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distilled water


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Hi- I have a small dehumidifier in my van which I have used over the winter period and have been amazed at the amount of water it collects from the air, even though the van was sealed up to stop to much outside damp air getting in, £20 from Woolworths, I was thinking it might be good idea to save some of this water to help top up my wet cell leisure battery when needed, would I be correct in assuming that this would be distilled water? and suitable for use { anything to save a few bob } all the best, Chas
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First NO it is not distilled water Distilled water is produced by boiling the water, then condensing the steam back into water De ionised water is often said to be better than distilled as some substances can be passed theough the distillatioin process This is produces by passing the water through a special filter Once the container of new distiled water is opened it should not be stored for very long - it absorbes gasses from the atmosphere For this reason it is not advised to buy the biggest container that you can get/afford there was a fad for using the frost from fridges - melting it firt of course, but this proved to have some unsuitable substances in it
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