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£1 = 1 Euro, and diesel at £1.46, re-think anyone ?

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Following our very recent last trip over the France, and noticing the very painful increased prices over there, both diesel, food, and restaurants, coupled with the lousy 1.04 Euros for £1 we got from the post office and forecasted to soon be parity, diesel almost the same price levels as the UK, and even Aires previously free now making a charge is anyone having a re-think about our hobby / pastime ? Downsizing, less trips out, etc, or is it to hell with it and cut down elsewhere. ( not sure where though )
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You think you've got problems?


Following a head injury, we decided to sell our place in France. Sale agreed at €56,000, with €1 very close to £1 ....... ie - We would bring home close on £56,000.


Wrong! Bythe time the deal was done and dusted (and the Notaire going on holiday for a couple of weeks while our money sat in his bank) the exchage rate had changed to €1.20 =1. So €56,000 now equaled £46,666. Alll we could afford to buy was another house in France. :'(


We still have about €80 in cash sitting in a drawer, perhaps its now time to cash it in?



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Guest JudgeMental

I exchanged some money near Victoria station during the week, rate was 1.11.


you really have to look around for best rates, post office not one of them.

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JudgeMental - 2011-07-11 6:21 AM


I exchanged some money near Victoria station during the week, rate was 1.11.


you really have to look around for best rates, post office not one of them.


At all depends on buying or selling as to when you get the best rates,

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Here's what we do.


Using purely "disposable" income. i.e. cash that is spare, I allocate at least £100 a month for buying Euros.


Put them in the safe at Lady T's works for security and forget 'em. Of course some will argue that I could be investing them, but that's taken care of.


It has worked well for us for many a year and of course the best bit is that you iron out the peaks and troughs of the exchange rate.


It's not answering the question though. Yes it rankles a bit the cost of motorhoming, it's well established that it's not a cheap holiday.


But we went all inclusive last month to Egypt for £700 for a week. A steal compared with a similar length of holiday in the van, it gets cheaper of course the longer you go, but then again so do package holidays.



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Even at current exchange rates most of the countries we are likely to visit on holidays, France, Germany, Italy it still works out a lot cheaper than holidaying in the UK. When it was 1.50 to the pound we would eat out most days now just once a week apart from that it does not make a lot of difference to us as we don't spend much when away.
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Why would we want to re-think?

Sending this sat on aire at Stenay (dept 55) overlooking boats moored at port, under blue sky. Cost for this is 7€/night inc. el. hook-up and showers with unlimited wi-fi for 3€ for 48 hours. Filled up with diesel at Intermarche for 1.32€/litre on way here from last stop at Le Cateau-Cambresis (dept 59). Aire there is still free including hook-up. Whilst there visited Matise museum and had coffee and cakes all for less than 20€. Looking forward to visiting beer museum again here (one free entry ticket from aire here) followed by meal at resturant rec. by tourist office as good value and inc. free aperitif! So who says can not still get great value here in France?

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LordThornber - 2011-07-11 8:20 AM



But we went all inclusive last month to Egypt for £700 for a week. A steal compared with a similar length of holiday in the van, it gets cheaper of course the longer you go, but then again so do package holidays.




Sometimes I think we forget why we bought a motorhome in the first place. For me (and I suspect for many others) it was for the abililty to go to different places, often on a whim and at the last minute. Also stumbling on hidden gems and enjoying a sense of escape and adventure. So it is totally different from being in an hotel room *-)

What value you place on that is an individual choice and will depend on many things. So my answer to your question is it time for a re-think; is how can I rethink the reason for doing it, and as long as I can fund it I will (lol) (lol)


Roy Fuller

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Two thoughts

1) always challenge the rate offerred - we usually get the exchange current rate from all the banks / travel agents in our highstreet as we walk the dog in the morning - then check the internet - Then go back into Thomas Cook and negociate - we always get a better rate from Thomas Cook for some reason- usually better than that on the internet - finally - pay cash - we negociate a rate then walk over to our bank and draw out cash and pay - also we never order less than £500 - it gives a better rate. -


2) just back from France and i reckon diesel was around Euros 130 in supermarkets so its still cheaper than the uk.



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Porky - 2011-07-11 10:51 AM


LordThornber - 2011-07-11 8:20 AM



But we went all inclusive last month to Egypt for £700 for a week. A steal compared with a similar length of holiday in the van, it gets cheaper of course the longer you go, but then again so do package holidays.




Sometimes I think we forget why we bought a motorhome in the first place. For me (and I suspect for many others) it was for the abililty to go to different places, often on a whim and at the last minute. Also stumbling on hidden gems and enjoying a sense of escape and adventure. So it is totally different from being in an hotel room *-)

What value you place on that is an individual choice and will depend on many things. So my answer to your question is it time for a re-think; is how can I rethink the reason for doing it, and as long as I can fund it I will (lol) (lol)


Roy Fuller



Also don't forget apart from the cost (which I accept is the original post) we don't have to go through body scanners, sit about in an airport for god knows how long, pack/unpack suitcases, sit cramped for 4hrs + each way listening to tired, bored kids screaming and get to/from the airport both in UK and abroad. Usually at extra cost or airport parking charges.

I used to fly a lot with both work and leisure and even though the Pound has plummeted against the Euro I know what I prefer-give me the van anytime.-and -the euro has plummeted against package holidays also so what's the difference unless you go long haul with an even longer cramped flight?

