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Spikes Spiders ? ? ? ?


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Thinking of buying some spiders for our 4.5 ton twin axle front wheel drive motorhome as we woould like to use small farm sites and wild camp so getting stuck on wet grass is a big worry to us. Has anyone got any opinions of them or have you used them for a similar purpose. Advice gratefully received to new motorhomer. Thanks. (?)
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Yes that is a lot of weight to shift with FWD. When we had FWD, we found the following worked well: - obviously check pitch before driving on and reject if the slightest chance of sinking (at Pisa, we watched an Italian drive a Laika straight onto the pitch and straight in up to its axle). - carry two pieces of 12mm (half-inch) ply (preferably marine play) about 50cm (18 inches) x wheel width and put under front wheels (put levelling blocks on top if needed). This spreads the load and gives an easy take-off. - carry four more pieces of the same ply about 18 inches long by the same width to put in front of the wheel stands and lengthen your take off run. - back onto the pitch so you can drive straight off. Move off in second gear for better traction and, once onto the grass, don't stop!! The six pieces of ply take up ne more space than the proprietary solutions.
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We have a version of Mel's Ply wood Ours are offcuts from some 6" x 1" timber each about 15" long. We use them to give a bit of lift to the wheels when we are on the beginning of the ramps Also as Mel says you park on them even on the level to stop you sinking Before moving off place one at the front of the front wheels. then continue to cycle them driving from one to the next and move the free one forword
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I got stuck diagonaly across a dip with T25, not slippery just lack of suspension articulation meant lost drive to one wheel. This was on Jura when i needed to catch ferry to Islay and then to Oban, total panic stations luckily a local came past and helped tow. I now carry an old boat trailer winch and a large aircraft tiedown(similair to those cork screws used to tie up dogs)
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