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Another Newbie question


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Guest 1footinthegrave
marydot - 2011-07-11 5:14 PM


I certainly didn't intend starting such a debate, as a newbie I just aked for advice, not for approval or disapproval. We each live our lives our own way. I don't like alcohol, for instance, but I wouldn't complain about anyone else doing it, in fact some threads seem to suggest that it is the main occupation of campers and the caravan/motorhome crowd. Again, just live and let live. If you have nothing positive to contribute, what is the point of posting?


Maybe I've joined the wrong forum!




You asked for advice, it's quite simple really if you wade through it all, you got it in spades with the pro's and con's thrown in for good measure. Some say dump it in a public loo, some say wander off into the woods with a spade, and some say use a dedicated facility, and like most postings on here no one has the definitive answer, just their own view. And you'll find most if not all forums are a reflection of this one, with diverse and some strongly held views, a bit like all things in life.


And anything to do with "wild" camping always kicks off on here !

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Guest pelmetman
marydot - 2011-07-11 5:14 PM 
Maybe I've joined the wrong forum!Marydot

Don't worry about the arguing Mary.................. I find it a bit of a giggle:D
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Yes Dave, but you are well used to it.


The rubbish often posted on this forum can have a very off-putting effect on new members though.


I have looked without success for a forum policy, but there doesn't seem to be one, so no wonder it frequently becomes an undisciplined rabble full of nonsense.


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Guest Tracker
rupert123 - 2011-07-11 4:41 PM


Tracker - 2011-07-11 2:21 PM


His biased view could just as easily have been written by your good self Henry such is it's ability not to accept any other point of view but his own!


Come off it Rich, when did you ever accept anyone else's point of view. I have not really said anything on this thread because it once again illustrates why 'wild camping' effect's us all with its bad practices and i have had my say on this. Am I biased against 'wildcamping, yes for sure, but you may have realised that by now.


Come off it Henry, if you took the trouble to read my postings properly you will find that I have never condemed nor criticised anyone else's beliefs or methods whether it be for camping or anything else.


On the other hand I might have a pop at the high and mighty Caravan Club from time to time but there are plenty with opposing views to defend them!


For years I have been saying, each to his own, there is no wrong or right just different, live and let live etc etc.


I too can express my own views and just because others don't agree I don't see why expressing my views is seen by some as not accepting right of others to have opposing views - if you see what I mean - I think!


I always try and post by replying to the point made rather than by attacking the the individual point maker - unless in jest or unless I am attacked first - and I defy you to find a post where I have been intollerant of other folk's views?

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Well Tracker I thought your comment "I would be happy to empty my all inclusive cassette onto your feet" was really funny. I nearly fell off my chair with laughter, you should be on the stage mate.
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100% with Rich's comments on this thread and as Brian says you are always going to get some messy individual be it empting their loo in a public toilet, a borne or at a campsite.


Really don't know why Henry has to have a pop at anyone who doesn't want to do it his way and stay on his beloved Caravan Club sites which he claims to be superbly appointed. My personal experience of them is not good I've stayed on better Aires. (lol)

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Marydot, without wishing to insult your undoubted intelligence, it's not just loo emptying that will have you raising questions.


And wising you hadn't bothered....


Recycling on site. How difficult is it? Well for some gonads obviously pretty challenging. You'll go to the bins on sites and see them stuffed to the top with materials that could have been recycled usually a few feet away.


Prices of pitches. Good grief you'll find Lord Lucan before you find pitch fee parity.


Folk using hook up versus those who don't - again, insoluble. To some, folk who hook up are the devil incarnate, and to others, those who don't are tight fisted miserable beggars.


Sites users V non site users. This is an all time classic. A joy of joys. It'll never end, (thankgoodness, a personal favourite)


There are folk on here who cheerfully pay in excess of €50 per night. And there are some who wouldn't pay 50p even if they'd just picked it up from the pavement.


And no I'm not kidding.



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Mary, don't concern yourself that you have started WWIII, it happens.

But do take note of the answers and make your own mind up.

What I would say is, don't do use a public toilet or any patch of land, as you wouldn't your own.

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Tracker - 2011-07-11 8:04 PM


rupert123 - 2011-07-11 4:41 PM


Tracker - 2011-07-11 2:21 PM


His biased view could just as easily have been written by your good self Henry such is it's ability not to accept any other point of view but his own!


