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August MMM


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Just back from France and had a quick look at this months MMM. Must say now seems to be taking a more positive line towards use of aires, with a very good article on touring around the La Rochelle area just using aires, as well as a couple of pro-aires letters. Overall think mag has improved under new editor; keep up the good work Daniel!

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I agree, it has improved slightly, he needs to clear out some more of the dead wood. Certainly the move with the guy who covers older vehicles is certainly better. The whole mag is in a rut and I wait to see further improvements.


My daughter has bought me a years subscription for fathers day! What I was secretly hoping for was a decent pair of sheepskin slippers.

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Yes an improvement, nice article by Joyce McKenzie on Yorkshire dales and hunting castles by Mark Brownrigg.Nice article for improving your photo skills by David Chapman and yes great article by Catriona on Travel France. Travel site reviews could do with larger maps and GPS in the directions. Enough to keep most happy though.Lets hope it gets even better
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Thanks for the comments - feedback is always useful.

More improvements to MMM are on the way!

But we are also investing lots of time and energy on this website - updating it daily with news, adding more campsites to campsite finder, adding pictures to the new gallery, adding more competitions, uploading videos and reviews...

Just to emphasise there is loads more to this website than just the forum (as good as it is), so have a look round and see for yourself.

I'm on holiday next week - to Dorset in a Marquis Majestic motorhome with the twins.

Might even post some pictures on the gallery when I get back!


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I think that it should be remembered that the very nature of the magazine industry means that many items are prepared months in advance.

If you happen to get a letter published it is usually about 3 months from the time that you sent it in.

Articles can be even longer.

So much of the content of the recent issues will have been carried out under Mike and Jane's remit.

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spospe - 2011-08-11 4:51 PM


Anyone noticed that Peter Rosenthal has two Site Review entries in this edition? ;-)


I have noticed in earlier magazines (before I cancelled my subscription) that a site reviewer (not PR) had 2 site reviews in one month's magazine. Also certain contributors, who also contributed other articles regularly, seemed to have site reviews published VERY often. This is not sour grapes but I found it increasingly difficult to have site reviews published. It seemed to me that increasingly a smaller pool of writers were having site reviews and articles published regularly - almost you may say "in-house" writers.

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