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£1 = 1 Euro, and diesel at £1.46, re-think anyone ?

Guest 1footinthegrave

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Your second post, registered less than 24 hours ago, mmmmm


No offence intended, but some users come across as morons with nothing much to contribute.

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Guest Tracker

Come on you two!


Don't let a simple misunderstanding cause a rift - life's too short!


Now kiss and make up please!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
What's the point Tracker,a new user and they immediately go for the jugular and add nothing, I'd keep your head down if I was you. :-> :->
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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-14 8:42 PM


Your second post, registered less than 24 hours ago, mmmmm


No offence intended, but some users come across as morons with nothing much to contribute.


Calling me a moron is highly offensive and exactly what you intended - apparently because I dared to disagree with you. I have been following this forum for a long time and recently realised that I had not registered, unlike the two MHF's where I have active for a number of years.


I'll accept an apology, which I think is justified.

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Tracker - 2011-07-14 8:51 PM


Come on you two!


Don't let a simple misunderstanding cause a rift - life's too short!


Now kiss and make up please!


I was trying to balance things, not go for the jugular - new is not necessarily bad, though I do accept that there have been trolls on forums before. I just fail to see why my post caused such grief. Look on the 1000+ posts on MHF, all contributing positively, especially in the area of fuel quality, which happens to be a part of my job.


For the sake of unity, I'm quite happy to draw a line under this.......

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Guest 1footinthegrave
I quite clearly put the moron comment on a second line, why do you assume that was intended for you. Contribute to the thread by all means, but add to it with useful comments, disagree, whatever, not just an attack on someone you do not even know. No offence intended, but that is a bit moronic and nothing positive about that at all..
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Guest 1footinthegrave

"daring to disagree with you...... Try using this one instead".


No one needs to be daring to disagree with me, it happens all the time with me and very many others, and for the life of me could not understand "try using this one instead"


I apologise if I got the wrong end of the stick.

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Ah ha! Now I see it........ (cue bright light)


Right, I was trying to be a little lighthearted and suggesting a smiley instead of a red eyed one. Sorry for not being clear and concise which clearly caused the problem. It was my fourth attempt on the iPad to reply and it crashed every time I tried to expand the screen, so the replies got shorter and shorter


Life's too short to get stressed, so let's just draw a line under it. You did get the wrong end of the stick but no apology necessary as above - my bad. Beer/wine/whatever on me if we ever meet .......


Back to the subject, and what was unposted in the original reply I suppose a lot of people make a lifestyle choice and accept the crippling exchange rate/high fuel costs as a necessary evil. It came home to me on Tuesday when I got off the Harwich ferry in my car with the usual low tank and found that I was filing up at €1.40 - the lowest differential I've seen. Continental diesel prices have risen faster than UK ones, but there doesn't seem to be a demand reason for this although the dollar is weaker. When I get a bit of time I'll do a bit of digging and see what I can come up with.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Just read this............................2011


Before whinging about the price of petrol next time you pull into a service station, bear in mind it could be worse: it could be free. Or almost free – 1.4p per litre to be precise. Which works out at 70p to fill the tank of an average car


A previous government's effort to raise prices in 1989 triggered riots that left hundreds, possibly thousands dead


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1footinthegrave - 2011-07-11 5:34 AM


Following our very recent last trip over the France, and noticing the very painful increased prices over there, both diesel, food, and restaurants, coupled with the lousy 1.04 Euros for £1 we got from the post office and forecasted to soon be parity, diesel almost the same price levels as the UK, and even Aires previously free now making a charge is anyone having a re-think about our hobby / pastime ? Downsizing, less trips out, etc, or is it to hell with it and cut down elsewhere. ( not sure where though )



We have just returned from a 6 week trip through France into Germany, diesel was cheaper than here averaging 1.38E a ltr, I cant say we noticed the increased prices you are talking about! We only take a couple of hundred in Euro,s which we felt like you the P.O was much less than we expected when we checked on internet before purchasing, we use the Nationwide debit card to obtain cash which this year was charging us 2% +1% on every cash withdrawel. Even so our 6 week trip paying a couple of sites 18Eur a night the majority 7 or 8 Eur we still had a much cheaper holiday than if we had spent 6 weeks touring over here in the U.K. plus the weather is much better over there and we find its much more relaxing its only the 6 hour drive to and from the tunnel that I dont like. And I much prefer sitting outside our van eating a meal than sitting in a resteraunt so we only eat out a couple of times you can get plenty of easily prepared luxery meals plus a good wine for what you would pay in a resteraunt plus I dont like leaving the dogs.



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Guest 1footinthegrave

Perhaps I missed out the vital words in my OP " compared to the same time last year" >


There is of course no doubt about the cost effectiveness of Motor-home holidays for extended stays, we just found that the comparative luxury for us at least ,of eating out compared to the UK has now gone beyond our reach. I'm not a cheapskate freeloader as earlier alluded to in going to France, it was just an observation, obviously not reflected by others on here, but was certainly reflected by others we met if the subject came up when we were last over there this May and June.

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Its time we all got "real"..the Euro..should be at a level that reflects reality..I "guess" £1= .87euros is about the right level...the problems in Italy may well force a re alignment..may even make £1=.75 Euros more realistic, Swings and roundabouts..those who sit in the sun now..enjoying.. whilst we toil..may well feel a pinch on their wallets in the months ahead?/


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Its time we all got "real"..the Euro..should be at a level that reflects reality..I "guess" £1= .87euros is about the right level...the problems in Italy may well force a re alignment..may even make £1=.75 Euros more realistic, Swings and roundabouts..those who sit in the sun now..enjoying.. whilst we toil..may well feel a pinch on their wallets in the months ahead?/


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Guest 1footinthegrave
I guess that's the point, I'm feeling the pinch big time now, perhaps we'll go back to a motorbike and sidecar + tent..........some hope.
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"Its time we all got "real"..the Euro..should be at a level that reflects reality.."





But surely, the GBP/Euro exchange rate ALWAYS reflects reality....that's exactly the point.

It fluctuates in line with the reality of supply and demand.

There is NO fixed or "designed" exchange rate between the two currencies....that is what the UK opted out of when it decided not to be a eurozone country.







Incidentally, we have just got back to our home on the Costa Blanca from a 12 night tour up to the north eastern part of Spain, plus the northern half of Portugal.

Diesel in Spain was averaging about €1.27 (non-motorway prices), but about €1.35 in Portugal.





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Guest pelmetman

But how long in reality is the Euro going to be around?:D...........Can they afford to keep the pigs...........and can the pigs afford to stay in..................its a swine of a question(lol)

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