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Shower question ... feel free to mock!

Mel B

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Update on the shower situation.


We've just won one of the 12v/battery shower things on ebay, the type that you stick in a bucket:




We liked the fact that it can be run on batteries, as well as 12v, so if we need to take it away from the camper, for example if we want to rinse the canoes off and they are a distance from the camper, we can do so. Also, as has been suggested, we can put warm water in the bucket rather than just cold, which means that, thinking about it, when we're on holiday and I want to wash my hair (which I usually do outside with a bowl and jug), it can use it for that too.


So thanks for all the suggestions and help guys ... hopefully this will do the trick.



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Guest peter
jhorsf - 2011-07-21 12:25 AM


Mel have you considered a solar shower?

I hear on the grapevine that Richard is a big fan of the golden shower. (lol) (lol)
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Well, the shower has arrived and it's a brilliant piece of kit, very powerful and has a 'flow' adjustment on it too which I didn't expect - I thought it'd just have an on/off lever - so that's a bonus.


It also means that if we take the canoes with us in the car, I can take some water to rinse them down ... similarly with the dogs if we go to the sea-side etc.


Might have to try it out on one of the dogs ... "here Romy, here Lily" ... where are the little monsters hiding now .... :D

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