Come off it Rich, when did you ever accept anyone else's point of view. I have not really said anything on this thread because it once again illustrates why 'wild camping' effect's us all with its bad practices and i have had my say on this. Am I biased against 'wildcamping, yes for sure, but you may have realised that by now.


Come off it Henry, if you took the trouble to read my postings properly you will find that I have never condemed nor criticised anyone else's beliefs or methods whether it be for camping or anything else.


On the other hand I might have a pop at the high and mighty Caravan Club from time to time but there are plenty with opposing views to defend them!


For years I have been saying, each to his own, there is no wrong or right just different, live and let live etc etc.


I too can express my own views and just because others don't agree I don't see why expressing my views is seen by some as not accepting right of others to have opposing views - if you see what I mean - I think!


I always try and post by replying to the point made rather than by attacking the the individual point maker - unless in jest or unless I am attacked first - and I defy you to find a post where I have been intollerant of other folk's views?


How about this one.

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lennyhb - 2011-07-11 8:26 PM


100% with Rich's comments on this thread and as Brian says you are always going to get some messy individual be it empting their loo in a public toilet, a borne or at a campsite.


Really don't know why Henry has to have a pop at anyone who doesn't want to do it his way and stay on his beloved Caravan Club sites which he claims to be superbly appointed. My personal experience of them is not good I've stayed on better Aires. (lol)


Well mainly Lenny because blokes like you 'have a pop' at anyone' who does use them, just like you have done here. I do use CC sites mainly when in the UK and they are the best run sites in europe. Now I begin to understand you if you think you have stayed on better aires. However that aside it is so called wild camping I am against and do not go along with the 'everyone does things their own way brigade', at least not in this. This thread brings up yet another example of the things free campers do. I have never given any thought before to the waste side of things but digging holes in woods and dumping toilet waste their, emptying down public toilets. This last may do no harm but the advice from some to sneak in when no one is watching about sums it up.

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Guest pelmetman
rupert123 - 2011-07-11 10:32 PM I have never given any thought before to the waste side of things but digging holes in woods and dumping toilet waste

Less than a century ago many people had a thunderbox in the garden8-)...........and the contents were then buried in the veg patch;-)....................Now that's what I call recycling(lol)(lol)

Us gardeners are overlooking a valuable resource:D  
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rupert123 - 2011-07-11 10:32 PM



I do use CC sites mainly when in the UK and they are the best run sites in europe.


Not my experience, stayed on one last year, horrible Sargent Major type warden, leaking urinal no attempt made to stop people using it & woke up to the lovely aroma of an over full cess pit.

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marydot - 2011-07-10 3:17 PM


If we spend time travelling around and parking overnight in car parks or roadside laybys, where can we empty our toilet cassette? We usually like to empty ours every other day. I have been reading that some C&CC sites allow you to park for three hours, use the facilities, i.e. empty and fill whatever needs doing, use laundrette, showers etc for something like £6.50, but for not much more than that we could use a CL all night/day.


So, where does it go? :$




This is a link to the C&CC information Marydot mentions:




As I understand it, what is being offered to a motorcaravanner is (for £6.60) use for 3 hours of all the services of a 'full house' C&CC campsite (with a motorhome service-point) that would cost considerably more for an overnight stay. It's not directly comparable to staying for 24 hours at a CL or CS and I'm doubtful that many motorcaravanners would find the £6.60 offer of interest.


If a motorcaravanner's lifestyle is to involve a lot of lay-by/car-park overnighting in the UK, it would be wise to choose a vehicle with plenty of capacity for fresh-water/waste-water/toilet-waste. If you've got 200litre water tanks and a 50litre toilet tank, then the C&CC offer becomes more attractive. If you've got a motorhome with limited capacity, your autonomy will be similarly limited.


I would have thought that - if campsites are not to be used - obtaining fresh-water would be much more challenging in the UK than toilet-cassette emptying. On the other hand, if you were to be using lay-bys and car-parks for sleeping, then you may not be using much water and, by judicious use of public lavatories rather than an on-board toilet, may not need to empty a cassette very often.

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rupert123 - 2011-07-11 10:32 PM  ...This thread brings up yet another example of the things free campers do. I have never given any thought before to the waste side of things.... 