See you in France on Friday


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Guest JudgeMental
sitting in a van in Spain or on a beach somewhere in south east Asia.....Hmmmm.... let me think about it for about 1 or 2 seconds.......
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Guest pelmetman

I'm not convinced this hobby is expensive:D............Unless you have 50k of camper sat on the drive and only 2 weeks of the year to use it(lol)

In this months MMM there was a  92 Travelhome advertised for 5 1/2k, which is cheaper than a new small car:D one owner,so I suspect well maintained;-)

As we have proved:D.......our old camper is perfectly capable of taking us to the most Southerly part of Europe and back.

As for food you have to eat where ever you are, the only major expense is fuel which can be limited by not traveling so far, and campsites which can be reduced to nothing if your up for a spot of wild camping or seeking out the free aires:D 
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Guest 1footinthegrave
We met a guy and his missus down near Angers who had converted an old LGV van that he was proud to tell us he'd paid 400 quid for, and converted for a similar amount. To be honest I did think about his viewpoint and wonder who had got it right, he or I with my modest ( then 26K ) outlay and the 25K difference would buy an whole load of diesel. But given that we have now got used to the comparative luxury of a vehicle that we can have a conversation without shouting at 60/70 mph unlike our old 1.9 Ducato that gave you a headache with engine racket. So yes you can cut your costs, but as they say there's no gain without pain.
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I find myself largely in tune with pelmetman.


The costs for our European trips work out something like this: 3500 miles at 32 mpg at £1.35/litre or £6.14/gallon (most of the mileage is on the Continent) = £670.

Annual Travel Insurance £120.

Ferry £100

50 nights camping at an average £12/night (a mix of ACSI sites and Aires/Sostas/Stellplatze) = £600.


Total = approximately £1500 for 2 people for over 7 weeks – not overly expensive in my opinion.


That is the basic cost of the holiday. Any other spending on meals out, visiting attractions etc. is optional. As indeed it would be on a package holiday.


We have to eat and drink whether home or away.


But as has already been alluded to in another post we motorhome to see different places and meet different people - not to spend a couple of weeks on a beach. However the overriding advantage of our camper is being completely flexible – if we don’t like a place we move on or we may stay if it appeals to us. One year we even changed countries. Whilst in Germany it poured with rain for four consecutive days so we turned the wheel and had six warm and interesting weeks in Provence.


Cattwg :-D

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I agree with everything you say, the longer you go the more cost effective it becomes, our last 7 week trip would have been impossibly expensive for us any other way. But we found more than ever this year quite a hike in all costs, and wondered about the impact on others here, like going on longer trips, and / or less short ones. Now can I get the missus to go for 12 weeks in September ?
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As said above it pays to shop around,


I have found that Natwest and Post Office least value,



Marks and Spencer and Sainsbury's the best (and Nectar points with the latter)



Dont have current rates but there was £40 differnce between them on £500 in the spring.



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Guest JudgeMental

"so what" to the cost I say.....since when has motorhoming been an economical pursuit.....


Yes obviously the more you use the better value it is..and when we bought our first expensive house many years ago I made sure that we had enough left for a camper van, so our kids have ALWAYS had holidays... We have downsized only because we like to have relatively expensive winter holidays further afield and the fact that I much prefer a panel van/smaller vehicle....


So..... lets get real, costs are going up all around, in every area of our lives, and for some, maybe the time will come that motorhoming is no longer viable. it could be worse you could be Greek or even Somalian......

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We were over in France about three weeks ago did`nt find anything overly expensive (its not as cheap as it used to be) the main problem is the cost of the vans themselves, I think we will be keeping our Panel Van for the forseeable future.
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Guest Tracker

We too don't much care what it costs we just go where we want to and do whatever takes our fancy - but then we are of the fortunate generation who were able to save for our retirement and not see too much of our funds taken away by taxation and bankers.


With interest rates being so diabolical to help the bankers get fatter again I reckon one could do a lot worse than buy an elderly but well cared for van and use it for a good few years before selling it on for what, or more, than you paid for it as the economy supposedly recovers and people will allegedly have more disposable income.



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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-11 5:34 AM


Following our very recent last trip over the France, and noticing the very painful increased prices over there, both diesel, food, and restaurants, coupled with the lousy 1.04 Euros for £1 we got from the post office and forecasted to soon be parity, diesel almost the same price levels as the UK, and even Aires previously free now making a charge is anyone having a re-think about our hobby / pastime ? Downsizing, less trips out, etc, or is it to hell with it and cut down elsewhere. ( not sure where though )


I hope you don't mind my saying this, but do you only go to France because it's cheap? In my reasoning you go to France not because it's cheaper but because it's better! Everything there: the food, the wine, the weather is better than here and is worth paying for. Sometimes I think that many motorhomers come over as griping freeloaders. No offence intended but that is the way it comes across. You don't pay 30 or 40 grand for your average MH, and then moan about a few quid here and there, or am I getting it all wrong?



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Guest 1footinthegrave

Yes you are getting it all wrong and it's funny that you put "no offence intended" then go on to offend, and why do you assume everyone has spent 30 /40 K on a van, or is awash with cash, or goes to France because it is cheap which it certainly is not , if I wanted cheap I'd go to Goa or Bulgaria or stay here in the UK. The French themselves are up in arms at the rising prices.

I have been involved in the leisure industry for the last 15 years prior to retirement late last year, and I can tell you from the many contacts I still have that people are cutting back big time on leisure, if your not one of them bully for you, but don't make assumptions about me or where I'm coming from that are quite frankly unnecessary and offensive. It was quite a simple question after all, I'll take your answer as a NO >:-(

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