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route napoleon and gorges de verdon


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We want to head for Gorges de Verdon but not sure wether to head for the lake side of the gorge. croix. or castellaine which is the east side of gorge.


We have lowline Dethleff ford rear wheel drive 7.2metres long.

Any suggestions as we have 5 weeks available.

Going July and August.




PS we do not want to drive the van round the gorge but maybe hire a car for the day?

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Hi chris,the route Napolian should give you no problems,there are some very sharp hairpin bends but large artics get round, its a case of engaging first gear as you approach the bends.ther's two Asci campsites at Castellane and an air 6 euroes.


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We have, in the past, towed a caravan on the Route Napoleon with no problems.


Recently [April this year] we drove along both sides of the Gorge in our campervan, doing a 'round trip', and came across much larger motorhomes than ours doing exactly the same as we were doing, and encountering no problems. Take a long day to do the tour, with loads of stops..... We stayed in Castellane, very convenient.


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We visited the gorge etc several years ago, by motorbike. Fab - but we had trouble missing the gravel at either side of a lot of the roads due to the number of Winibago's and full-sized coaches doing the tour!


Went from Castellane to Grasse on the N75 - and then came homewards from C via the northern section. Disappointingly a fair bit of the road actually literally runs alongside the motorway and as mentioned there are a lot of hairpins and at that time a lot of potholes - although vast stretches of it were roadworks so I guess it should be improved now.


Don't miss Moustiers Ste Marie or Riez - the first terribly touristy but still charming; the second a really really old town. The gorge is stunning. And the water in the gorge and the lake has to be seen ... magical !

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