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"Barking Dog " alarms....

Romany Queen

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Yes Ive got one & they are very good.I always leave it on when away.It would also be good in the motorhome when wild camping I would think, the only thing being that although they claim to be effective over 120 degrees mine always activates when it detects movement behind it as well.The barking does sound very real tho. :-S
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Hi Romany Queen Your dogs may well show some concern at the sound of barking dogs but if you totally ignore their reaction they should soon get used to it. Dogs rely on feed back from the rest of their social group and if you do not give them any and appear totally unconcerned then you should not have too much to worry about. (this goes for any other reaction by the dogs to a fear stimulus too) Remember that it is not the size of the dog that worries intruders it the alarm that they give off. Anyway I would not want to be bitten by a Yorkie would you? Regards Pat PS I am a pet behaviour therapist
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