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Trends in 2012 Motorhomes


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Just bought the August/Sept. issue of Le Monde du Camping-Car, which includes 60 pages devoted to the coming years new models (well ahead of our mags it would seem). Main conclusion appears to be that trend this year is for evolution of models rather than revolution with introduction of innovative new ideas, layouts etc. Three main trends do seem to exist however:


The drop down double beds seen on many French motorhomes last year is now in evidence on many more models and other continental makes as well as French ones.


Van conversions are now being stretched past 6.00 m up to 6.5 m.


Interiors have on the whole a more modern, minimalist look, well removed from the old fashioned country cottage look for so long favoured by British makers.


It will be interesting to see if the Brits follow these trends in their 2012 models

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robertandjean - 2011-07-26 4:07 PM


Van conversions are now being stretched past 6.00 m up to 6.5 m.


Interiors have on the whole a more modern, minimalist look, well removed from the old fashioned country cottage look for so long favoured by British makers.


It will be interesting to see if the Brits follow these trends in their 2012 models


Our PVC is 6.36m and minimalist, so it looks like they are not changing anything :D

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Colin, have just checked and Globcar have a new model, Globescout Style with different bed layout and new interior style. Whilst you are right that some smaller producers like Globcar have made vans at 6.35m it is now that it seems main stream producers like Adria are moving in same way eg new Twin SPX. Point re more modern interiors relates more to coachbuilts where extra space means these new styles show off more.
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In France, most new models seem to be at least 7.5 metres long and hardly more expensive than the smaller ones. The bedroom occupies a lot of space with the centreline double beds and it is not so long since people were saying that fixed doubles would never catch on in Britain as they waste a so much space.


Convertors will use the longest panel vans available to them so as to take market share from coachbuilt vans and I am not surprised to hear that interiors are becoming simpler to keep the cost down, the same is happening with the latest motoryacht designs.


Handbuilt furniture as still used by UK builders is very expensive to produce, as can be seen from the prices being asked.

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I just wish the industry would decide collective, once and for all, to get out the beige phase they all seem to be mired in when it comes to interior fabrics. I don't want a return to bad old days of chintzy floral velours, but until manufacturers come up with some more practical, attractive colours and textiles I won't be spending any money with them,


Do no other owners stay on muddy fields sometimes, or go for walks in the country, or have dogs?

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robertandjean - 2011-07-26 8:44 PM


Colin, have just checked and Globcar have a new model, Globescout Style with different bed layout and new interior style. Whilst you are right that some smaller producers like Globcar have made vans at 6.35m it is now that it seems main stream producers like Adria are moving in same way eg new Twin SPX. Point re more modern interiors relates more to coachbuilts where extra space means these new styles show off more.


Well my post was a bit tongue in cheek as you proboly guessed, but here's a few things you might not be aware of. Globecar are one division of the largest motorhome group in europe, mine having been built by Dellefts, the Syle has been part of thier range for several years(but may have a new interior?) Adria have produced models on the 6.36m base for several years, in the Twin they have argueble the best of that type of layout, they have been unsuccesfully trying to produce a better version for several years, the SPX looks like another poor attempt.

I'm all in favour of the 'cleaner' lines used by european manufactururs, in UK we seem to have vans with decor that dates from the 80's but I guess they must apeal to a lot of people else they wouldn't sell.

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Thanks for info re Globecar, meant to say were small players in U.K. market not that they were not part of a larger group. To be honest our knowledge of van conversions is limited as we always buy coachbuilts nowadays prefering the extra living space they offer, although did start off our motorcaravanning almost 30 yeras ago with a tiny pop-up roof Fiat. Re van conversions at 6.35 m then afraid my French let me down a little here; on re-reading the point the mag was making is that more manufactures are going for this length like Adria have already done with some models. Hope this clears up any confusion; if you can get hold of a copy of Le Monde du Camping-Car sure you will find it interesting.

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