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Another Newbie question


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Let's be completely honest, some folk are just dirty filthy pigs, and If anything illustrates the attitudes of some people to the disposal of waste excrement take a walk with me through our sand dunes. At this time of year it is full of dog poo bags, why, it's simple really, the owners for the most part now "pick up" when in full view on the beach, then discard the neatly tied up package in the sand dunes for some unwary person, or worst still some child to tread in. I doubt you would ever find anyone to admit this practice, everyone it seems is "responsible" and would never do such a thing. Can't imagine if they were Motor-homers their attitude would be any different with their cassettes. >:-(
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I occasionally 'wild camp' myself for one or two nights on the way to somewhere, but I must say that spending the best part of a trip wild camping sounds like bloomin' hard work to me.

Constantly looking for somewhere to dump waste or find fresh water must take up an awful lot of time.










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malc d - 2011-07-12 11:38 AM

Constantly looking for somewhere to dump waste or find fresh water must take up an awful lot of time.


Not really Malc!


If you keep your eyes open when touring finding locations is not that difficult although good places are a bit like buses and coppers - you can't find one when you want one and then several appear close together!


Simply use a site or cs/cl every third night to empty and refill and that safely takes care of that issue!


If all else fails go into Tesco and buy several 2 lite bottles of value water to top up the fresh tank - it's cheap enough!

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crinklystarfish - 2011-07-11 10:30 AM

If you use a genuine biological agent type additive (or none at all) you could even head off into the woods with the cassette in one hand and a spade in the other; I've done so myself. Probably best for this practise not to be witnessed though. Even though there's no environmental impact worth considering, (culturally driven) public perception would not be good and we wouldn't want to do anything to compromise our acceptability. 

If all else fails, there's always the spade.

What we mean, is not always what we appear to say. I cite the above merely as an example, not because I wish to quarrel with it, or with its author. I think I understand it. It contains a very important proviso regarding use of a GENUINE biological additive, or none. I take that to mean not the Thetford Green stuff, but that is my interpretation of a rather loose definition. However, as a reply to a self proclaimed (how I hate this word!) newbie, it does rather beg a few definitions.It is left to the reader to understand what the writer meant. Others will have different interpretations, and therein lies, it seems to me, the danger. Some will understand, some will not, some will misunderstand, and others will be (and were :-)) affronted.In this vein, there has been some discussion of using bio washing machine detergent as a substitute for cassette additive. So, might some consider that OK, because it is bio? Scope for confusion? Read carelessly, or just in haste, might the message appear to be that it is OK to dig a hole in the woods (and just what are the woods?) and empty the cassette into it? Suppose those woods are a SSSI? Unlikely, I accept, but still. Acceptable then? Suppose the woods are a wet wood, where the water table is close to the surface, and streams flow away from the area. Still acceptable? So, apply common sense? Well yes, but if the reader is a "townie", and not a country dweller, or just not environmentally sensitive, will they recognise the areas, and the additives, where this can be done without risk of damage? For the the practise to be carried out "safely", IMO, quite a bit of specialist knowledge is being assumed. Possibly a cassette emptying technique it may have been wiser not to mention?Is it reasonable to empty a cassette into a WC? But why should it not be reasonable? If the WC is left stinking, or splashed or soiled, or both, yes, it would be very unreasonable. But if left as clean as, or cleaner than, it was before, where exactly is the problem? In numerous places, this is the only means on offer. However, it does help to flush the toilet afterwards. Some manage to forget even that!As an aside, we parked for a while to visit a remote Greek archaeological site last year. The only other vehicle there was also a motorhome (German) which, it seemed to us, had overnighted. There was a public toilet by the car park. As we returned from the site, passing the toilet at some distance, there was an overpowering stench that was not present when we had arrived. As we regained our van, a person emerged from the toilet carrying a cassette, inserted it into their van, and drove away. I have no idea whether they left the toilet clean, but the smell lingered. Shortly before we drove away, a couple of cars arrived. I did wonder what the occupants thought about the British as we left!Those WCs at shows discharge to a holding tank. The holding tanks have alternative openings for discharge of cassettes. Thus, the cassette contents, and the WC discharge, all end in the same place. I understand the point, but the objection is only truly valid if the WC is left soiled. The problem, is that at some point it will be, because some people are messy and inconsiderate. However this does not mean it is unhygienic to dispose of cassette contents in this way.Another aside: last show I went to, one of the WCs was blocked and near to overflowing - not because someone had emptied a toilet cassette down it, but because someone had stuffed excess toilet paper down it. So, do I now condemn the use of toilet paper, because the world contains idiots? Should I now assume the folk who use public toilets are all "blockers", and contributors to this forum? From observation, soiled grey water disposal gratings are the legacy of inexperience and unfamiliarity, often on the part of drivers of hire vans. On the other hand, I have witnessed, in France, the "mature" owner of a (not new, not hired) French registered van emptying his cassette into a roadside ditch. There's nice! :-) I remember a magazine letter, the author of which was so obsessed with hygiene that he took a disinfectant spray into all site facilities, and sprayed everything he was to touch, door handles, taps, toilet seats, the lot. Everyone else, he claimed, had such sloppy habits this was necessary to protect his own health. Extreme? He didn't think so! But there you go: we are all, truly, different! :-DIs so much of this tedious tiff not simply because too many folk are given to chop logic? That line of unshakable reasoning that says "pillar boxes are red, therefore all red objects are pillar boxes". I once saw a wild camper do X, therefore all wild campers do likewise.The posts that give most offence, are those whose authors blindly assume others to belong to some group they dislike, distrust, hold in low esteem, or merely imagine, and go on to say so (often clumsily). The accused responds in kind, and the fight starts. No-one else can get it back on track, the point of the post is lost, sense is pushed aside, the red mist descends, and the OP frequently wanders off in despair. Boring, isn't it? Boring and inconsiderate. :-(
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oldlowie - 2011-07-12 10:42 AM ...marydot claims to be a 'wild one'; marydot is asking where to dump her cr@p - QED