No kidding?

....but digging holes in woods and dumping toilet waste their, emptying down public toilets. This last may do no harm but the advice from some to sneak in when no one is watching about sums it up.

Discretion is advisable only because some people are really narrow minded and just unquestioningly allow themselves to be moulded by cultural norms, no matter how ill-conceived those norms might be. As responsible motorcaravanners, whether normally staying on sites or otherwise, we shouldn't do anything to bring our passtime into disrepute and doing anything even slightly removed from that perceived as 'normal' may sadly incur the wrath of the unthinking. Hence the advice for discretion, or "sneak in" if you prefer to be Daily Mail about it.

On a wider point, It's humorous to read the revulsion some clearly feel at the prospect of emptying a cassette into a normal dunny. Why would it matter how the waste actually enters the receptacle? I can't for the life of me work out why it should matter whether it goes human-pan, or human-posh bucket-pan.

As long as in either case the facility is left as it was, or better, who cares?

And just as an aside, where do some imagine the treated and dried out solid waste from treatment plants ends up anyway? Holes in the woods often just cut out the middle man, and the associated economic and environmental cost.

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lennyhb - 2011-07-12 8:31 AM


rupert123 - 2011-07-11 10:32 PM



I do use CC sites mainly when in the UK and they are the best run sites in europe.


Not my experience, stayed on one last year, horrible Sargent Major type warden, leaking urinal no attempt made to stop people using it & woke up to the lovely aroma of an over full cess pit.


That was the one on Mars I assume Lenny, if not would be curious to know where and why you continue to have experience of them if so bad.

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marydot - 2011-07-11 5:14 PM


I certainly didn't intend starting such a debate, as a newbie I just aked for advice, not for approval or disapproval. We each live our lives our own way. I don't like alcohol, for instance, but I wouldn't complain about anyone else doing it, in fact some threads seem to suggest that it is the main occupation of campers and the caravan/motorhome crowd. Again, just live and let live. If you have nothing positive to contribute, what is the point of posting?


Maybe I've joined the wrong forum!




Don't take it personally Marydot. :-D If the rest of us did, we would all be gibbering wrecks (!)


My point was (and still is), is that your seemingly innocent 'newbie' question has huge implications for motorhomers. Before you asked your question, like rupert123, I had never even given toilet waste disposal for you - ahem - 'wild ones', a second thought. :-( It is disturbing to discover that there are 'wild ones' out there who don't have a hygienic regime for disposing of their excrement.


Human faeces is a carrier for many of the world's most virulent and deadly diseases: salmonella, campylobacter, e.coli and cryptosporidium to name but a few. Some of the worst post-operative illnesses in hospitals are caused by hand-spread faecal matter. Yes, even in this day and age there are still legions of folk out there who cannot be bothered to wash their hands after using a lavatory. >:-(


I am convinced that toilet cassette dumping would attract the same cavalier attitude to other peoples' health from some.


I like a drink, and I'm glad that does not bother you. :D But if I visit a public convenience that your partner has just emptied your cassette toilet contents into, then that would bother me a lot >:-(


Live and let live? Not if it could result in illness in others...

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rupert123 - 2011-07-12 9:29 AM


lennyhb - 2011-07-12 8:31 AM


rupert123 - 2011-07-11 10:32 PM



I do use CC sites mainly when in the UK and they are the best run sites in europe.


Not my experience, stayed on one last year, horrible Sargent Major type warden, leaking urinal no attempt made to stop people using it & woke up to the lovely aroma of an over full cess pit.


That was the one on Mars I assume Lenny, if not would be curious to know where and why you continue to have experience of them if so bad.


Typical of you Henry I give you an accurate report of my stay on one you disbelieve & ridicule me.

It was last year on a site in Hampshire it was only the second time I have stayed on a CC site & I will also own up to staying on one this year as it was the only site in the area close to a bus route. I certainly do not make a habit of staying on them 3 times in 45 years of camping is not exactly classed as continuing to use them.

When looking for a site they remain firmly at the bottom of the list only to be used as a last resort.


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Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest Tracker

From personal experience over the years my perception is that generally CC and C&CC club sites are to a high standard with friendly wardens/managers.


