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When I laid up my Avantgarde 400 for the winter the Peugeot handbook recommended that the battery should be disconnected. Now I've put the van back on the road the engine management symbol(engine block) is constantly lit on the dash display. Can anyone tell me how to reset this,without going to a main dealer? Does it matter if it's not reset before the next service? Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks.
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As this is presumably a 'fault' warning-light, rather than a 'service needed' one, it would be a good idea to contact a Peugeot dealer about what best to do. 'Service needed' warning-symbol lights are intended to be reset and (if you are lucky) the vehicle's handbook will describe how to do this: 'fault' lights are another matter and one would expect the fault to need rectification before the light would go out. That's if there is a genuine fault of course, rather than just your vehicle's engine management system thinking there is!
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  • 3 weeks later...
The Light indicates a problem with the fuel injection system, an inbalance in the injectors or some other fault. Probably related to you being laid up for the winter. When the fault is fixed the light will extinguish but fault codes are stilll recorded by management sytem so can be checked by a dealer. Faults could have occured due to the diesel fuel in tank waxing up and clogging the fuel filter. The vehicle can still be driven slowly for short periods. You may find if you run the engine until warm and fill up with fresh diesel it will clear the fault caused by old diesel. It could also be other numerous things if it remains lit - exhaust sensor, fuel injection sensors, solenoids not operating and other things. The fault code read by dealer will say exactly what it detected being faulty.
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Brambles, thanks for your info.After reconnecting the battery I did 300 miles and never had any problems-van ran perfectly,so there aren't any faults. I reckon it's connected with the service interval timer that needs resetting. But I think it's stupid of Peugeot to advocate disconnecting the battery without mentioning this potential problem.
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As to whether the warning light is connected to the service timer I am not sure, It may well come on when the timer says you need a service, but if you are mid service, then it is detecting a fault while it is on. Something will be wrong somewhere and it needs to have the fault codes checked. You may end up in a situation where the engine managemnet system says it's had enough and stop you starting the engine. To get round that if it does happen, just in case, remove key, and if you have central locking, lock all doors, unlock and try again. As far as I know, the waming light does not latch on, it indicates current state of affairs. I will stand corrected if I am wrong. I know you say you run perfectly, you may well appear to, but something is not right if the light is on, be it low fuel pressure from Fuel tank to high pressure pump, partially blocked injetor to just a faulty sensor. Maybe one of the bypass valves sticking for emission control ... could be lots of things. Have you tried disconnecting the battery and reconnecting again after 20 mins to see if it cancels it.... worth a try I suppose. Anyway, I do hope you get it sorted and do post back the outcome..good luck.
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