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Oh, er, I just frightened myself silly!!!

Mel B

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I just did the unthinkable ... I had a look at the other 'Out and About' forums ... it's frightening out there, they don't post as often as us lot and they can't spell either!!! I did find another adventurer, Derek Uzzell, lurking in one of the Caravan section postings though!!! Oh, it's so good to be back 'home'! I promise not to go poking my nose in any postings on other Forums, honest ....
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Mel B: Yor critsism abbout spelin is a might unkined I feal, particularly as this forum can hardly be considered above reproach in that respect. Frankly, I couldn't give a fig how people spell as long as the words are recognisable, placed in a sequence that makes tolerable sense, and that the subject matter interests me. The other O&AL forums appear to be less dynamic because a) they are much younger than this one and b) they have been spawned from Warners publications with significantly smaller circulations than MMM. If few people buy a magazine, then it's pretty much inevitable that an internet forum linked to that publication will have a low take-up. The "Caravan Chat" forum was originally born as the "Caravan Motorhome and Camping Mart" (CM&CM) magazine forum that was open-to-all and mirrored the format of the MMM variant. As no magazine subscriber/buyer login-code was needed it was a lot quicker to enter and I occasionally wondered about suggesting to MMM forum members that everyone should migrate to the CM&CM version for the increased speed it offered. When there were no restrictions on user-names I was a regular contributor to the CM&CM forum as its scope encompassed motorhomes and many of the caravan-related queries (eg. those about 3-way fridge problems) were relevant to both types of leisure vehicle. I learnt some useful things from my forays on the CM&CM forum and it's a mistake to consider the non-motorhome O&AL forums as arenas not worth visiting. It would have been nice to know the population size of the MMM forum, but I suspect it was far smaller than one might imagine given the quantity of postings it engendered. I would guess at 100 people absolute maximum on a month-on-month basis, with a central hard-core group of about 20 stalwarts of which half were very active postings-wise. Using the Views statistic in the "Announcements" section it looks like the current overall number of registered members for all the O&AL forums is still below 200, but, if we assume each forum has its own set of adherents that won't (or will seldom) stray into other O&AL forums, then it's clear there was no huge leap in the number of motorcaravanning members when the motorhome-related Warners forum went 'open'. It will be intriguing to see what happens in future, but I can't envisage a sudden transformation of the cosy club-atmosphere of the MMM forum into some gigantic no-holds-barred international information-exchanging debating society.
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You know how on another posting someone mentioned grumpy old men ... well Waldorf and Statler come to mind, or is it the Odd Couple? I was trying to subtley get people to have a shuftie around the other forums to see what I was on about, there's nowt like telling people about something that they "shouldn't" look at to get them to go have a nosey. Totally backfired on you two didn't it! The other forums could do with more input and the more people look at the them, the more likely they are to get that support. I'll put my subtle head away, it obviously is passed it's "use by date". Mel B (aka Miss Piggy), hiiii-yah (port chop!)
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Don't forget that Clive and I are both retired senior citizens and we need all our depleted number of brain cells to try to interpret basic postings, without an added veneer of hyper-subtlety to cloud the issue. Wouldn't it have been simpler just to say "Have a look at the other forums and give 'em a helping hand if you can"? (I think I vaguely remember the Odd Couple, but who are Waldorf and Statler?)
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Awe, Derek, you're spoiling all my fun but I suppose for you oldies it's a bit taxing on the old grey matter ... I quite like muppets, especially Fozzie, couldn't stand Kermit but Animal was superb! I'm still trying to fill in the *** on your posting though!!
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Derek, I note that you regard yourself and Clive as '"retired senior citizens". Putting my pedantry hat on, this presumably means that all your posts are from beyond . . . ? There's only one way you retire from being a senior citizen! This post is dedicated to good spelling and the correct use of grammar, Mel the other. I admit it, I'm a Lynn Truss fan!
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Derek I tried searching using "m johns" without the quotes and searching all posts but nothing obvious came up, when I looked at some of the postings that came up they didn't have any reference to "m johns" in them????!!!!!! Why did they come up? What am I missing??????
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Mel B: Too late - it's gone. The thread I was referring to began with a question that contained the odd spelling error. A respondant rashly suggested that buying a dictionary would be a good idea. The original questioner (a "m johns") took serious offence to this and replied using TV post-9pm watershed language that was (in my view) wonderfully apt, richly deserved and a joy to behold. I shall not, of course, repeat the term of insult employed, but now you understand the background.
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