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Vat on Fuel Duty?


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While processing some expenses i suddenly started to think about VAT.


At present Diesel is approximately £1.39.1p at the pumps, this breaks down as -


Fuel cost: - 57p per litre


Fuel duty - 57.95p


= £1.14 then


20% VAT - 23.18p


Isn't it wrong to charge Value Added Tax on a tax???? What 'value' go I gain from Fuel Duty and therefore why should I pay tax on it!


The government is taxing us on a tax! That's wjy it's called Rip Off Britain....

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It's the same on the continent. Tax on a tax look at your fuel receipts. Also on bills from restaurants bars shops there is an extra 5% local tax added in some areas same as the state tax in the states. This is one extra tax the Liberals want to bring in here in the uk. We can shout as loud as we like no government is going to listen. So I shrug my shoulders and pay up. I am only in this world once so I am going to enjoy it. You save for a pension and get taxed whilst doing so then you get taxed again when you draw on it Taxed at birth Taxed at death. so why worry..
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ham - 2011-08-04 10:55 AM


You save for a pension and get taxed whilst doing so then you get taxed again when you draw on it ..


This is incorrect you don't pay tax on pension contributions so I have no qualms paying tax on any pension I recieve. See




I really don't understand why the British are so parsimonious when it comes to paying tax, at the end of the day there is nothing for nothing in this world and the reason the country is in its current predicament is that people have not paid their fair share of tax over the years to cover what is being paid out as governments have tried to keep in power by not upsetting the electorate.

A very short sighted view, but understandable.


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Here's how it goes:


Gideon (call me George because Gideon sounds too posh) Osborne increases the VAT on fuel to 20% - adding about 3p. He complains about the oil companies making big profits and puts a windfall tax on them, and also on domestic gas supplies. Duty is reduced by 1p but the oil and gas companies put up their prices to cover the cost of the windfall tax. We end up paying 3p extra for the increased VAT rate; 1p less in duty balanced by an extra 1p charged by the oil companies; extra VAT on that 1p; and higher prices for domestic gas.


Oil companies make record profits (except for BP).

Gas companies make record profits.

The government gets extra revenue.

We pay for it,


Such is life!

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I don't mind paying taxes but hate hidden taxes and not knowing what our taxes are being spent on - the governmnet needs to clean up it's act and become accountable. Not much chance of that eh?


As a business owner I don't see why I should be an unpaid tax collector and have to employ someone to calculate tax owned.


The government should pay part of my bookkeeper's wage

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nowtelse2do - 2011-08-04 1:37 PM



Your savings are taxed unless there Isas




Again not correct, your savings are not taxed, only your income from the interest is taxed! At the end of the day, income is income however it is obtained and subject to tax above the allowances set against income.



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Bolly1965 - 2011-08-04 3:43 PM


I don't mind paying taxes but hate hidden taxes and not knowing what our taxes are being spent on - the governmnet needs to clean up it's act and become accountable. Not much chance of that eh?




Couldn't agree more.



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Basil - 2011-08-04 9:19 PM
Bolly1965 - 2011-08-04 3:43 PMI don't mind paying taxes but hate hidden taxes and not knowing what our taxes are being spent on - the governmnet needs to clean up it's act and become accountable. Not much chance of that eh?..................
Couldn't agree more.Bas

Actually governments in the western democracies couldn't be more accountable! If they don't perform we don't re-elect them, as compared to socialist countries and the Arab states, all of which seem to be run by family businesses.

I firmly believe that all governments that we've had are generally benevolent in that they genuinely try to improve the lot of their citizens. They may make mistakes but if you consider the huge strides in wealth, health and longevity over the last fifty years they've done a very good job.

Look back and remember your grandparents. How they lived, how long and hard they worked and how early they died.

I sometimes get frustrated with politicians but whatever their leanings, right or left, I believe that they have our interests at heart and not only because it is also in their interests.

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Whilst I agree to some extent with francis when reffering to our system compared to others in the world. I believe that, for example, the MP's expenses fiasco shows just how unaccountable those in power still are.

By accountability in taxation (which is what I was aggreeing to) I don't believe taxes should all be put into one pot then divied out amongst the departments, I would like to see for example the taxes taken for road use ONLY spent on the roads, those that are taken for National Insurance only spent on health and pensions. This will of course mean that adjustments would have to be made to the 'take' from various area's to ensure only those taxes taken from an area are spent in an area. Also there would need to be a certain 'pigeonholing' of spends into the area's of responsibility e.g. road taxes on roads perhaps income tax pays for defence etc..

The end result of this would show exactly what you are being 'charged' and where it is being spent and those that contribute to what and those that don't.

As usual, just my opinion!



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Basil - 2011-08-04 11:50 AM


ham - 2011-08-04 10:55 AM



I really don't understand why the British are so parsimonious when it comes to paying tax, at the end of the day there is nothing for nothing in this world and the reason the country is in its current predicament is that people have not paid their fair share of tax over the years to cover what is being paid out as governments have tried to keep in power by not upsetting the electorate.

A very short sighted view, but understandable.



I don't agree that the Brits are 'parsimonious' about paying tax....I think we all realise taxes are essential in the way the UK - and most other countries- finance things.

Where I think a lot of people strongly object is that in many case (most??) we see so much of what we pay in various taxes is simply wasted.

If most Government Departments were run as a Company, for example, they would have been out of business many years ago,and there is simply no point in just throwing money at things - all that happens in most cases is that those in charge simply have a bigger taek in their own pay packet.

Quite simply, the spending by the 'country' (ie Government and local government etc) simply has to realise that economies have to be made, just as most ordinary citizens do, and only spend what is wihtin the 'income'......in most spheres we need to go back to basics, reduce the 'overheads' and learn to live (country and people) within income.

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Basil - 2011-08-04 9:14 PM


nowtelse2do - 2011-08-04 1:37 PM



Your savings are taxed unless there Isas




Again not correct, your savings are not taxed, only your income from the interest is taxed! At the end of the day, income is income however it is obtained and subject to tax above the allowances set against income.




I stand corrected Bas, but reluctantly :-D



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Keith T - 2011-08-07 1:02 PM


I don't agree that the Brits are 'parsimonious' about paying tax....I think we all realise taxes are essential in the way the UK - and most other countries- finance things.

Where I think a lot of people strongly object is that in many case (most??) we see so much of what we pay in various taxes is simply wasted.

If most Government Departments were run as a Company, for example, they would have been out of business many years ago,and there is simply no point in just throwing money at things - all that happens in most cases is that those in charge simply have a bigger taek in their own pay packet.

Quite simply, the spending by the 'country' (ie Government and local government etc) simply has to realise that economies have to be made, just as most ordinary citizens do, and only spend what is wihtin the 'income'......in most spheres we need to go back to basics, reduce the 'overheads' and learn to live (country and people) within income.


I would agree in the main, particularly with regard to knowing what they are spending our money on, but I wish I had the same belief that the average Brit does not mind paying tax. I still find the majority of people that I know, or hear of, feel that they shouldn't have to pay tax. How many people leave the country to find 'tax havens' or find ways of not paying tax, maybe within the rules but morally corupt in my opinion? Everyone you speak to complains that they are overtaxed, how many times have you heard 'they tax my pension', completely forgetting that they payed no tax on the payments into their scheme thus affording a larger payout when claimed, notwithstanding the current mismanagement of private schemes.


The one thing I have never complained about is paying tax, I just would like to see more clearly what they are spending it on, so in that much we agree!



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