Ooh, bit short of a QED there methinks. If the issue had been: "marydot claims to be a 'wild one'; marydot happily dumps her toilet waste into the local drinking water supply"

Then I'd have been happy with your QED conclusion.

As it stands, marydot seems to me to be simply asking for advice.

Still don't see how the methods of disposal put forward are in any way more threatening to human health than simply doing a conventional poo in a toilet: I suspect you might struggle to evidence your assertions.


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Brian Kirby - 2011-07-12 1:08 PM
crinklystarfish - 2011-07-11 10:30 AM

If you use a genuine biological agent type additive (or none at all) you could even head off into the woods with the cassette in one hand and a spade in the other; I've done so myself. Probably best for this practise not to be witnessed though. Even though there's no environmental impact worth considering, (culturally driven) public perception would not be good and we wouldn't want to do anything to compromise our acceptability. 

If all else fails, there's always the spade.

What we mean, is not always what we appear to say. I cite the above merely as an example, not because I wish to quarrel with it, or with its author. I think I understand it. It contains a very important proviso regarding use of a GENUINE biological additive, or none. I take that to mean not the Thetford Green stuff, but that is my interpretation of a rather loose definition. However, as a reply to a self proclaimed (how I hate this word!) newbie, it does rather beg a few definitions.It is left to the reader to understand what the writer meant. Others will have different interpretations, and therein lies, it seems to me, the danger. Some will understand, some will not, some will misunderstand, and others will be (and were :-)) affronted.In this vein, there has been some discussion of using bio washing machine detergent as a substitute for cassette additive. So, might some consider that OK, because it is bio? Scope for confusion? Read carelessly, or just in haste, might the message appear to be that it is OK to dig a hole in the woods (and just what are the woods?) and empty the cassette into it? Suppose those woods are a SSSI? Unlikely, I accept, but still. Acceptable then? Suppose the woods are a wet wood, where the water table is close to the surface, and streams flow away from the area. Still acceptable? So, apply common sense? Well yes, but if the reader is a "townie", and not a country dweller, or just not environmentally sensitive, will they recognise the areas, and the additives, where this can be done without risk of damage? For the the practise to be carried out "safely", IMO, quite a bit of specialist knowledge is being assumed. Possibly a cassette emptying technique it may have been wiser not to mention?Is it reasonable to empty a cassette into a WC? But why should it not be reasonable? If the WC is left stinking, or splashed or soiled, or both, yes, it would be very unreasonable. But if left as clean as, or cleaner than, it was before, where exactly is the problem? In numerous places, this is the only means on offer. However, it does help to flush the toilet afterwards. Some manage to forget even that!As an aside, we parked for a while to visit a remote Greek archaeological site last year. The only other vehicle there was also a motorhome (German) which, it seemed to us, had overnighted. There was a public toilet by the car park. As we returned from the site, passing the toilet at some distance, there was an overpowering stench that was not present when we had arrived. As we regained our van, a person emerged from the toilet carrying a cassette, inserted it into their van, and drove away. I have no idea whether they left the toilet clean, but the smell lingered. Shortly before we drove away, a couple of cars arrived. I did wonder what the occupants thought about the British as we left!Those WCs at shows discharge to a holding tank. The holding tanks have alternative openings for discharge of cassettes. Thus, the cassette contents, and the WC discharge, all end in the same place. I understand the point, but