renewal notice from Saga- 40% increase and nothing has changed in my details/ history other than moving to the countryside from London suburb.Presumably they are joining in the general hike or hoping that I would not notice the "subtle increase " in price.


That's it as far as I am concerned- it takes this hobby into the luxury class that I am going to do without!


What with the increases in fuel costs,vehicle depreciation,site fees, storage fees etc. Its too rich for me and I am not going to start to work out how much it has cost for the 4500 miles its done from new! :'(

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Don't panic..............

I had the same renewal shock last week (up from £206 to £290 + £36 for legal assistance, £326 total). Got on to them and the guy wouldn't budge straight away but said to have a trawl around myself and come back if I could beat it. I took his name and direct number and started a quick search.

20 mins later I had a Comfort (Aviva) quote for £243 including legal cover.

Phoned Saga back (as my cover had actually started 10 days earlier while we were in France so didn't want to cancel unless necessary) and told them the quote. My man immediately beat this quote on the spot without requiring evidence! Refund of nearly £90.

To cap it, he then gave me a motor quote for my Audi of £196 (against More Than £300 last year) AND an extra loyalty discount if i take the (£100 cheaper) motor car policy in August.

So, the moral(s) of this tale................

1) insurance companies are xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and will do anything to get your cash

2) customers are free to inform said companies of the competition out there and vote with their feet (wheels) unless competitive



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Having read various tales of huge price hikes I was wondering what to expect when my motorhome insurance was due in March. I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with the cost through The Camping and Caravanning Club. I know that different people have different circumstance and different requirements but I have insured with them since we bought our first van in 2002 and they have always been the cheapest and best for us. I agree though that it is worth getting other quotes.


I hope that if you wish to continue motorhoming that you are able to do so. ( We certainly wouldn't be able to take the number of holidays we do if we had to pay hotel or even B&B or self-catering prices.)

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rossifan - 2011-06-27 9:46 AM


The final straw!


Arrived in post this morning - renewal notice from Saga- 40% increase and nothing has changed in my details/ history other than moving to the countryside from London suburb.Presumably they are joining in the general hike or hoping that I would not notice the "subtle increase " in price.


That's it as far as I am concerned- it takes this hobby into the luxury class that I am going to do without!


What with the increases in fuel costs,vehicle depreciation,site fees, storage fees etc. Its too rich for me and I am not going to start to work out how much it has cost for the 4500 miles its done from new! :'(


You may be right. If you are unable to use the van more than you do (3,000 miles first year, 1,500 last), it is not benefiting, and nor are you. If you will be able to use it more in the near future, it may be worth keeping, because it will have cost you a lot in depreciation, storage, servicing, and insurance, by the time you get the buyer's cheque in the bank. If you really can't see any chance to use it more often, or for longer trips, over the next 24 months, the costs of ownership will mount without benefit to you and a loss cutting sale may well be the best solution.


However, I do wonder if the problem might lie with the type of van you bought? You have a largish coachbuilt. Suppose you swapped it for a smaller panel van conversion. Would that enable you to get away more often? If you like the lifestyle, but find the van you have unsuited to spur-of-the-moment breaks, a smaller, more easily parked, van, also more suited to day-to-day use, might just offer an acceptable compromise. It ain't over, 'till it's over! :-D

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mel wood - 2011-06-27 1:03 PM


Having read various tales of huge price hikes I was wondering what to expect when my motorhome insurance was due in March. I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with the cost through The Camping and Caravanning Club. I know that different people have different circumstance and different requirements but I have insured with them since we bought our first van in 2002 and they have always been the cheapest and best for us. I agree though that it is worth getting other quotes.


I hope that if you wish to continue motorhoming that you are able to do so. ( We certainly wouldn't be able to take the number of holidays we do if we had to pay hotel or even B&B or self-catering prices.)

In my 'trawl' for quotes i tried the C&CC only to be told ('computer says no') that no quote could be offered in my circumstances! I thought this might be something to do with a small bump I had 3 years ago (no fault) so removed these details and tried for a requote. Yes, 'computer stills says no' so moved swiftly onwards.

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In my 'trawl' for quotes i tried the C&CC only to be told ('computer says no') that no quote could be offered in my circumstances! I thought this might be something to do with a small bump I had 3 years ago (no fault) so removed these details and tried for a requote. Yes, 'computer stills says no' so moved swiftly onwards.

Chris 2010 Swift Bolero





Are you a CCC member? If not, I think that will be the reason that you can't get a quote.

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Every year, even if the renewal quote appears reasonable, I trawl the Internet and do price comparisons on a like to like basis. last year I was insured with Caravan Guard and although their renewal quote was very reasonable I still managed to get a better deal via Comfort, saved over £80 which Caravan Guard told me they could not match.


I only manage a mileage of between 3,500-4,000 per year as I am still in fulltime employment. However, we still get away for 2 weeks at Easter, 1 week end of May and 4 weeks in July/August.On top of that we escape to a few weekend boltholes throughout the year (lol)


I certainly would not be able to financially afford to take as many 'Package' holidays and I certainly wouldn't get to the places that I can get to in my van.

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mel wood - 2011-06-28 1:55 PM


Are you a CCC member? If not, I think that will be the reason that you can't get a quote.

Hi Mel, yes a member of both main clubs. Happy with the 'revised' Saga quote but sad that it was down to me to do the donkey work to get good value.


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