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Motorhome insurance


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My motorhome insurance runs out onthe 26th july and the road tax runs out on the 31st , so that i can get off on holiday i payed the insurance last week a week early and today tried to tax the van online , but it wouldnt let me because i wasnt insured , i told the insurance company about this and they told me the D V L A need to see the vehicle is taxed 14 days either side of the tax renewal date , so i then said but it is insured untill july 2012 , they then said it takes up to 14 days after the expiry date of my insurance for it to appear on the insurance database , i would have to go to the post office and do it in person and for future reference i should tax the van for 6 months so that this doesnt happen again . So much for the streamlining of the system , also what would happen if i was going abroad ? This anomally must happen and have happened thousands of times each month to thousands of people who who just happen to have tax and insurance dates clashing . Wake up insurance database and D V L A , do something about it . >:-(
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Similar problems here, renewal 31st already paid but no docs yet. Want to tax van - try online and you need to have the insurance db updated and allow 5 working days for delivery, cutting it fine for 1st Aug renewal.

Wait for paper docs to tax at PO at mercy of insurer and a prompt issue. 'Should' be here OK in next couple of days but........ 

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Always get the same problem our insurance runs out on 20th June tax on 30th, even though I paid the insurance on the 10th DVLA data base doesn't update until after the renewal date so you had to wait until the 22nd before I could renew tax online.

They appear to want everyone to tax online so they don't have to pay the PO handling fee so they should make their system workable, it would be reasonable to expect their system to handle insurance renewals up to 30 days prior to expiry. The system can cope with MOT's renewed early so why not insurance.


Oh! I forgot it's a government run institution not accountable to anyone funded by our taxes, that says it all. (lol)

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I agree lenny . best of all the i went online put inthe ref number from the tax reminder id got through the post a couple of weeks ago , and was told my 12 month old vehicle didnt exist , after trying a few days later it tells me im not insured , i give up , im going to go the 4 miles to the post office and ill tax the van for 6 months then i should have no more problems in the future , thats of course as long as i do 12 months each time . :$
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One of the reasons that they want you to tax your vehicles on-line is so that they can justify shutting down more post offices.


I taxed for six months years ago to avoid the 'holiday' problems and now renew in the winter.

I always make a point of using our local post office as much as possible ( just to annoy the politicians).





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