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Kindle help, please

bolero boy

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Bolero Girl has just got a Kindle (wifi and 3G version).

First time in via 'experimental' we selected 'launch browser' and we were presented with a list of 'bookmarks' added by Amazon. These included Amazon, Facebook, Google etc.

We selected Google and did a test search and browsed the result, all fine.

On hitting 'back' I expected it to return to the 'bookmark' page not 'experimental'.

Now, when we go in via 'experimental', 'launch browser' it goes directly to Google rather than the 'bookmarks' page.

'Bookmarks' can be reached by selecting 'menu', 'bookmarks' from the browser screen and other original bookmarks like Amazon, Facebook can be selected.

However, the 'bookmarks' page (via which we were forced to navigate on first time through) will only be reached if specifically requested from the browser page.

Question - are we navigating correctly, can the 'bookmarks' page be brought back into the original navigation route to the browser or was this only for the first time operation.

I have read the manual online but cant find the answer. No doubt, 35 years in the IT business is holding me back.

Current state of play from BG is that BB has 'broken' her new toy!


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BB, you'll be pleased to know that you haven't 'broken' anything.


The Back button takes you out of the current application back to the previous application or menu etc.


The bookmarks page is only shown the first time you enter the browser, after that it will default to showing you the last website visited - until you either power down the machine, or the battery goes flat, then the last visited page will have been lost so the bookmarks page will be displayed when you start the browser.


You could of course gently explain to BG that now that her Kindle is broken you may as well keep it for yourself rather than have her suffer a missing menu all the time :D

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I've just been playing with my Kindle to try and answer - certainly my Kindle goes straight to Bookmarks but I can't remember quite what I did when I first used the browser - sorry.


I'm sure I've seen somewhere though that the Amazon Kindle helpdesk people are very helpful - why not give them a ring?


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Solwaybuggier - 2011-07-06 11:02 AM


I've just been playing with my Kindle to try and answer - certainly my Kindle goes straight to Bookmarks but I can't remember quite what I did when I first used the browser - sorry.


I'm sure I've seen somewhere though that the Amazon Kindle helpdesk people are very helpful - why not give them a ring?

Interesting, so you have used the browser to actually access a web site or two (say, Google search and browse a resulting site)? Yet, if you go back in via 'Experimental' then 'Browser' it goes to the Bookmarks page rather than the last used website?

Do you have the latest version, this one is only a week old?

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bolero boy - 2011-07-06 2:29 PM


Interesting, so you have used the browser to actually access a web site or two (say, Google search and browse a resulting site)? Yet, if you go back in via 'Experimental' then 'Browser' it goes to the Bookmarks page rather than the last used website?

Do you have the latest version, this one is only a week old?


I suspect the reason is contained in Porkbrain's first posting - which I'd not seen when I composed my response. My battery had run flat whern I went to turn the Kindle on, so the last page accessed was not retained. Certainly it does now go to the last page accessed. Sorry if I've caused you further confusion!


It doesn't take long to get to Bookmarks via Menu though - certainly not as long as actually navigating using the browser on the Kindle!

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