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Ixeo drop down bed


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We have had a similar problem with the long term test Ixeo we are currently testing at MMM.

We took it back to the dealer and the problem was fixed.

Basically the bed doesn't lock into place correctly.

Words of advice are not to have too much bedding on the bed when it is in the 'up' position as this can prevent the mechanism locking into place. However where you store it if not on the bed is another matter! But yes, take it back to the dealer before you have anyone sat in the rear seats while travelling.


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Thank you for that. The dealer is arranging a "fix" but just wondered if anyone else had the same problem or if we are unlucky. It does appear to be a fault with the mechanism. we have heard from someone that a "turnbuckle" is what is needed, so over to the dealers. It is the timescale that is the problem - crash helmets to be worn in rear seats!! :-S
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