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Another Newbie question


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If we spend time travelling around and parking overnight in car parks or roadside laybys, where can we empty our toilet cassette? We usually like to empty ours every other day. I have been reading that some C&CC sites allow you to park for three hours, use the facilities, i.e. empty and fill whatever needs doing, use laundrette, showers etc for something like £6.50, but for not much more than that we could use a CL all night/day.


So, where does it go? :$



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Guest pelmetman

When desperate:$ we have been known to empty it in a public toilet...............but that has been very rare in 20 years, because as you say cl's are cheap enough:D.............

Many people who wild camp use the public facilities on a regular basis, the main thing is to leave it clean, and in my experience that's mean't I've left it cleaner than I found it*-)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
I have to say the idea of trying to empty a cassette in a public toilet with no ability to rinse it our not I suspect deal with the inevitable splashes fills me and I'm sure others with horror.I'm sure actions like this would if widespread just further alienate local councils against the Motor-home user. Go to France or stay at CL's,much more pleasant than any lay-by. You could easily go three days without emptying, then at a cost of what £6 to empty it and get fresh water seems like a bargain. Factor in a quieter nights sleep than a lay-by and it would seem a no contest *-)
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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-10 5:07 PM


I have to say the idea of trying to empty a cassette in a public toilet with no ability to rinse it our not I suspect deal with the inevitable splashes fills me and I'm sure others with horror.I'm sure actions like this would if widespread just further alienate local councils against the Motor-home user. Go to France or stay at CL's,much more pleasant than any lay-by. You could easily go three days without emptying, then at a cost of what £6 to empty it and get fresh water seems like a bargain. Factor in a quieter nights sleep than a lay-by and it would seem a no contest *-)


Quite a few small French campsites have no dedicated facility to empty toilet cassettes and, in those cases, campers are expected to use an ordinary toilet.


I prefer to empty the toilet cassette daily (or at 2 days absolute maximum). Daily is easier as the cassette is lighter and, because I don't use toilet chemicals, there's no financial disincentive. I carry a 10litre container of water just for cassette-rinsing and I often find using this more convenient even when a rinsing tap/hose is available at a campsite/aire.


In the past, I have used French public toilets for cassette emptying, but (like "pelmetman") only when things have been pretty desperate (and before I learnt my lesson regarding over-delaying emptying!)


Maintaining the cleanliness of a cassette emptying facility - campsite, aire, public toilet, whatever - should be important to motorcaravanners, but there's plenty of very visible evidence at French aires that this is not a universal attitude. I'll clean up other people's mess if it's practicable, and I'll ensure that there's never a need for other people to clean up my mess.


I agree that, within the UK, if motorcaravanners do use public toilets indiscriminately and brazenly for toilet cassette emptying, this will provoke general disapproval even if toilets are left clean. So it's not a practice to encourage and, if a motorcaravanner chooses to do it, discretion would be sensible.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

French toilets, now that's a different ball game, especially the stoop over the hole type, emptying a cassette there would probably be an improvement !

I was just imagining someone walking into their local M&S with full cassette in the UK :-S

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If you use a genuine biological agent type additive (or none at all) you could even head off into the woods with the cassette in one hand and a spade in the other; I've done so myself. Probably best for this practice not to be witnessed though. Even though there's no environmental impact worth considering, (culturally driven) public perception would not be good and we wouldn't want to do anything to compromise our acceptability. 

If all else fails, there's always the spade.

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Most of the Motorhome Shows these days have portable shower/WC cabins. There are large signs on these facilities, warning that if anyone is seen emptying cassette toilets down the WC pans, they will be closed and locked immediately.


Why do you think this is? It's because the practice is bloody disgusting, that's why. >:-(


I will be scrutinising Public Conveniences in a new light from now on, looking out for the inevitable 'splashes' that occur when a cassette toilet is emptied (however carefully it is done). If I ever witness someone doing this, they will receive a whole lot more sh#t from me than they went in with. 8-)


The more I read about 'wild camping', the more I believe that there should be no room for it in this crowded country of ours. If you must cr@p off-site, go and do it in France...

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Blimey, why pick on France to s*** on, despite my attempt at humour about the hole in the ground loo's in France their public toilets are as bad or as good as anything in the UK. But sometimes we have to empty our cassette in our own loo if returning late from France and I would never inflict the stench that results in an enclosed space for any one to follow me in afterwards in a public loo, in my view a practice that is totally unnecessary.

I do agree with your comment however " It's because the practice is bloody disgusting, that's why"

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Guest Tracker
1footinthegrave - 2011-07-10 5:07 PM


I have to say the idea of trying to empty a cassette in a public toilet with no ability to rinse it our not I suspect deal with the inevitable splashes fills me and I'm sure others with horror.I'm sure actions like this would if widespread just further alienate local councils against the Motor-home user. Go to France or stay at CL's,much more pleasant than any lay-by. You could easily go three days without emptying, then at a cost of what £6 to empty it and get fresh water seems like a bargain. Factor in a quieter nights sleep than a lay-by and it would seem a no contest *-)


A typical biased response!


It is quite easy to empty a cassette down a toilet - I often do it at home as it is easier than lifting a mahhole cover and I don't make any mess at all!


It is also quite easy to rinse and flush and wipe down the empty cassette if you take a couple of 2 litre plastic bottles of water and some paper towels with you and flush the loo several times until all is crystal clear!


For those of us with a clumsy or unpractised hand eye coordination it is also possible to make a mess and leave it for someone else to clear up - as witnessed by us all at many camp site toilet disposal points - and this is called responsible camping - just because you have paid to use a site? I think not!


Personally speaking I find that it is often easy to leave the chosen public loo cleaner than when one arrived such is the state of some of them!