There are exceptions of course but on the whole my perceptions are that in general, but with some exceptions, club sites represent better vfm and a more pleasant and relaxing environment than commercial sites that are open to all and sundry.


The risks of being near noisy, boozy, loud groups, smelly bbqs or out of control dogs and children is far less to the point of being negligible on club sites when compared to commercial sites.


It is the CC management itself that I have had issues with because of their perceived attitude towards 'one size fits all' camping - that one size being, as the name Caravan Club would suggest, touring caravans.


It's not a problem for me as I am no longer a member and I can see the very good benefits for those whose style of camping fits in with the club's way of doing things so I don't knock those who enjoy all that the CC has to offer!


We find the cs network allied to weekend meets and temporary holiday sites of the C&CC with it's generally 'pre-booking free just turn up when it suits you' philosophy much more to our taste.


Each to his own and as long as we all enjoy what, when, where and how we camp that is all that really matters.


There are no right or wrong ways - just different!

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Guest Tracker
marydot - 2011-07-11 5:14 PM


I certainly didn't intend starting such a debate, as a newbie I just aked for advice, not for approval or disapproval. We each live our lives our own way. I don't like alcohol, for instance, but I wouldn't complain about anyone else doing it, in fact some threads seem to suggest that it is the main occupation of campers and the caravan/motorhome crowd. Again, just live and let live. If you have nothing positive to contribute, what is the point of posting?


Maybe I've joined the wrong forum!




No Mary you have not joined the wrong forum!


There is a wealth of knowledge available on this forum and whilst we may have a roundabout way of getting there sometimes at least the discussions generally take in every aspect of any topic - sometimes to a quite ridiculous extent it must be said - but at least by the time everyone has had their say, digressed, returned and digested it all there should be enough info for anyone to make up their own minds about what to do!


PS - Like yourself, I too do not need alcohol to be happy and content!


Happy camping!

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oldlowie - 2011-07-12 9:31 AM...  It is disturbing to discover that there are 'wild ones' out there who don't have a hygienic regime for disposing of their excrement...

Hi Mr Lowie, I genuinely don't get how you arrive at this conclusion from the posts on this thread. The only reference to lack of hygiene that I recall reading was the one where someone on a site had emptied poo in a grey water area.
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crinklystarfish - 2011-07-12 10:30 AM
oldlowie - 2011-07-12 9:31 AM...  It is disturbing to discover that there are 'wild ones' out there who don't have a hygienic regime for disposing of their excrement...

Hi Mr Lowie, I genuinely don't get how you arrive at this conclusion from the posts on this thread. The only reference to lack of hygiene that I recall reading was the one where someone on a site had emptied poo in a grey water area.
marydot claims to be a 'wild one'; marydot is asking where to dump her cr@p - QED
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crinklystarfish - 2011-07-12 9:13 AMDiscretion is advisable only because some people are really narrow minded and just unquestioningly allow themselves to be moulded by cultural norms, no matter how ill-conceived those norms might be. As responsible motorcaravanners, whether normally staying on sites or otherwise, we shouldn't do anything to bring our passtime into disrepute and doing anything even slightly removed from that perceived as 'normal' may sadly incur the wrath of the unthinking. Hence the advice for discretion, or "sneak in" if you prefer to be Daily Mail about it.

On a wider point, It's humorous to read the revulsion some clearly feel at the prospect of emptying a cassette into a normal dunny. Why would it matter how the waste actually enters the receptacle? I can't for the life of me work out why it should matter whether it goes human-pan, or human-posh bucket-pan.

As long as in either case the facility is left as it was, or better, who cares?

These comments seem to sum it all up perfectly... ;-)
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There have been a few beaches in Spain where a walk in the sand dunes has been a hazardous occupation, rather as I imagine a walk through a malodorous mangrove swamp, or a campsite dog toilet area.


For the past 15 years or so we have given up staying off site in the winter there, except for the occasional single night when travelling.


It seems that finally Spain is following the French example by providing Aires for servicing motorhomes and at the same time the policia local appear to be clearing the coastal area of unofficial encampments and moving people on from unauthorised overnight parkings. Municipal areas for overnight stops are also appearing.


I have seen cassettes being emptied at the roadside in an urban area, so am very happy to see that something is finally being done to prevent this.

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