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Be aware of potential problems on French side of Euro tunnel,


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We were booked to return on the 9.20am last Sunday morning. When we arrived about an hour early we were informed that because of restricted availability we we now going to put on a train half an hour later which was no great problem. There seemed to be hightened security around the terminal maybe the lybia problem i don't know.When our call came we moved to the line where you are normally checked to make sure the gas is off. There was a very big queue and all checks seemed to take a long time. By the time it came to us all cars had embarked. the chap in the booth was quite harrassed told us to go to lane 8 so we went through and pulled up. Written on the booth below the window was a message along the lines of " We are trialing a new software allocation system and this may take longer than usual please be patient"".

We then moved off from lane 8 without anyone physically checking our gas which hasn't happened before.

We then followed the green arrows and on getting to our ramp we were stopped. The caravan in front of us had already enetered the ramp. we were then told "RAMP 4 RAMP 4". The queue behind us had been stopped prior to ramp 4. Me and two caravans then had to u turn (i was towing a bike on a trailer) and before i moved off i shouted to the man to confirm it was lane 4 but he said no lane 6 i went to lane 6 and Mrs Hopesy said but theres no train and i was then shouted at to go to ramp 4 again!! Mrs Hopesy told me to remain calm and not get into a shouting match with the staff, but i managed to politely point out their errors. All staff we by now running around like headless chickens as a couple of 52 seater coaches arrived late.We then joined a queue on the platform and were informed by a nice lady that not to worry they would get us on the waiting train after "our mistake" . Mrs Hopesy said it was a mistranslation and i think she's right.

Just be be aware there may be some difficulties travelling.


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Hi We came back to the UK on Sunday the 12th on Eurotunnel, they were signs advising of the new allocation system and some problems with it.


We were early and allocated the next train, the French Customs delayed us a few minutes by checking the drivers area for explosives, 5 vehicles at a time and then going to a bulding to get the test results, the UK customs seemed to take twice as long as normal with queues of 5 to 10 vehicles at each office that was open.


We were then advised of the "new system " and possible delays but allocated to a lane where we were the 3rd or 4 th vehicle. Whilst parked in the lane we had our gas cylinders checked ( about the first time in France that they were physically checked, they weren't in April).


The vehicles infront of us went on the shuttle and we waited for the next one, our allocated shuttle didn't run to time and I think we went on the following one.


However the total time we spent between arriving at the site and getting on the train was only about 45mins and we were about the 2nd vehicle off and away up a n empty M20, until they all caught us up,


cheers alan

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Guest JudgeMental
Hope not to many delays going out, as we are leaving Friday evening, heading for our month in the sun! (Croatia this time)
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Interestingly enough, we have never had our gas checked on the French side. Folkestone always pull us over and psychically check that it's off then put a "gas checked" sticker on our window ticket.


We have travelled with Eurotunnel dozens of times and have never had the same thing on the French side. We usually cross around 9am so it could be that the don't start checking gas until later in the day or we've been incredibly lucky?


Regarding long delays during boarding, the last time we used Norfolk Lines (or whatever they now call themselves) there were huge delays as every boot, boat, caravan and motorhome was checked causing very long delays. They were even climbing step ladders to check inside car roof lockers.



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Manu - 2011-07-15 3:26 PM


Hey Judge ,have a good trip....keep us informed, going that way to Greece next spring !

Stay safe.


Check your insurance, then. I think you'll only be able to get minimum third party cover at borders between Croatia and Greece. You'd be OK via Bulgaria and Roumania, or by ferry from Italy.

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Thanks Brian...appreciate that , was not fully aware of that....what a wonderful forum and its members we are !

Will be doing more planning when we return from Portugal for Xmas...ugh horrible word,lol.

Off at the end of August.



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