the objection is only truly valid if the WC is left soiled. The problem, is that at some point it will be, because some people are messy and inconsiderate. However this does not mean it is unhygienic to dispose of cassette contents in this way.Another aside: last show I went to, one of the WCs was blocked and near to overflowing - not because someone had emptied a toilet cassette down it, but because someone had stuffed excess toilet paper down it. So, do I now condemn the use of toilet paper, because the world contains idiots? Should I now assume the folk who use public toilets are all "blockers", and contributors to this forum? From observation, soiled grey water disposal gratings are the legacy of inexperience and unfamiliarity, often on the part of drivers of hire vans. On the other hand, I have witnessed, in France, the "mature" owner of a (not new, not hired) French registered van emptying his cassette into a roadside ditch. There's nice! :-) I remember a magazine letter, the author of which was so obsessed with hygiene that he took a disinfectant spray into all site facilities, and sprayed everything he was to touch, door handles, taps, toilet seats, the lot. Everyone else, he claimed, had such sloppy habits this was necessary to protect his own health. Extreme? He didn't think so! But there you go: we are all, truly, different! :-DIs so much of this tedious tiff not simply because too many folk are given to chop logic? That line of unshakable reasoning that says "pillar boxes are red, therefore all red objects are pillar boxes". I once saw a wild camper do X, therefore all wild campers do likewise.The posts that give most offence, are those whose authors blindly assume others to belong to some group they dislike, distrust, hold in low esteem, or merely imagine, and go on to say so (often clumsily). The accused responds in kind, and the fight starts. No-one else can get it back on track, the point of the post is lost, sense is pushed aside, the red mist descends, and the OP frequently wanders off in despair. Boring, isn't it? Boring and inconsiderate. :-(
Yes Brian,no offence but a bit like your monologues (above) that litter these forums, can't you keep it short and snappy, makes for easier reading for every one else. :-|
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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-12 1:34 PM

Yes Brian,no offence but a bit like your monologues (above) that litter these forums, can't you keep it short and snappy, makes for easier reading for every one else. :-|


And what makes it even worse is when the person replying feels the need to quote the entire posting as that alone does little to assist in easier reading!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
feck me, why am I surprised you have to stick your two pennyworth in. At least it hammered the point home. Don't you ever get out in your fecking van.
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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-12 1:34 PM............................Yes Brian,no offence but a bit like your monologues (above) that litter these forums, can't you keep it short and snappy, makes for easier reading for every one else. :-|


Well, I was afraid trying to persuade some on here to engage brain before writing, without giving offence, might be a lost cause. QED! Snappy enough? :D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Excellent, but Brain engaged, I think you've got as much chance of that as winning the Euro millions with some. :-)
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Q.E.D. is sometimes jokingly claimed to abbreviate "quite easily done". Q.E.D. can also be used to ridicule the specious reasoning of another person by mockingly attaching it to the end of a poor argument, which was not in fact successfully demonstrated or presented, but then Brian may not have known that ? ? ?
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Guest JudgeMental
rupert123 - 2011-07-12 9:29 AM


lennyhb - 2011-07-12 8:31 AM


rupert123 - 2011-07-11 10:32 PM



I do use CC sites mainly when in the UK and they are the best run sites in europe.