Why do you also assume that everyone who is not keen on sites stops in a lay by?


We never spend any unsafe nights in lay bys - no matter how quiet they may seem when one stops!


There is no need to when with a little ingenuity and thought there are plenty of much more pleasant palces to park up overnight!


Live and let live and please do not criticise that which you do not fully understand.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Biased response, yes right. You may do exactly as you say, but you cannot deny the amount of thoughtless ****heads that can't even get it right at a "proper" disposal point. Recently in France someone had just dumped their cassette down the grey water grid, complete with turds and toilet paper left high and dry, I cannot imagine their attention to detail would be any better in a public loo. I'd sooner have to ignore that, than find that mess in a public toilet, they are sometimes bad enough as it is.


As for "camping" on lay-byes that was the OP's question, I'd sooner knock six inch nails in my feet !

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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-11 12:52 PM

I'd sooner knock six inch nails in my feet !


Will you be selling tickets and can the audience assist you - I'll even bring my own hammer and nails!

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Guest Tracker

I would be happy to empty my all inclusive cassette onto your feet - presumably after they have been nailed!


Now that's what I would call a good sick squids worth!

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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-11 12:52 PM


Biased response, yes right. You may do exactly as you say, but you cannot deny the amount of thoughtless ****heads that can't even get it right at a "proper" disposal point. Recently in France someone had just dumped their cassette down the grey water grid, complete with turds and toilet paper left high and dry, I cannot imagine their attention to detail would be any better in a public loo. I'd sooner have to ignore that, than find that mess in a public toilet, they are sometimes bad enough as it is.


As for "camping" on lay-byes that was the OP's question, I'd sooner knock six inch nails in my feet !


Blimey I actually find myself agreeing with 1foot on all points.

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Guest Tracker
His biased view could just as easily have been written by your good self Henry such is it's ability not to accept any other point of view but his own!
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I don't believe anyone who has commented on using public toilets to empty toilet-cassettes has envisaged employing toilets in commercial premises for that purpose.


It is perfectly possible, with care, to empty a cassette into a conventional toilet pedestal without causing a mess and, if 'splashing' does occur, there's no great difficulty cleaning up.


If "marydot" wishes to park overnight in UK car-parks or lay-bys (not something I'd choose to do) and there's a public toilet-block nearby, then using that building discreetly for cassette-emptying is plainly an option: in fact, it's difficult to see what other option there will be if campsite facilities are not to be employed.


(Off topic, but would anyone like to recommend an alternative motorcaravanning forum that avoids the continual puerile, semi-literate bickering this forum has descended to recently?)

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Derek Uzzell - 2011-07-11 3:23 PM



(Off topic, but would anyone like to recommend an alternative motorcaravanning forum that avoids the continual puerile, semi-literate bickering this forum has descended to recently?)


Or better still appoint a moderator to this forum who will deal with these unpleasant events in the usual forum manner.


It would be so much better if an unprovoked attack such as this recent example could be removed from topics, so that a thread could be read without having to waste time trying to understand personal vendettas which seem to be clogging up so many recent potentially interesting discussions.


People should remember that their personal spats will come up time and again when someone does a Google search relevant to the topic being discussed. They will not only be read by forum regulars, some of whom seem to find this amusing.

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Utopian, I suppose, but what would help far more would be if folk could just engage their brain before they post, and read their post back carefully before they press the "Submit" button. I really find it hard to believe all these slurs arise purely by accident.


Surely, a moment's thought must result in the conclusion that even the worst defiled toilet ever seen (in Italy, by a country mile!) does not imply that the perpetrators post on this forum. Verbally lashing out at everyone who wilds, or uses aires, or uses campsites, simply because of some unpleasant personal experience in the past is about as helpful or logical as a three year old's tantrum.


Oh yes, and while we're on that tack, the "it wasn't my fault, I didn't start it" brigade should think twice, too. Didn't start it, maybe, but strove magnificently to continue it, and inflame it, more like. That just takes the srgument from the toddler stage, to the teenage school playground stage. It all gets so BORING!


Don't have to read it? Well then, exactly how does one follow the tatters of a once useful or interesting thread without having to wade through the contents of these people's toilet cassette brains?

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Guest 1footinthegrave

You'll have to excuse me, one of my pet hates is and has always been any kind of public loo and the disgusting things that some people do in them,( including cottaging, discarded condoms and the rest) and leave for others to clean up. One of the joys for us is our own "convenience" and disposing of the contents where it is plainly designated to do so. Is that so difficult for some to understand without resorting to the kind of playground stuff on here.


Do what you will, why would I care, I certainly won't be following you in there. BUT if using a designated point for Gods sake do it with some consideration for others following you, yes I know we all do that on here.

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Tracker - 2011-07-11 2:21 PM


His biased view could just as easily have been written by your good self Henry such is it's ability not to accept any other point of view but his own!


Come off it Rich, when did you ever accept anyone else's point of view. I have not really said anything on this thread because it once again illustrates why 'wild camping' effect's us all with its bad practices and i have had my say on this. Am I biased against 'wildcamping, yes for sure, but you may have realised that by now.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Perhaps he is biased against accepting others have a different and maybe valid points of view other than his own, no matter what. :D


Back to my cross stitch..........

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I certainly didn't intend starting such a debate, as a newbie I just aked for advice, not for approval or disapproval. We each live our lives our own way. I don't like alcohol, for instance, but I wouldn't complain about anyone else doing it, in fact some threads seem to suggest that it is the main occupation of campers and the caravan/motorhome crowd. Again, just live and let live. If you have nothing positive to contribute, what is the point of posting?


Maybe I've joined the wrong forum!




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