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Driving in Norway


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We are off to Scandinavia for 7 weeks soon and whilst browsing for general info I came across the following road rule for Norway: "Important: One must give way to the car in the intersection to the right hand side even if your road is the through road at a T junction. You only have the right of way if you are on a "yellow diamond road". Use caution though as YDRs are often poorly marked and can suddenly change status with minimum warning. (If you don't see the sign you could be driving under the mistaken impression that you have the right of way, when suddenly a car pulls out in front of you.) To further compound the risk locals tend to not bother looking left or slowing down for intersections, when they have right of way at an intersection". This is similar to the (almost) defunct French rule - they too use Yellow Triangles. I wondered if anyone had any experience of this rule or could add any useful comments please. Does it, for example, apply in other Scandinavian countries? Regards Cattwg
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Cattwg, Cant comment on the Roads at present, I was in Norway back in 1070. The roads then were good except where you went through some of the tunnels, then it was a bit slippery due to the water on the gravel. But what a Beautiful country. Enjoy your trip. David
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I was chatting to my moped MOT man yesterday who's been to Norway, he said it's an absolutely beautiful place. One thing I wanted to check, though is about 'wild camping'. He thought that it was permitted there - is it still?
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[QUOTE]David Dwight - 2006-04-04 8:09 PM Cattwg, Cant comment on the Roads at present, I was in Norway back in 1070. The roads then were good except where you went through some of the tunnels, then it was a bit slippery due to the water on the gravel. But what a Beautiful country. Enjoy your trip. David[/QUOTE] David you must be older than me No wonder the roads were slippery!!!!!!!! in 1070? Mr TarMac hadnt invented the world renown surface then :$ (lol) (^) I like these thingies
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