Not my experience, stayed on one last year, horrible Sargent Major type warden, leaking urinal no attempt made to stop people using it & woke up to the lovely aroma of an over full cess pit.


That was the one on Mars I assume Lenny, if not would be curious to know where and why you continue to have experience of them if so bad.


Have to agree with Rupert here...while the booking system is laughable and very annoying The CC sites USUALLY offer excellent facilities. hot powerful showers etc...etc... they can be a very good place to stop in The UK compared to some of the abysmal alternatives....recently we have only meet excellent wardens as well, while in the past some real difficult bu$$ers....

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Guest JudgeMental
LordThornber - 2011-07-11 8:30 PM


There are folk on here who cheerfully pay in excess of €50 per night. And there are some who wouldn't pay 50p even if they'd just picked it up from the pavement. And no I'm not kidding.




And never the twain shall meet (hopefully *-)) Not usually a religious fellow, but you can thank the Lord almighty! for small mercies....... :-S

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Q.E.D. is an initialism of the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, which means "what was to be demonstrated". The phrase is traditionally placed in its abbreviated form at the end of a mathematical proof or philosophical argument when what was specified in the enunciation — and in the setting-out — has been exactly restated as the conclusion of the demonstration. The abbreviation thus signals the completion of the proof.


Didn't you lot learn nuffing at skool?

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2011-07-12 5:39 PM Didn't you lot learn nuffing at skool?

YES!...........Its not nuffing8-)...............Its nuffink:D..................Enuff said:$
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pelmetman - 2011-07-12 5:42 PM
Tracker - 2011-07-12 5:39 PM Didn't you lot learn nuffing at skool?

YES!...........Its not nuffing8-)...............Its nuffink:D..................Enuff said:$
My apologies Mr PM - I sit corrected - I must learn to throw off the last vestiges of an expensive approved ejicayshun!
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pelmetman - 2011-07-12 5:42 PM
Tracker - 2011-07-12 5:39 PM Didn't you lot learn nuffing at skool?

YES!...........Its not nuffing8-)...............Its nuffink:D..................Enuff said:$
If you didn't learn nuffink at skool you should use Wikipedia like wot I fink Tracker has. ;-)
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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2011-07-12 5:50 PM


Ah wonderful thing Google and Wikipedia, even morons can appear scholarly.


The more I read your contributions the more I like you....

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Some of us have common sense, experience and inteligence in droves but we do not have the ego problems that creates the need to shout about it and are happy to appear relaxed and silly on this forum!


Others purport to be intelligent and above sillyness but all they achieve is to make themselves appear pompous and arrogant and worst of all often with a nasty streak!


Heads below parapet and wait for the incoming flack!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2011-07-12 6:02 PM


Some of us have common sense, experience and inteligence in droves !


Yes we know you have Tracker, now doesn't that feel better :D

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Guest pelmetman
If you consider that our politicians along with the people who run our justice system, education, health, banks etc etc, are apparently intelligent people8-).....................We need more morons(lol)(lol).................at least they would have an excuse*-) 
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Guest JudgeMental
1footinthegrave - 2011-07-12 6:07 PM


Tracker - 2011-07-12 6:02 PM


Some of us have common sense, experience and inteligence in droves !


Yes we know you have Tracker, now doesn't that feel better :D


Maybe I was a bit rash earlier.... :-D

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Tracker - 2011-07-12 7:02 PM


Some of us have common sense, experience and inteligence in droves but we do not have the ego problems that creates the need to shout about it and are happy to appear relaxed and silly on this forum!


Others purport to be intelligent and above sillyness but all they achieve is to make themselves appear pompous and arrogant and worst of all often with a nasty streak!


Heads below parapet and wait for the incoming flack!


It would be really interesting to see which posters you choose for each category.......................... >:-)

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