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Something odd with threads


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If you are talking about troy's "help needed????" thread of April 3, then a response of yours seems to be present. If not, then who knows? Hopefully the Forum Moderator will be able to shed light on this. (See also my comments on Mel B's "Help with using the Forum please" enquiry.) I note too that the occasional thread has a 'poll' icon associated but no poll. This may be due to the originator pressing the wrong button I suppose (though it's hard to see how). I also noticed a recent addition to the "Ferry to France" thread that was initiated in December 2005. Worth highlighting perhaps that such additions will show up OK for those forum members who have selected the Sort by Last Post option for their screen display but, if Sort by Creation has been chosen, then there's every chance the late posting will remain 'lost' on an earlier page. As Sort by Creation appeared to be popular as a preference, this will need taking into consideration if people wish to comment on a past subject and want their voices to be heard or expect a reaction to their comments.
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I think the thread you're looking for is [url=http://forums.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=3998&posts=3]this one[/url]. I don't know why there were two of them initially (possibly the starter hit the 'Submit' button twice by mistake) but yes, I did delete one - only to keep all the replies in the same thread! Hope that allays your fears.
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