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Lost thread

Colin Leake

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Help and sorry. I have no idea how it happened but I was replying to a thread on motor home security on the drive and my IPod insisted on making Disklok two words. When I went back to take the space out my screen went blank and I had to turn the unit off and on again to get it working. Only to find the tread seems to have disappeared. Any ideas what I may have done would be appreciated. Also if I type in motor as one word it comes up with motorbike. I'm new to the world of iPads so any guidance would be appreciated.
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Is it this one - sure it isn't old age creeping on!




Does your device use predictive spelling - it seems to work well for 10 year olds who can't read, write or spell - everyone else finds it a pain in the proverbial!


If so you should be able to turn it off somehow?



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Yes but unlike my lap top I can see no way to turn it off. Oddly enough it seems to change words the first time you use them but not the second time. My kids bought the device for my 70th birthday and generally it is brilliant but being apple it has a different operating system and is obviously taking some time to get used to. On site I started out using O2 G3 but next time we go out will change over to the Caravan club Wi-Fi. G3 coverage is not as good as I expected and even when you find it seems to drop in and out as one uses it. I must say that because of the speed it fires up and gets on line I now tend to use it more than my lap top even at home for tasks that do not need a printer.


My main concern is to find out what I did the deleted someone else's thread!

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Colin Leake - 2011-07-21 3:01 PM


Thanks that worked. I have also discovered that tapping the caps key twice PUTS CAPS LOCK ON. Now having turned auto correct off how do I spel ceck wat I hav writen?


GOOGLE-searching suggests that you can't.


I advise you to obtain some WRITTEN literature on how an iPad functions. I have an iMac 10,1 and use the "Brilliant" guide to its operating system. I don't think there's anything equivalent for an iPad, but there are other publications available for it. Get GOOGLE-ing...

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