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Electrolux Fridge/freezer issues


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Hi All

At time of writing we are in a field near Audierne, France at the start of a four week tour. Our Electrolux RM4505 fridge/freezer has decided to reduce its ‘output’ with the result that it has defrosted all our frozen supplies. ( no mains available)

It is operating on gas and there is heat coming out of the top external vent and ‘working’ noises coming out of the bottom vent. The green ‘on’ light has not turned to red as it is still working on gas but has just considerably reduced its efficiency. We have turned up the control to full ( 5th led) which has helped marginally. Normally we can hear the gas going on and off whilst it maintains its correct temperature but now it runs constantly and not getting anywhere fast. There is plenty of gas

Any suggestions as to what I may be able to do to sort it out would be appreciated


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Hi. We had a similar problem. We had a gusty side wind blowing into the fridge vents, then noticed the fridge started to defrost. The gas was still on, and heat coming out of the top vent, looking through the lower vent I could see a white flickering flame inside the gas burner cover.I removed the lower vent and the burner cover end plate, there was the problem, the flickering flame was coming out of the air/gas mixing hole, before the burner, I presume the wind had caused a blow back. The flame had burnt through the insulation on the igniter wire. When I tried to re-light the fridge, the spark jumped across and lit the gas at the mixing hole. I reinsulated the wire, and moved to a more sheltered pitch, that cured the problem.

Brian B.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
How hot is it there,and is your vent always or most of the time in the sun if it is hot weather. at present Most fridges will struggle on gas if it is really hot weather, turning it up will achieve nothing. Try to get in the shade, or parked with the vents away from the sun. Also it may not have been installed in an optimal manner, ours wasn't, there was no deflecting plate to help the heat escape at the back of the fridge, as sure sign of this is if the cupboard / housing above it is warm / hot to the touch. Also I have seen outfits with their winter covers still in place, are yours, if so get then off ASAP
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